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Country United States
Signed Up April 22, 2013
Last Posted April 26, 2014 at 2:01 AM
Posts 13 (0 per day)
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#3 Rapid357 Stream Request in Requests
MR_SLINHi RapiddzLucky,

We cannot add your stream to the sidebar as you are not a competitive TF2 player. TeamFortress.TV is the home of competitive TF2 and aims to feature the content of competitive TF2 players. Although we would like to feature other content, it is most important for us to feature current members of our community.

Thank you for your time. If you have any questions, please let me know.




posted about 10 years ago
#101 favorite food? in Off Topic


Indian food is amazing

posted about 10 years ago
#40 hearthstone beta key in Other Games


posted about 11 years ago
#57 Free Hearthstone Key Giveaway! in Off Topic


posted about 11 years ago
#410 It begins! in Off Topic


if anyone would be so kind, i'd love to have these festivized

looks like mine was missed :<

posted about 11 years ago
#372 It begins! in Off Topic



if anyone would be so kind, i'd love to have these festivized

posted about 11 years ago
#85 TF2 Update just hit in TF2 General Discussion

I'm having an issue where whenever I hold control (crouch) and left-click, the game thinks I'm right-clicking and I can't shoot weapons (as a pyro, if I crouch and left click, it airblasts). I've checked my binds and everything seems to be in order. Any help?

posted about 11 years ago
#23 7HUD in Customization

Hey, love the hud! I only have one issue - when playing a class, a pink/black checkered rectangle appears in the lower right hand corner. It doesn't show up when I'm spectating or on any loading/menu screens. Any help with how to get rid of it would be awesome.

Edit: My bad, didn't see the other post regarding this issue. Feel free to ignore this.

posted about 11 years ago
#21 it's hot in Off Topic


posted about 11 years ago
#7 Pick/Ban PUG AAR Thread in TF2 General Discussion

I just played in one, it went really well.

Who played:
----Scout: [?/The301stSpartan]
----Soldier: [?/Ultraz]
----Pyro: [UGC NA Silver/Florist]
----Demoman: [UGC NA Gold/arch]
----Heavy: [UGC NA Gold/paals]
----Engineer: [UGC NA Plat/Argo]
----Medic: [UGC NA Steel?/Xplayer]
----Sniper: [?/Alleal]
----Spy: [UGC NA Silver/polar]
----Scout: [NA UGC Silver/SilentDom]
----Soldier: [UGC NA Silver/Shay]
----Pyro: [UGC NA Steel/SAAM!]
----Demoman: [UGC NA Plat/messiah]
----Heavy: [UGC NA Silver/A Brick Wall]
----Engineer: [UGC NA Gold/TriAft]
----Medic: [UGC NA Steel?/EternalReach]
----Sniper: [UGC NA Plat/Jordan]
----Spy: [UGC NA Plat/phorofor]
When played: [4/6/13 9:30PM EST]

Weapon bans enforced: Each team banned 4 weapons: Phlogistinator, razorback, jarate, pomson, flare gun, gunboats, dead ringer, and wrangler.

Formalized outcome: [Red: 2 Blue: 3]
Things to keep: I think there was a general consensus that certain bans improved gameplay such as the DR, pomson, phlog, wrangler.

Things to alter: Some weapons that many agreed should've been banned weren't (i.e. vita-saw). Trying out banning a different number of weapons/different banning processes would be a good idea.

Notes: Not sure about the divs, and I know some players weren't playing their main.
I'll have to ask about the STV, but 2 PUGs were streamed (Heavy POV) on the maps badwater and viaduct at http://www.twitch.tv/paals/b/412693982. The picking process, discussion about bans, and mumble comms are included.
The PUGs were organized in this group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/PickPugs

Logs: http://logs.tf/45234

*edit: fixed some divs

posted about 11 years ago
#82 Giveaway contest for all-stars! in TF2 General Discussion

38 frags

posted about 11 years ago
#7 hitsounds and steampipe in TF2 General Discussion
Danebefore steampipe, my quake 3 sound was fine, but now it's super quiet. Anyone else having that problem?

Yep, I use the quake hitsound and it's barely audible. Adjusting the pitch helped a little bit, but it's definitely not as loud as it used to be.

posted about 11 years ago