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Signed Up September 13, 2015
Last Posted November 20, 2017 at 11:50 AM
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#57 NA Panda Pugs Summer Tournament - Sponsored by EVL in TF2 General Discussion

only 9 more slots left!
4 scouts
1 roamer
2 pocket
1 medic
1 demo

posted about 8 years ago
#56 NA Panda Pugs Summer Tournament - Sponsored by EVL in TF2 General Discussion

Slots almost gone! Sign yourself up quick!

posted about 8 years ago
#55 NA Panda Pugs Summer Tournament - Sponsored by EVL in TF2 General Discussion
vysewhen would the team rosters be released?

They will be out by the 10th at the latest. That's all I really know. I'm going to be very busy until Tuesday, however the other admins can work on it. It will definitely be posted during the upcoming week. (:

posted about 8 years ago
#48 NA Panda Pugs Summer Tournament - Sponsored by EVL in TF2 General Discussion
AkinfenwaIsoTournament Sign-up PageSign in to your Google account to fill out this formWhy?
I'll ask Panda to fix it. Thanks for bringing it up.

Fixed. Thanks.

posted about 8 years ago
#45 NA Panda Pugs Summer Tournament - Sponsored by EVL in TF2 General Discussion

nice meme <3

posted about 8 years ago
#39 NA Panda Pugs Summer Tournament - Sponsored by EVL in TF2 General Discussion
domthewhiteguy-protothis seems like a big joke to me, good effort but these rules are absolutely ridiculous.

also why wouldnt you let a few euros play? theyre the ones dealing with the higher ping not you.

i agree

i understand what you are trying to do with this tournament and make it reflective of a pug like atmosphere but i honestly rather join with my team. i dont understand why everyone is subjected to be on a pug team. i feel as if, just like any other tournament, you should allow teams to enter and whatever team spots are left can be filled with a pug team or designate 2 of the 8 spots to pug teams.

i realize its a smaller tournament which has influence on why you want it to be pug styled and so that everyone has a fair chance of playing but what if im on a team with someone i have previous bad experiences with and/or some players being better/have more experience/higher expectations of their teammates in a team environment will just lead to it being toxic.

just my thoughts and im sure others agree.

Please, as I stated before three times now:

Panda-Dave. Due to the small size of the tournament, teams will be created randomly with admin influence. Please, if this is a problem for you, do not enter yourself in the tournament. This reduces hassle for everyone. We want this to be an enjoyable experience for everybody that comes out to play. (:

I'm sorry you don't like that. If we had more players in the tournament we would consider having teams/groups of people being entered rather than individual players. Again, sorry for your inconvenience.

posted about 8 years ago
#37 NA Panda Pugs Summer Tournament - Sponsored by EVL in TF2 General Discussion
-protothis seems like a big joke to me, good effort but these rules are absolutely ridiculous.

also why wouldnt you let a few euros play? theyre the ones dealing with the higher ping not you.

this is what happens when low level highlander players try and run and a 6s tourny

I'm taking what you guys said into consideration about changing the rules as I stated here:

Panda-DaveWe can definitely change these rules. We'd love for you guys to have fun at this tournament without boring rules, however we thought it might bring more structure to our tournament. But, if you guys think off-classing rules aren't that big of a deal in a tournament we can definitely do without them. However do you guys consider spy/pyro/heavy to mid "throwing"?Just let me know by either upvoting/quoting with your opinion please. We want this to be an enjoyable experience for all of you guys.

I also don't like the idea of Europeans being in the tournament because the high ping will hinder their team and players will most likely complain. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

posted about 8 years ago
#31 NA Panda Pugs Summer Tournament - Sponsored by EVL in TF2 General Discussion
VouriPanda-DaveVouriCan EU players participate?
We'd love for you guys to, however I don't think our servers would support you guys. Your high ping would almost render you unplayable.
If they're East coast, 100ms isn't that bad tbh.

I'm really sorry for the inconvenience, but we're trying to make this tournament NA only :/.

posted about 8 years ago
#30 NA Panda Pugs Summer Tournament - Sponsored by EVL in TF2 General Discussion
domthewhiteguyi know i cant sign my team up but can i at least pair up with someone else? just curious

That's a great question. However, the answer to that question is going to have to be a no. We discussed this a lot, actually, but we decided that it just makes it a lot harder to create teams with the amount of people that we are hosting. The combinations of the different pairs of people would have to fit with other groups of pairs. This could leave some people that signed up out of the tournament.

posted about 8 years ago
#29 NA Panda Pugs Summer Tournament - Sponsored by EVL in TF2 General Discussion
swyif admins are picking the teams how can someone signing up make sure that they're gonna be playing with people that they enjoy playing with and that are of a similar skill level

playing on a randomly selected toxic pug team doesn't sound fun
Panda-DaveDue to the small size of the tournament, teams will be created randomly with admin influence. Please, if this is a problem for you, do not enter yourself in the tournament. This reduces hassle for everyone. We want this to be an enjoyable experience for everybody that comes out to play. (:
posted about 8 years ago
#24 NA Panda Pugs Summer Tournament - Sponsored by EVL in TF2 General Discussion
Buttface_JonesHow much competitive experience is expected from the participants?Panda-DaveNow, this is going to be a small, friendly NA 6v6 tournament consisting of 48 players from silver/open to create 8 teams.

We say this is a tournament for silver/open, however steel players can participate too. This tournament should not be for extremely new players or extremely experienced players.

posted about 8 years ago
#22 NA Panda Pugs Summer Tournament - Sponsored by EVL in TF2 General Discussion
Muteneato, when will we know our teams?

As soon as we have enough players signed up.

posted about 8 years ago
#21 NA Panda Pugs Summer Tournament - Sponsored by EVL in TF2 General Discussion
tiptoeswill the servers actually be good during the tournament, unlike the ultiduo tournament?

The servers are from EVL Gaming and are located in Dallas.

posted about 8 years ago
#20 NA Panda Pugs Summer Tournament - Sponsored by EVL in TF2 General Discussion
VouriCan EU players participate?

We'd love for you guys to, however I don't think our servers would support you guys. Your high ping would almost render you unplayable.

posted about 8 years ago
#19 NA Panda Pugs Summer Tournament - Sponsored by EVL in TF2 General Discussion
saamI feel like you don't really need these pug rules for a tournament, people should be allowed to play however they think is optimal.

We can definitely change these rules. We'd love for you guys to have fun at this tournament without boring rules, however we thought it might bring more structure to our tournament. But, if you guys think off-classing rules aren't that big of a deal in a tournament we can definitely do without them. However do you guys consider spy/pyro/heavy to mid "throwing"?Just let me know by either upvoting/quoting with your opinion please. We want this to be an enjoyable experience for all of you guys.

posted about 8 years ago
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