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SteamID64 76561198049741167
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:44737719
Country United States
Signed Up September 20, 2013
Last Posted November 13, 2024 at 9:56 AM
Posts 524 (0.1 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 0.8
Windows Sensitivity 1
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse razer viper mini
Keyboard keychron k3
Mousepad Havit XXXL
Headphones hyperx cloud mix
Monitor AW2521HF
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#498 PugChamp in Projects

servers are still incredibly laggy in eu

posted about 8 years ago
#700 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion
Smesiborh eu and na are in a slump so there's a good chance that au wins i58

I'd say that au is also in a slump, losing so many talented players in the past 2 years (mainly from immunity)

posted about 8 years ago
#1168 stream highlights in Videos

too predictable

posted about 8 years ago
#1164 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 8 years ago
#8 "None" Crosshair Problem. in Customization


posted about 8 years ago
#4 "None" Crosshair Problem. in Customization

if you have any files in your scripts folder that have weapon names in it, delete all of them.

posted about 8 years ago
#29 Where is Darn? in TF2 General Discussion
Frost_BiteDavidTheWinHis last game was with some Finnish team during the season where ETF2L said you can use openplugin to change the fov if both teams agree. He played on a 4:3 monitor and used 120fov in openplugin but when playing against (I think it was) crack clan Ipz denied the openplugin and Darn threw the first map and they defaulted the second map. I'm pretty sure the cast is on the vtv youtube somewhere. if anyone's interested.

FWIW, I've only seen Darn exactly twice: this match, and the first cast I ever tuned into, which was during the pause when Darn smashed his keyboard against his computer and bluescreened it. Not exactly the best of impressions.

I remember that he played with rockit as well in season 18 for like half a season

posted about 8 years ago
#7 The Skilled Market Gardeners Second Tournament! in Off Topic
Zappy620faggetHow does the game work? Is it 1on1 or is it a clusterfuck with a lot of players? And in what map? And what about europeans?Most likely its going to be a 1v1 duel in mge and also the map is decided by a coin flip between competitors, but I guess I should make a strawpoll about that since maybe 20 points is a lot just for market gardening... Europeans can join of course, I would love the group to have players from all over, but most of the people in the group currently are from the usa unfortunately. So it might be a hassle in terms of ping as you can imagine, but if you're up for it, I don't see a reason to exclude you :P

I don't think anyone here is interested, espicially the players that are good at it.

posted about 8 years ago
#4 Lunchbox/throwable weapons rebalance idea in TF2 General Discussion
azarunPPhoenix21 Soldier's banners fall in your criteria too, but they are both viable and balanced.

Lets face it valve will never remove sandman from the game or make it a stock reskin. Might be better nerfing them to the point where high level players would prefer consistent stock over gimmicky unlock.

the only reason why they are balanced is because soldiers without gunboats barely survive if they are useful, there's a reason why it's only being run to push last on stalemates on certain maps, very specific, and I don't think anyone has a problem with those unlocks in hl/pubs (same thing but one being with classlimits) so nerfing them will make everyone use the same boring unlocks in every game mode.

posted about 8 years ago
#2 Lunchbox/throwable weapons rebalance idea in TF2 General Discussion

it doesn't require more skills to use them, it just rewards better players in general, this weapons aren't banned for their short "spawn time" but because they are either over powered af (crit a cola) or just potentially help out your entire team (jarate/mad milk) or an individual (all of the eatable heavy secondaries)
their design is flawed for competitive because they are so much better than the stock alternative.

posted about 8 years ago
#2 TF2 LOD settings, please help in Customization

google is your friend first option when I googled tf2 lod quake like settings

posted about 8 years ago
#17 Survey: In game and out of game dpi in TF2 General Discussion

1000 dpi, as long as the mouse doesn't jitter or predict dpi doesn't matter imo.

posted about 8 years ago
#25 setsul appreciation post in Off Topic

he helped me realize that my isp operates from my bathroom and the fact that I occasionally can stream is a miracle.

posted about 8 years ago
teletubbiesthis config is mae by GreenDolphin and I am using that config about half year. I have no idea about other configs, if they are better, so I would be very happy to know.

why not google it. or even look in this forum, it has a stickied thread for this, and it teaches you how to benchmark your results.
no point for this thread.

posted about 8 years ago
#54 Do pros consider scout op? in TF2 General Discussion
Corsamustardoverlordthere's a reason the demo nerf was the single worst thing to ever happen to this game and it's not just how it made demos feel
Making it easier for the other team to push is not a bad thing, considering the pace of 6s. The game is slow and has a ton of stalemates, because people are still afraid of spam to get forced or die. I don't understand what tf2 players want. They complain about tf2 being boring to watch because there's nothing happening half the time, and then the same people complain about the demo nerf which most definitely helped teams be able to push a lot easier. The whole way 6s works, demo is a bit complicated to balance properly because if you buff it too much, the game is slow, but if you nerf it too much, demos are a lot less impactful. Overall, it's fine the way it is, because demos can still carry games, can still shut down scouts in a team fight if they have good aim, and can still single handedly shut down a push, but at the same time, the team pushing into a demo can peek more without too much risk.

it's not a bad thing, but considering the fact that demo has 2 projectile based weapons, one of whom is affected by ping when being shot, and when trying to deal damage with it (detonating stickies), making the splash distance smaller made demoman even more frustrating than it already was if you play with 80-100 ping.
demo was never suppose to be a 1v1 class and if they nerf the spamming cabalities, maybe they should buff him in other aspects.

posted about 8 years ago
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