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Last Posted April 21, 2021 at 11:36 PM
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#59 It's about time for a promod in TF2 General Discussion
Kond3PNub_Danishdumbing things down to appeal to idiots is never a good idea.
hello are you dumb
Would you like to give a well structured reply and tell why it is a good idea?

im not saying it's a good idea necessarily i was referring to why i said he was an elitist fuckwit and i did in a earlier post address why removal of "hidden" mechanics like bunny hopping or ctapping can be beneficial, but there are other better options i think
im asking if he's dumb becuase he doesn't seem to realize why that what he said gives off the impression that he thinks he better or smarter than people
also stop straw manning me send

posted about 8 years ago
#54 It's about time for a promod in TF2 General Discussion
sendNub_DanishsendNub_Danishi like how everyone whos responded to me has shown the elitist attitude that i was talking about
it's like you people want this succeed but you don't want to make any changes yourself or compromises
because we don't want every game to be a stupid fucking moba like overwatch we're elitists?
no your elitist becuase you think your better or smarter than everyone else the fact that you dont like overwatch has nothing to do with it
what did i say to make you believe that's what i thought

dumbing things down to appeal to idiots is never a good idea.
hello are you dumb

posted about 8 years ago
#52 It's about time for a promod in TF2 General Discussion
the301stspartanNub_Danishi like how everyone whos responded to me has shown the elitist attitude that i was talking about
it's like you people want this succeed but you don't want to make any changes yourself or compromises

I believe nobody except toads_tf responded to you.
His post is very constructive. I think you are projecting your preconceived opinion onto everyone.

send is the only person who has responded to me
toads did what everyone seems to do blame valve for not supporting competitive earlier which isnt surprising at all because tf2 wasn't designed with competitive in mind
now that valve is trying to support comp they;re doing a pretty bad job i'll agree, but my point is the community was killing itself before valve even came along the game mode and community just haven't attracted players
people have known about comp when i first started playing like 5 or 6 years ago before i even started playing i knew about comp, but it didnt seem appealing alll the pubbers i talked to knew about comp they tried it and didnt like it and the few who did like it didn't really like 6s they liked HL
why do you expect valve to put so much effort into helping comp to thrive when they're not really evidence to suggest it will grow to the size of dota or cs it would seem a lot more profitable for them to just continue appealing to pubbers who like the "memes" because they have to invest less money and they're a guaranteed payout
and the comp community isn't a large portion of the games playerbase i the invite finals get like 1k viewers thats 2 percent of the tf2 community turning up for the biggest match of the season

posted about 8 years ago
#51 It's about time for a promod in TF2 General Discussion
sendNub_Danishi like how everyone whos responded to me has shown the elitist attitude that i was talking about
it's like you people want this succeed but you don't want to make any changes yourself or compromises
because we don't want every game to be a stupid fucking moba like overwatch we're elitists?

no your elitist becuase you think your better or smarter than everyone else the fact that you dont like overwatch has nothing to do with it

posted about 8 years ago
#46 It's about time for a promod in TF2 General Discussion

i like how everyone whos responded to me has shown the elitist attitude that i was talking about
it's like you people want this succeed but you don't want to make any changes yourself or compromises

posted about 8 years ago
#44 It's about time for a promod in TF2 General Discussion
AvastNub_DanishAdnurakTideTF2I think what TF2 really needs at this point is a spiritual successor.
Maybe when source 2 finally comes out.
I'm inclined to agree. These days the way I think about it is: Overwatch is the League of Legends to our DotA, now we're just waiting on our own Dota 2.
Show Content
it's never going to happen
tf2 has no strategic depth
comparison between tf2 and overwatch is honestly retarded tf2s skill comes almost entirely from mechanics whereas overwatch internationally dumbed down some mechanics to allow other components of skill to thrive,granted a lot of it was probably just to bring in more casual players who don't want to learn nuanced mechanics like bunny hopping, rocket jumping, surfing, and air strafing.
I enjoy those mechanics too, but the problem with them is there almost secrets to alot of new players, people have literally made it to invite without knowing what ctapping i don't think new players want to be hindered because they don't know about "secret mechanics". So the options are remove them entirely or try to compose lengthy ingame tutorials to teach people the mechanics they chose option one and i can understand why.

