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Last Posted April 21, 2021 at 11:36 PM
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#213 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion
CorsaMumaCorsavlad went from ugc steel to "best sniper" in hl in 6 months. shocker.i think my favorite thing about this is corsa acting like he knew vlad was hacking but still playing on the hl team with vlad so he can finally win hl =/
ya pretty sure we wouldve won that 8v9

funny story, i knew vlad ~2 years ago from svs servers and he would shittalk me and other players (while being like steel level) saying how he was better than some plat snipers at the time. guess he wanted to prove himself right!!!

if this is true vlad truly is a sad and pathetic individual smh

posted about 8 years ago
#198 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion

If ugc doesn't change there policy for cheaters they're literally retarded, if someone pays for cheats would it not be safe to assume they will use them for grand finals? And they're no way from watching a demo where you can decide whether someone is cheating, yes you can go "ya this guy is definitely cheating" and you could be right or wrong, but that's not really proof. The only way you can gain proof is if the cheats are detected. Unfortunately by ugc rules you have to be detected during the match for the match to be overturned for you cheating, or this demo reviewing system to see whether people are cheating.

posted about 8 years ago
#22 eL cLaSsIcO wins ESEA Season 21 Intermediate in News
epiIMO, TFTV admins aren't obligated to follow our requests - no matter how common-sense they may seem - because they are volunteers. Regardless, I hate spoilers as much as the next guy, so I wrote a script to hopefully make things a little less spoilery.

it would be nice tho

posted about 8 years ago
#15 eL cLaSsIcO wins ESEA Season 21 Intermediate in News
dMenaceWho knows. I thought it was generally accepted that if you don't want to know something don't go looking for it.

on the side of the site that is the hub for all the tf2 things isn't looking for the results

posted about 8 years ago
#73 ESEA-IM S21 Grand Finals: dog1 vs. eL cLaSsIcO in Events
Air_mustardoverlordwait a minute, how much of this prize pool am I getting???I'll give you 50 dollars of mine if you want it.

he does not deserve

posted about 8 years ago
#15 Where to play beginner PUGs in TF2 General Discussion

theres the mix version of pugchamp its link from the pugchamp website i believe

posted about 8 years ago
#67 ESEA-IM S21 Grand Finals: dog1 vs. eL cLaSsIcO in Events
likoyou guys literally dont deserve

I mean I would've liked to beat you too, but things don't always turn out the way you'd like.

posted about 8 years ago
#53 ESEA-IM S21 Grand Finals: dog1 vs. eL cLaSsIcO in Events

ez pz lemon squeezy

posted about 8 years ago
#21 ESEA-IM S21 Grand Finals: dog1 vs. eL cLaSsIcO in Events

Go wrech!

posted about 8 years ago
#346 b4nny v thalash in TF2 General Discussion
mustardoverlordthe one thing I'll say, not in defense of b4nny but as an admonition to everyone else here, is that you can look pretty silly if you start diagnosing people over the internet and telling them to seek help etc.

like if you do it as a joke or just to toss an insult back at someone in the middle of an argument that's fine, but don't act all high and mighty like you ain't got problems too

that being said, SOLELY in the context of tf2, b4nny definitely has issues admitting anything is his fault ever, like to a greater degree than anyone else

I guess years of everyone calling you pipe jesus and stuff will do that to a guy

whats your excuse you've been called a noob for years

posted about 8 years ago
#45 froyotech stuns Ronin, wins ESEA Season 21 in News
NurseyYou lose absolutely nothing by changing the title to what clockwork suggested.

You think they're just doing it out spite at this point?

posted about 8 years ago
#91 mumble comm quirks in TF2 General Discussion
Nurseyif a scout every randomly runs in and two shot me i sometimes say "fucking shrugger" no matter who that scout is

back when i was one the team it was
"connor what are you doing you let thast scout kill me!!!!!!!!!!!"

posted about 8 years ago
#154 Watch: College Kids idea of identity in The Dumpster

alright mustard anything is fattening u dum fuck its calories in calories out that is how it works you could just drink skim milk which has very low calories but who would want that its basicly water

posted about 8 years ago
#150 Watch: College Kids idea of identity in The Dumpster
eeeyou're going to have a bad time explaining the subtleties of taxonomy to nerds who couldn't finish freshmen biology :(

the defining line between species, subspecies, and races is basically nonexistent. From any sort of criteria that you can come up with that isn't phenotypic, it's basically impossible to differentiate blacks, whites, asians, etc.

i mean u could just look at em tbh fam unless ur blind, oooh sorry to discriminate

posted about 8 years ago
#148 Watch: College Kids idea of identity in The Dumpster
i have more sources saying essentially the same thing about the relevance of race in medicine if you wanna get past the first paragraph of any of them

Are you trolling? This paper also says there's no basis for biological racial its right there in the title

I refuse to believe someone is seriously this dumb
it supports the idea of differences based on ancestry not just black, white, yellow etc which supports the arrangement I've made that people are not inherently equal and your ancestry not race in the traditional sense does mean that people are genetically superior and inferior from one another not necessarily based on the race as in skin color and what not because race is not specific enough

this is a far cry from what you said earlier
Nub_Danishraces can be genetically superior to one another this is correct
But no, that paper is literally saying that race is a social construct, from the first paragraph to the last, perhaps you were confused by the wording?? i know words are hard

"As a biological rather than a social construct, “race” has ceased to be seen as a fundamental reality characterizing the human species. "

"If it were admitted that the category of “race” is a purely social construct, however, it would have a weakened legitimacy. Thus, there have been repeated attempts to reassert the objective biological reality of human racial categories despite the evidence to the contrary."

All of this ignores the other completely stupid part of the argument

Even if you can isolate some specific genetic trait as being isolated to one 'race' (for instance, caucasians being much more lactose-tolerant than most other groups), how does that make a race 'superior' or 'inferior'? That terminology is so loaded and meaningless
How could being lactose intolerant being anything but inferior smh

because you don't have to drink milk to live a happy life...?

But having the option to drink milk is a benefit eh?

posted about 8 years ago
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