My names oxy, and I am from Australia.
Very recently I have started live casting Australian Highlander, along with my good friends Scoots, Ylvenski and Edit. Given that Scoots and Ylvenski are both part of the teamfortress.tv collective we felt it would be a wise move for us to create a new twitch channel that we can all use without favoring one members channel over the others.
While there is a few casting groups that focus on OWL/Ozfortress we are trying to set ourselves apart by casting Australian Steel and Platinum highlander. Currently our streams are rather opportunistic going for games that are played outside of the standard Monday 8PM. As we go into playoffs we are all very keen to cast some high level Plat TF2.
This evening we cast one of our more official games on Ylvenski's Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/ylvenski/b/548043526 The game starts at 53 Mins in.
During this game we had around 40 viewers for the whole game despite it being a low tier steel game and peaked at around 55 views. I am very excited to see what kind of views we could get with support from Teamfortress.TV, as well as providing more structured casting coming into playoffs.
Casting in Australia is usually only reserved for the high end, big ticket matches. We are all really keen to support the Australian TF2 environment and increase our footprint as having a good casting community.
I currently play for the team "Blue Bloods". (http://www.ugcleague.com/team_page.cfm?clan_id=11655)
This is only our first season. I play core pyro for them, though I have subbed to scout.
I am also a UGC admin for Australia, and i am keen to see the Australian scene expand.
Our twitch page: http://www.twitch.tv/AUSTF
My steam page: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198049809880/
Thanks for reading this big block of text!
Kind regards,