Connor your inability to use the correct version of there/their/they're infuriates me.

i do it just for u buddy

posted about 8 years ago
#41 It's about time for a promod in TF2 General Discussion
AdnurakTideTF2I think what TF2 really needs at this point is a spiritual successor.
Maybe when source 2 finally comes out.
I'm inclined to agree. These days the way I think about it is: Overwatch is the League of Legends to our DotA, now we're just waiting on our own Dota 2.
Show Content
it's never going to happen

tf2 has no strategic depth
comparison between tf2 and overwatch is honestly retarded tf2s skill comes almost entirely from mechanics whereas overwatch internationally dumbed down some mechanics to allow other components of skill to thrive,granted a lot of it was probably just to bring in more casual players who don't want to learn nuanced mechanics like bunny hopping, rocket jumping, surfing, and air strafing.
I enjoy those mechanics too, but the problem with them is there almost secrets to alot of new players, people have literally made it to invite without knowing what ctapping i don't think new players want to be hindered because they don't know about "secret mechanics". So the options are remove them entirely or try to compose lengthy ingame tutorials to teach people the mechanics they chose option one and i can understand why.

posted about 8 years ago
#274 best pub quotes in TF2 General Discussion
flyingbuddyQuasimofo: flyingbuddy fuck you your a fucking hacker
flyingbuddy: ?
Quasimofo: don't fucking deny it no one can hit that many headshots you retard

warlocked: sorry for my movement I'm using a controller
Trojs: same XD
stickyfingers: XD

humble brag my dude?

posted about 8 years ago
#24 It's about time for a promod in TF2 General Discussion

I'm kinda getting sick of people blaming valve for the competitive community to take off.
I don't know about now, but 1 or 2 years ago 6s was fairly balanced bad broken unlocks were banned etc and people knew about the community they're just not interested.
Everyone seems to fail to grasp that tf2 comp doesn't appeal to casual or less competitive players.

-Theres no money so tournaments aren't exciting to watch and there's no incentive to get really good

-Gameplay is really slow. often there's more intensive not to push rather than to push especially at low levels, for example pushing out of the last with a single pick and even ubers can be quite difficult for low level teams, you have to worry about demo traps, backcaps, getting forced too early, etc this results in people being encouraged to sit at last and just counter sack the rest of the team just sits there.

Heck back in the day top teams would literally just sack someone into last over and over agian or have them swap to sniper and wait for them to get a pick. b4nny would have his team setup on second when they had a lead and wait for you to try to push out of last 6v6. This sure sounds like super fast paced exciting gameplay
current high level tf2 is certainly faster paced than it used to be, but it still isn't as fast paced as cs or even overwatch

- and this ones mostly just my opinion but this community has fallen into the same elitest trap that killed quake

posted about 8 years ago
#18 what is your favourite meme? in The Dumpster

i am fearful that my taste in memes will be judged so i shall not tell a soul

posted about 8 years ago
#23 whats the secret to quitting this game? in TF2 General Discussion

slowly come to hate everything about the game and everyone who plays whilst your friends are quitting should make it pretty easy

posted about 8 years ago
#3 New update broke mge? in TF2 General Discussion

valve is finally putting all there effort into destroying the comp community god bless

posted about 8 years ago
#169 oldschool runescape in Other Games
SetletRS3 LUL

Also, my stats after a long motivation break

rs3 actually has a much smaller bot population which is nice

posted about 8 years ago
#165 oldschool runescape in Other Games

TFW runescape has a esports scene sponsored by ESL

tfw runescape has a bigger comp scene then tf2

posted about 8 years ago
#89 ESEA Invite S24 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
cookiejakei played 3 esea matches on scout and did sub 100 dpm does that count as ever maining scout

i distinctly remember playing in with a young scout main named cookiejake with aspirations of grandeur you literally had a avatar of a cookie scout thing
1:20 PM - ckj: are you tryna get slapped boy
hes threatening me now feelsscaredman

posted about 8 years ago
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