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Country Ethiopia
Signed Up June 19, 2013
Last Posted March 20, 2015 at 3:57 PM
Posts 40 (0 per day)
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#33 college acceptence? in Off Topic

i applied to only two schools, and got accepted into both

got accepted into university of idaho, and lewis and clark state college in idaho
im going to attend university of idaho in the fall for my freshman year majoring in premed for radiology and minoring in graphic design

posted about 9 years ago
#1 esea codeee [desperate] in TF2 General Discussion

edit: problem was solved, thanks everyone

posted about 10 years ago
#54 whos your favorite nickelodeon charater in The Dumpster


fresh prince was funny as fuck

posted about 10 years ago
#42 ESEA S17 LAN - Day 1 in Events
soldier should be mixup, because of platinum returning to pocket this lan
scout should be froyo, because of b4nny and clockwork combo
demo should be elevate, because of how good bdonski has got this season
medic it's okay with street hoops, because i think cozen has brought something important to the table this season

good luck to all of you!

soldier should be froyotech cuz lansky and blaze both play soldier
scout should be elevate, because of decimate and alfa
demo should be mixup cuz plat used to play demo like a long time ago
medic is street hoops because cozen plays medic

posted about 10 years ago
#1 headphones for glasses wearers in Hardware

not sure if this thread has been made before but i wear glasses and i was wondering if anyone knew any specific brands of headsets with maybe added comfort around the top of the ear region. my glasses are pretty much pushed against my head with my current headphones and it's rather uncomfortable and causes pain after an hour or two of use.

besides earbuds, anyone know of any brands?

thank you

posted about 10 years ago
#76 Increasing scout aim in TF2 General Discussion
clambe the scattergun
feel the scattergun
caress the scattergun
take the scattergun on a date


posted about 10 years ago
#14 feedback in LAN Discussion

follow the 4g and elevate drama (and all other drama) reality tv style

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Internet Question in Off Topic

make sure you're not on a wireless connection, they suck.
make sure your chords are plugged in firmly.

i had the same issue in about march, i had the router for like 2-3 years but sometimes randomly it'd get hot, wouldn't crash or anything. after a while crashing started occurring for me but there wasn't any overheating.

IMO your best interest would be investing in a new router, mine stopped immediately after getting a new one.

good luck

edit: i may be completely wrong, just make sure to check around on google and other websites and research it pretty well before you go an invest in a new one

posted about 10 years ago
#28 Tim "dumbasfck" Olson in Off Topic

u couldve at least saved the photo the correct way u lil shit


posted about 10 years ago
#5 Windows Aero Extensions in Q/A Help
soneydefyit definitely makes a noticeable difference, helps with streaming as well
In terms of what?
posted about 10 years ago
#63 Twitch down in TF2 General Discussion


holy shit

posted about 10 years ago
#31 Twitch down in TF2 General Discussion

did he just misspell "lizard"

posted about 10 years ago
#51 first day at school/upcoming first day? in Off Topic

i started my senior year about august 14th -ish..
im taking like 3 dual college/HS credit classes and 2 AP classes

EVERYONE IN COLLEGE.. if its not too late

use this site http://www.slugbooks.com/
it takes all the college textbook websites and gets u the lowest price and saves u lots of $$$$$$$$$

i havent used it since im only becoming a senior but ive heard lots of good things about it.
if someone uses it, tell me how it goes please. i wanna use it when i get an acceptance letter back

posted about 10 years ago
#8 huds.tf in Customization

job well done oh my god

posted about 10 years ago
#4 basic rollout vids in Videos

should u at least get the rollout correctly?

edit: fucker beat me to it

other than that sound is good as well

posted about 10 years ago
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