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Signed Up April 21, 2016
Last Posted September 24, 2017 at 5:08 PM
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#119 Rip Tagg in Off Topic

well this seems like a fitting time.. [*] Tagg, your bombs were always fun to watch boyo

posted about 8 years ago
#604 2016 election live results in World Events

Twitter is just a mass of people whining like petulant children. I didn't make enough popcorn for all this "If you voted for Donald Trump, you better unfollow me right now!" bullshit. I just hope all those terrible celebrities leave.

posted about 8 years ago
#22 motivation in TF2 General Discussion
flatlineobviously he didnt

viper i was literally the second post in this thread admiring it but its a year too late lol

Feel good about yourself yet? I h o p e you do

posted about 8 years ago
#20 TF2 Rewind LAN at Esports Arena - Jan 21-22 in LAN Discussion

Could we possibly see South American teams(s) attending? I'd love to see them represented at a LAN. Hell I'll donate to a fundraiser for them

posted about 8 years ago
#15 your favorite tf2 activity in TF2 General Discussion

swapping ESEA accounts

posted about 8 years ago
#10 Top ten tf2 players you want too see make porn in The Dumpster

Well this picture seems appropriate again. http://i.imgur.com/67UicDM.jpg

posted about 8 years ago
#7 EVL medics banned by ESEA in News

[*] Invite Division, you will be missed.

posted about 8 years ago
#23 Which hero do you main? in Off Topic

Rockout Randall man myself

posted about 8 years ago
#606 PugChamp in Projects
Hunter_2_0Hunter_2_0Can we get a third server for mixchamp NA? Pugchamp rarely uses all 5 servers and we get like 2 servers filled + like 15 players left at mixchamp
this is still a thing btw

Been barking up that tree for a while now buddy. Apparently it's really difficult for them to reallocate a server from one service to the other, so that's why it hasn't happened. (Not trying to be an ass, just ignorant of the work)

posted about 8 years ago
#28 first time u smoked weed in Off Topic

I smoked out of an apple with a friend like six separate times in the course of a day. We then went to McDonalds and rekt our bowels

posted about 8 years ago
#222 The State of TF2, Post-Valve Meetings in TF2 General Discussion
saamYeah but there are new players are coming in, there's not as many but that situation is not nearly as bad. To be honest I don't even know what you mean with people being toxic to new players idk maybe there's a problem in mixchamp with it but in pugchamp there are plenty of players that came in and played a shit ton of pugs and turned that into ending up on good teams (marmaloo, sandblast, pops to name a few) for the most part as long as your attitude isn't shit and you have some clue what you're doing it's fine.

I wouldn't expect you guys to see the same levels of....noob as is seen in mixchamp, but yes mixchamp can get very toxic. It's also the attitude I've personally seen a lot of open shitters carry. When I first got into competitive TF2, I almost quit because of how blatantly rude and abrasive people were. I only continued because I had friends who played, and I was very interested in the game mode. You also won't necessarily feel/see the toxicity as much because you're in the top division of NA TF2, but down in low-mid open you can see ego's that make little b4niel seem like a priest.

Yes there may be new players coming in, but if you actually passed a high school economics class, you'd know that you have to have more coming in than you have going out. IM is on life support and Invite literally shouldn't exist at this moment of time. We have new players come in, but how many of them leave after being shit on by superior gameplay and terrible attitudes? Now add those players that bail onto those who are just tired of TF2/frustrated at the state of the game and quit playing/go to a more successful game. Playerbase has been on a downward trend, and you can't do much to keep those who decide to leave. Which is why you have to make up for them in new talent.

