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Signed Up January 12, 2014
Last Posted February 18, 2016 at 5:21 PM
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#56 movies or shows you think everyone should watch? in Music, Movies, TV

The Green Mile -> best movie I've ever seen

posted about 8 years ago
#2 ETF2L S23 W1: dd + 5 friends vs. nerdRage.tf2 in Matches

dd+5f gonna rape Reason Kappa

posted about 8 years ago
#24 50% off ALL Razer peripherals in 10 hrs in Hardware

is the deathstalker keyboard worth getting? or are mechanical switches an absolute plus?

posted about 9 years ago
#18 Dreamhack Winter 2015: A LAN Fragmovie in Videos

Still waiting for the I52 movie though

posted about 9 years ago
#52 Weird Names of People you know in Off Topic

one of my best friends is called Ricfrid
And a friend of my father is called Wiet (translates as weed)
and my granddad is called Kick
another friend is called Elmar

posted about 9 years ago
#3 1280 x 720 feels WAY smoother than 1920 x 1080 in Q/A Help

have you tried removing the -refreshe command from the launch options?

posted about 9 years ago
#30 Think of a new name for me please in Off Topic

GeertWilders of PvvIsPwn

posted about 9 years ago

I just think that we should remember that not all muslims/sunnites are terrorists. And by saying so/think that way, we give isis a reason to keep on doing these shootings

posted about 9 years ago
sacPepziWhy would ypu blame them? Not all sunnites are terrorists manand not all jews are zionists, but still the entire arab world and the diaspora in europe hates jews .

Thats not true at all. Only extremist arab leaders and their followers hate jews. I bet that if you go to saoudi arabia and ask a random citizen if they hate jews they will tell you they dont. Statements like yours are what gives isis a reason to fight

posted about 9 years ago
sacPepziWeshould know however that isis is doing these terrorist attacks only so that peole in western will blame the whole islam religion/culture for being responsible for these attacks. This way they want islamitic citizens of western countries to feel discriminated and when that happens it's more likely they will become extremists (not saying every muslim will though).
I think the best solution, or at least a good begin, is for the islamitic leaders in the western countries to state that they do not support these terrorist attacks and that they will try to keep the radicalisation in their communities to a minimum.
yea, don't blame whole islam, blame sunnites

Why would ypu blame them? Not all sunnites are terrorists man

posted about 9 years ago

Weshould know however that isis is doing these terrorist attacks only so that peole in western will blame the whole islam religion/culture for being responsible for these attacks. This way they want islamitic citizens of western countries to feel discriminated and when that happens it's more likely they will become extremists (not saying every muslim will though).
I think the best solution, or at least a good begin, is for the islamitic leaders in the western countries to state that they do not support these terrorist attacks and that they will try to keep the radicalisation in their communities to a minimum.

posted about 9 years ago
#28 Casual's TF2 Pre-Game Resource (6s and Highlander) in TF2 General Discussion

what the bloody hell?
tripping around right now

posted about 9 years ago
#8 installing windows on a fully defragmented HDD? in Hardware
deetr"fully defragmeneted HDD with no partitions on it"
I don't think defragmented means what you think it means.

Try creating a partition with a bootable partition manager.

thanks I will try that!

posted about 9 years ago
#5 installing windows on a fully defragmented HDD? in Hardware
mdvi had a similar problem. the windows installer sometimes sees the partitions differently, especially if you use secondary and logical partitions. i recommend formatting the drive with the built in thing in the begionning of the installation. basicly when the installation starts, oyu delete every partition, and create new ones.

I tried that but now it doesn't let me make new partitions...

oh and when I use the command "list disk" it tells me there are no fixed disks to show

posted about 9 years ago
#3 installing windows on a fully defragmented HDD? in Hardware
Screwballmake a new partition

when I try that through command prompt it tells me there's no HDD located. and the setup also doesn't let me make a new one

posted about 9 years ago
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