Well what are your sues? Can't exactly tell if it's worth it with no information.
Also 300$ for a Z370-A is borderline criminal. A Z370-A II costs 140$. I hope you're not buying mobos by price, expecting them to be better if they're more expensive. Also if you don't want to have fun with the BIOS update (read: gamble if the CPU works out of the box or not, with no way to update if it doesn't) you should either get a mobo doesn't need CPU to flash the BIOS or a comparable Z390 mobo (e.g. Z390 Gaming X).
Uses are just gaming at this point. Using a second PC for streaming so just looking to have a solid gaming eXperience. I guess a pretty important thing of note is that I'm likely going to be getting a Valve Index soon, so being able to have a quality VR experience is a high priority
Will consider swapping back to an air cooler, mostly just curious to try out an all in one water cooler
I've never gotten unlucky with getting a mobo with an incompatible BIOS, but the mobo is the biggest point that I'm unsure about for this build (fuckin braindead when it comes to mobos). I am looking at the Z390 Gaming X, but it seems to be maxed out at DDR4-2666. Any recommendations with higher RAM clocks?