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Signed Up July 18, 2012
Last Posted October 20, 2013 at 6:21 PM
Posts 32 (0 per day)
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#44 Free civ 5 or mafia 2 in Off Topic

Hey everyone, I just checked and GMG is resuming the promotion. If you couldn't get the free game, do it now and fast because I don't know when it will end.

posted about 11 years ago
#74 Dota 6.79 in Other Games
ThomasduhtrainI'm not exactly knowledgeable with the whole stack and pull mechanics, but can't radiant still just pull into their small camp and after that if the wave isn't dead pull into the camp behind it? I mean i understand the xp share with neutral creeps is a large change, but for the most part when you soaked up xp from an enemies pull the xp from the actual creep wave was the main priority right?

I mean i guess that the off laners now can end up with a bit more xp than normal, but doesn't a safe lane stacking and pulling still accomplish equilibrium near the safe lanes tower, or flat out free farm? I mean supports might be a bit more xp starved, but in the end a lot of their xp is from killing higher level'd people. Plus from games i've spectated with actual good teams in them, supports a lot of the time end up roaming in the laning stage setting up ganks and such.

The easiest solution: Block the pull camp (Now wards lasts 1 more minute) and everything will be the same as in 6.78 with only the creep equilibrium closer to the off-line tower (I think it will be next to the secret shop. If it's closer to the off-lane tower, it will be too safe for the off-laner even if he's solo against a dual lane/trilane).

I think Bounty Hunter will be the go-to hero for the off-lane in this patch with the return of classic off-laners like Tidehunter, Magnus, Beastmaster and more (now that bottle crowing is nerfed again with the 3 minute flying courier BS).

And the return of Clinkz too, now that Searing Arrows bonus damage goes through BKB.

posted about 11 years ago
#65 Dota 6.79 in Other Games
downpourdo people not understand how expensive dagon and ethereal are and how bad they are on him, even with his invis buff
like it would just be awful to get those on him

- Phase boots (Now it doesn't break invis)
- Drums
- Orb of Venom (For the slow instead of Purge from Diffusal)
- Yasha
- Ethereal blade
- Dagon 5

With this build you're good to go to troll in low skill pubs.

posted about 11 years ago
#33 esdf in Off Topic

I use WASD mostly, but in really fast-paced games without a lot of key binds, I use the numeric pad (8456) because I'm left-handed (using mouse with my left hand) and the numpad configuration let me use the thumb (The thumb moves more freely than the little finger and disrupts less the index, middle and ring fingers) for more keys than WASD (With WASD I only use the thumb to press Control, Alt and Shift).

posted about 11 years ago
#60 Dota 6.79 in Other Games

It's obvious that Riki with Dagon will only work against low skill people. Decent players will buy sentry wards/dust/gem during the match the moment they see the enemy team picks Riki.

But using E-blade + Dagon in low skill games will be fun. Think about all the ragequits this build will generate.

posted about 11 years ago
#58 Dota 6.79 in Other Games
MrPoT4tO*Reads patch notes* *Looks for dagon. Nothing comes up*

Laser beams are safe.

Riki with Ethereal Blade + Dagon 5. You don't even get out of invisibility.

If he's still not dead after that, use Smoke Screen + Diffusal to secure the kill with right-clicks boosted by Backstab.

PS: If you want laser beams, Skywrath Aghanim's upgrade makes his ultimate have 0 cooldown. Add KotL's Chakra and OD's Essence Aura and you can start the laser rain.

posted about 11 years ago
#24 Dota 6.79 in Other Games

2k movement speed Bloodseeker:

This patch is full of sh!t:
- Axe new Culling Blade
- Bloodseeker
- Clinkz's Searing Arrows going through BKB
- Enigma new Aghanim's upgrade
- Nightstalker Ultimate
- Pudge can buy Blink Dagger now.
- Riki using items and abilities while being invisible (Use Diffusal + Smoke and still be invisible. And DAGON 5)
- Mixed feelings about Rubick new Aghanim's upgrade
- Skywrath Aghanim's upgrade 0 cd (OD + Skywrath new meta)
- Slark's buff to his Ultimate (4 seconds of invisibility even if the enemy has sentry wards/gem)
- Vengeful Spirit can buy Blink Dagger (This is the new Batrider: Ulti + Blink = Free kill)

And this is without counting the changes to courier, boots (Tranquil OP again), neutral creeps and so on.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Vote for my friend! in Off Topic

Jonas Brothers...

posted about 11 years ago
#28 Your Biggest Regrets in Off Topic

My biggest regret is studying Chemistry in the university instead of trying to become a Preschool/Elementary school teacher. It's not like I hate chemistry (I like it and if everything goes well, I will finish my degree next year), but when you see a kid grow (learn the alphabet, start writing and reading, simple math operations, etc.) knowing that you were helping him/her with all that, it's the best feeling ever.

posted about 11 years ago
#65 Giveaway contest for all-stars! in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#220 Origins of Your Name/Alias in Off Topic

I got mine when I was playing Golden Sun on the GBA. There was a password to transfer the character and item data from Golden Sun 1 to Golden Sun 2. There are 3 password levels, being the Gold one the only password that transferred all the data (Names, gold, items, if you did certain events it will reflect on the 2nd game, and more). The problem was that the Gold password is obscenely long, weighing in at 260 characters in groups of 5 characters.

First, I writed the password from GS in a paper and then I put it in GS2 (having to write 260 characters using the D-pad is a pain in the ass). When I finished writing it all, I got an error because the password was incorrect, and after checking what I was writing wrong, I discovered that the error came from a group of 5 characters I wrote wrong, and as you can already suspect those 5 characters are now my name because I was so pissed after spending 15 minutes with this password thing, I memorized those 5 characters so I could write them correctly this time.

Because I memorized those 5 characters, I started using it as my name on forums and websites. When I installed Steam I already got used to that name, so that's my story.

There's only 50 characters on it, but you can figure how painful it is to write 260 of those with a D-pad.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 Dota takes lives in Off Topic

I have 549 hours in this game. 6 or 7 are from the Diretide event, the rest is playing against bots.

I feel that if I play with random people who only rage and talk shit I will start hating this game and I don't want that.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 My hitsound in Off Topic

I never watched yor stream but I will be dissapointed if the hitsound doesn't say BOOM SHAKALAKA! at max volume.

Rename the mantreads to "Air Jordan" and go dunk on people with the market gardener.

posted about 11 years ago
#23 Demoman's Balance (Is he truly balanced) in TF2 General Discussion

I really like how the guy in the video uses the Loch-n-Load and the Caber to One-Hit Kill low health classes tho show that the Demo is OP (abuse unlocks!).

The only thing that I consider OP is the low arming time the stickies have. It should have a longer time to detonate. Like the SR but not that longer, maybe a 0.3 or 0.4 arming time (SR has 0.8).

This will make you still be able to detonate stickies mid-air for long range and air denial but you will have to rely more on your GL for close range.

PS: No more M1M2M1M2M1M2.

posted about 11 years ago
#63 A new tournament website in TF2 General Discussion
downpourprofessional looking replies with a sense of humour :)


posted about 11 years ago
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