Back to the original thing, yes people are toxic to new players. These idiots don't include everyone, and are a minority of our community. However they make enough noise that they are the ones people see when they look at the comp community. Let's not act like we don't know that we're viewed as toxic, because of the foolish few who choose to act that way. This is an issue that stems from invite players, down to open players who have higher opinions of themselves than they should have. Like a player spamming binds with intent to insult two people on the other team in the Grand Fucking Finals last season. I'm all for having a tough skin and not letting shit get to you, but if this were a league that had attention on it, or a game that was remotely successful, that player would be banned or suspended from play for his actions. I'm just saying we all need to analyze our actions before we make them, and when it comes to new players, remember that at one point we were all that shitter who was just interested in learning about comp TF2.

posted about 8 years ago
#220 The State of TF2, Post-Valve Meetings in TF2 General Discussion
saamBarrier to entry is NOT the biggest problem right now, it's people not wanting to move up divisions and risk losing. Every season there are 16 open teams moved up, enough to fill the division just with move ups, and yet every season in recent memory there has almost not been enough to keep IM alive. This season Invite almost died, it took a team with a cheater and a team who finished 8th in IM basically getting forced in to save the division and that still only got 8 teams, the first time invite has had 8 teams in like 3 or 4 years.

Open can exist with only 30 teams. It's not ideal at all and super shitty but we're 20 teams over how many we absolutely need. IM is at exactly the lowest number of teams possible for it to work and Invite is technically one team under the minimum needed to work. That's a way bigger problem than getting new players in.

Well that's an issue as well, but a healthy competitive scene always needs new players coming in as well. There's fuck all that the majority of us can do about IM/Invite players not wanting to stick around, that falls to their decision and friends trying to convince them to stay/leave. What do you propose to do to solve this issue of IM/Invite imminent death? Yes recognizing a problem is the first step towards fixing it, but without a healthy growth of the scene, there will be no incentive for the higher up players to stick around when they can go do something much more profitable/more fun to them.

If people don't want to move up, then as long as ESEA allows it, that's their decision and only they can change it. No one wants to be forced to move up, and I can understand that. However this is an issue without a solution, unless it goes the, undesired by many, route of Tri forcing people to move up into the next division.

posted about 8 years ago
#218 The State of TF2, Post-Valve Meetings in TF2 General Discussion

I don't know if we'll ever grow. I do not say this about the entire community, but there are a lot of assholes in this community who openly reject new players, then go on the forums whining about how sixes is dying. The barrier to entry is already high. People have to learn a lot before they even set foot in a sixes match, only to be shit talked and abused by players who are even the slightest more skilled than them. In mixchamp particularly, a site meant for new/less experienced players is very volatile and toxic towards those who don't know what they're doing (KOTE).

I've spoken to several content creators about advertising competitive TF2/Newbie Mixes, and they've said that they refuse to advertise it and send their followers to just get insulted and harassed for wanting to try something new, and that they'd love to if the community wasn't so toxic. There's no system of punishment for players who behave like this, on teamfortressTV or champGG. The moderators/admins aren't omnipresent, and sometimes just turn a blind eye, or give a slap on the wrist, which allows these players to continue their hostilities.

I'd love to see more experienced teams/players encourage new players and guide them in the right direction, rather than being a salt mine ready to rip them a new asshole just because they haven't discovered/devoted their time to our niche game mode before now. One way to help improve competitive TF2 and grow our community is to not be toxic dickheads to every new player/HL lover that we come across. Just ignore the HL players (they're just mad because they know that their game mode is stale, and not chosen by Valve to be the official competitive game mode) and help the new players. Give them advice in PUG's/lobbies/wherever you encounter them, and point them to the NA Newbie Mixes as well. Our community is too small and in too rough of a shape for us to be toxic degenerates towards every single person who comes in that isn't an instant fragger.

posted about 8 years ago
#4 nick lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

As a former teammate of Nick, I can say that Nick is a solid scout. His DM is good, but he can be over-confident in it and end up making a poor decision or two. If a team wants to try and go the distance and stick together and improve, Nick would be an amazing scout for them, as once he gets more experience, he'll be an incredible scout.

posted about 8 years ago
#19 NA TF2 LAN at Esports Arena in January in LAN Discussion

Damn, really excited but also kind of short notice. Doubt I'll be able to get enough vacation time at work to go, but maybe!

posted about 8 years ago
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