hi im fruit, aka queso
lft mid-low open
despite the past, I've honestly been getting better and better about not expressing the "OH MY GOD I DIED" type shit. definitely a con i'm open to admit. im VERY open to criticism. i'd love to try and improve in any way i can.
i would really love to try out for any team
HL silver and steel, never a full season. (demo, sniper, soldier)
silver 6s atm, played steel for a half season (i think, both as pocket)
lots of PUG scrims (open level)
lots of DM experience and .dem reviewing
normally about 8est-12 est weekdays
dont really play weekend nights past like 2 EST
im MST, i live in the west coast in idaho.
thanks guys, if you want to get to know me better or whatever, just add me.
thanks a ton for reading, im open to all questions whether they be troll or just regular