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Signed Up July 24, 2013
Last Posted April 21, 2021 at 11:36 PM
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#900 Donald Trump in World Events
Collaide He doesn't care about outsourced jobs, if he did, he wouldn't produce his own ties in china.

You don't get to be a billionaire by making bad business decisions, spending 10 times more to produce something is a bad business decision. People seem to dislike trump because hes against free trade because the usa is losing out in a free market against places that can produce things much cheaper, he talks constantly about imposing tarifs to help the us work force.

posted about 8 years ago
#867 Donald Trump in World Events
SpaceCadetNub_DanishI mean it's not just him whos said it obama and pretty much every high ranking person has said this. And i don't understand the logic behind everyone thinking trump would bring about world war 3 he's said he wants to have a friendlier relation with russia (its not really a world war without russia they got all the nukes) and I haven't heard anything that would start a war from him other than his plans to stop isis.
They don't have "all the nukes" and building more Nuclear Weapons at this point is meaningless on a strategic level. I believe building more Nuclear Weapons is more careless than anything else because just creating the weapon means it can fall into the wrong hands. Nobody wins in a nuclear war and tactical nuclear strikes are completely out of the question for major powers. You cannot win a Nuclear war on a first strike basis because:

Both sides have the ultimate deterrent that would guarantee mutual destruction. We have our 14+ Ohio class submarines lurking in the water with 24 Trident Missiles and the Russians have Typhoon and Borei class subs with comparable armament. That much silent and hidden nuclear power is more than enough to destroy the whole planet.

all the nukes is just a meme way of saying they're a nuclear superpower and they have more nukes than the usa

posted about 8 years ago
#843 Donald Trump in World Events
mustardoverlordNub_Danishmustardoverlordif you think we're gonna end up in a true (non-cold) war with russia over assad in 2016, after about 70 years of various antagonistic actions towards pro-russian regimes in the middle east, I don't know what to tell you

i'd be a lot more worried with hillary killing a lot of innocent syrian civilians, or assad's removal leading to a power vacuum that isis wins, if anything
I don't know what kind of war would be entailed, all i know is that the united states marine corps general says that to enforce it it would mean going to war with syria and russia.

It's true that the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff said that, but there is no requirement for me to agree with him

The bottom line is, Hillary's foreign policy is pretty neo-conservative and by far the worst element of her platform, I'm not challenging that

I just think that painting her as the MORE likely candidate to start WWIII is pretty disingenuous

I mean it's not just him whos said it obama and pretty much every high ranking person has said this. And i don't understand the logic behind everyone thinking trump would bring about world war 3 he's said he wants to have a friendlier relation with russia (its not really a world war without russia they got all the nukes) and I haven't heard anything that would start a war from him other than his plans to stop isis.

posted about 8 years ago
#841 Donald Trump in World Events
mustardoverlordif you think we're gonna end up in a true (non-cold) war with russia over assad in 2016, after about 70 years of various antagonistic actions towards pro-russian regimes in the middle east, I don't know what to tell you

i'd be a lot more worried with hillary killing a lot of innocent syrian civilians, or assad's removal leading to a power vacuum that isis wins, if anything

I don't know what kind of war would be entailed, all i know is that the united states marine corps general says that to enforce it it would mean going to war with syria and russia.

posted about 8 years ago
#839 Donald Trump in World Events
mitchcliff123Simple as this, if Donald Trump becomes president, we are fucked

I mean hillary wants to start a war with russia
edit to lessen minus frags? she wants to put a no fly zone in syria which to enforce would entail going to war with russia

posted about 8 years ago
#20 how do i go off the grid? in Off Topic

I hear killing yourself is a pretty good way of making people think your dead, you should try that elliot.

posted about 8 years ago
#72 wat is your biggest regret in Off Topic

not cutting you when we went to play invite

posted about 8 years ago
#725 Donald Trump in World Events
-protoviscamusCitricI want this election to be over so that all my canadian friends here at school (I'm from the US and go to university in canada) stop making fun of me for donald trump
just make fun of how awful trudeau is?
trudeau has pretty high approval ratings here in canada, im surprised you think hes awful.

hes under 50 percent last i checked, i wouldnt say thats high and in alberta its like 30

posted about 8 years ago
#3069 THE GREAT TF.TV CHALLENGE in Off Topic thinking about blues god bless him the little heavy main

posted about 8 years ago
#41 ESEA S23 W2: Meat Market vs. this game used to be fun in Matches

Alright who let skeez into invite cuz you've got some explaining to do...

posted about 8 years ago
#198 ESEA-O S23 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

4:21 PM - Nursey #: connor
4:21 PM - Nursey #: if u throw ur match tonight
4:21 PM - Nursey #: i get laid
4:22 PM - Conbud: how
4:22 PM - Nursey #: someone told me they would give me sex if u throw tonight
4:22 PM - Nursey #: so do a friend a favor
4:22 PM - Conbud: who
4:22 PM - Nursey #: and get me laid
4:22 PM - Nursey #: numbers
9:19 PM - Conbud: nursey i tried so hard
9:20 PM - Conbud: to lose
10:32 PM - Nursey #: U got me laid
10:32 PM - Conbud: lmao

posted about 8 years ago
#193 ESEA-O S23 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

gg to Daijoubu very intense match

posted about 8 years ago
#20 Sinful Gaming disbands in News
saambearodactylFuck you snivy we had split too even though he was in the shower half the time he's still a player -_-
Not to mention the resident gayweeb hellbent
Wrech left because he did like sub 200dpm on viaduct, hellbent and split weren't ringers
Also fuck you camper suck my dick let's see you not go 0-16 with a mute pocket and ggglygy scout

ranga is a god tier pocket you just need to be able to communicate with him telepathically

when i wasn't on tilt and we got that telepathy going we actually did quite well, unfortunately i was tilted 90 percent of the time because how bad wrech was or ictus and chris being meme machines

posted about 8 years ago
#26 dead babies mad gunz swaps MR SLIN for cookiejake in News
trippai got cucked to roamer its step 1 of getting cut pray for me

we'll be in contact

posted about 8 years ago
#248 Vent your anger in Off Topic
bearodactylNurseyI had to go through a lot of effort to get my passport in time for i58 only to hear no one wanted to go a few days later.BUT YOU SAID IT YOURSELF ON STREAM LAST NIGHT YOU WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN ABLE TO GO IN THE FIRST PLACE BECAUSE YOU STILL DON'T HAVE YOUR PASSPORT NOW

Having known nursey for like 4 years alot of things she says don't add up lil lie machine

posted about 8 years ago
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