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Last Posted September 24, 2017 at 5:08 PM
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#24 happy birthday dashner! in Off Topic

Thanks Dashner, and happy birthday My Dude.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 ESEA S23 W1: this game used to be fun vs. froyotech in Matches

inb4 Slin EleGiggles at his old team getting pub stomped

posted about 8 years ago
#36 Slin talks whitelist, atomizer and base jumper ban in TF2 General Discussion

I haven't played with the beggar's bazooka in a while, but if it how it was when I used to use it for pubs, oh boy...The spread isn't that bad, especially once someone gets used to it. The way it fires rockets allows for a good BB jumper to literally fly across the fucking map and be the most mobile person in the game. The single load mechanic allows you to spam rockets out in fights versus a scout faster than the stock, and you don't have to worry about reload. If the roamer has to bomb, he can literally sync rockets from the start of the jump and load three rockets in the air and obliterate a combo when he gets in close, though he'd have to be strafing well to avoid rockets and the aim of scouts/shotty pocket. The main three cons to the BB are the explosion radius (kind of cancelled out when you can fire three at once that spread out anyways), the spread (once a player gets used to it, they're probably only going to be useless at long range), and the ammo management (honestly the biggest problem of the beggar's. You run through ammo faster than a fat guy runs through fries and diet coke)

posted about 8 years ago
#30 Slin talks whitelist, atomizer and base jumper ban in TF2 General Discussion

Beggar's Bazooka...makes me wish I was playing soldier instead of medic this season. RIP me every time a beggar soldier gets the idea to bomb. *jump, load three rockets, point blank the medic*

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Slin talks whitelist, atomizer and base jumper ban in TF2 General Discussion


Most important part is that the atomizer and base jumper have been banned. IMO the other weapons now are just, at most, annoying but fair.

posted about 8 years ago
#5 Revert this shit in TF2 General Discussion

Hey look at it this way, if you guys use enough gimmicks, you might tilt FROYO to the point of winning s23

posted about 8 years ago
#78 lansky in Off Topic
kellenis that a uni gym? i swear i saw a lansky clone at mine but i didn't actually think it was him.
edit: thats 100% the same gym (i cant wait until the new floorings in downstairs o.o)

Time to go stalk Mansky

posted about 8 years ago
#127 Biannual iseries idea feat. NA in TF2 General Discussion
HidiHey, I know this thread kinda moved to Discord before I had a chance to post anything.

I've been looking to grow my LAN in Toronto, and there are a couple larger events I have been meaning to email asking if I could organize TF2 within. Riding off i58 to me, is a really great opportunity because it shows that there is genuine interest from a big chunk of the TF2 community, and not just the competitive niche.

I know Toronto is not the most accessible for everyone, because it is on the eastern side of North America, and is in Canada, so yes, Americans, you will need to get a passport. But it is a big city with lots of resources, venues, and accommodation. I know the city pretty well, and I have experience organizing small tournaments.

Two potential events to look at:
http://lanwarx.ca/ (Not within the city of Toronto, but allows you to sleep at the venue similar to GXL, and relatively cheap to get in)
http://eglx.ca/ (Big venue, lots of events, but organization and cost was concerning last April)


posted about 8 years ago
#14 ChampGG.8K says goodbye in News

[*] they were so young..goodnight sweet prince..


You know this is all the more reason we need to #20believe right?

posted about 8 years ago
#181 Best tf2 player of all time in TF2 General Discussion

Slamberg and showstopper. Totally the GOAT's on soldier

posted about 8 years ago
#54 Best/top5 player(s) in the world? in TF2 General Discussion
bearodactylRaburnDidn't you watch Rando play at insomnia? last I saw he had to play with 2 ringers including fragile on med so I wouldn't say he falls into that category lol
All I remember from that lan was him hitting a nutty triple airshot or some shit like that

yeah, "fat" triple air-shot onto an ubered WAR

posted about 8 years ago
#38 ESEA Season 23 map vote in TF2 General Discussion

The only thing that was good about gravel-pit, was that it was entertaining to watch for the viewers of invite matches, and it'd draw in more viewers who play the classes that are generally only used for last points in 6s. From a spectators point of view, I'd enjoy seeing gpit back in the rotation, since it was fun to view, and the casters enjoyed it IIRC (feel free to correct me on that last part). As a player though, I don't know if I'd ever want to play it, but I'd be willing to give it a try.

I personally think it'd be mostly harmless to see gpit back in the rotation. Sure people will bitch about it and the extreme will possibly not play (though I doubt it), but it won't ruin anything. Part of trying to become an e-sport is to also put on a show for the viewers, so if gpit is fun to watch, then it's something we might have to bite the bullet on. I know invite players would hate this, but it would be nice to see them play the map. Like if ESEA allowed the invite division to have a different map in rotation than the lower divs, but that could be seen as an unfair advantage against the up-coming IM teams. I honestly don't care about the map pool, as long as reckoner doesn't get in, that map is aids.

posted about 8 years ago
#47 b4nny LAN? in TF2 General Discussion
SideshowForgive my ignorance on travel within NA but how far seems reasonable to travel for an iseries-esque LAN? We had specs/players from all over Europe for i58 but most of them travelled for under 10hrs to get to the event, including trains etc. and didn't spend more than a hundred pounds on travel.

I don't know how expensive or slow travel is within the US, would people only travel within their region?

If you're driving from west to east, it'll be about 30 hours, but it'd be cheaper to fly in, since you can get a plane ticket as low as like 80 bucks if your timing is right, as long as it's from point A, USA to point B, USA. The longest flight for any NA person should be about six hours at the most, unless they're coming from like Alaska or Hawaii, but I don't know of any comp players that live there.

posted about 8 years ago
#45 Best/top5 player(s) in the world? in TF2 General Discussion
bearodactylOnd_kajabearodactylOnd_kajamustardoverlordlot of recency bias in this thread to not include anyone who didn't go to i58
nobody cares if you are good when it doesn't matter... onliners smh
pretty sure had habib/bdonski or nursey/shade gone to i58 they would have been the best or at least top 3 at their respective classes
yomps & shrugger are crazy as well

i'm not saying that you can't be good if you don't go to lan. but it's meaningless to compare player vs player in an online environment when matches don't really matter as much. the real test of skill is in a LAN environment, against the best teams in the world, this is the only time when the pressure is truly on.
i understand what you're saying but you can't dismiss the fact that there are currently active players who are incredibly good just because they haven't had the luxury to attend the most recent international lan

I agree, it seems that there is a serious bias against those who didn't go to i58. It's expected that people outside of NA wouldn't be too familiar with those who haven't appeared at a LAN, but I also think it's unfair to count them out. We don't have the luxury of cheap continental travel, or a LAN in our back yards like the Euros do.

bearodactyl(iirc habib won a toronto lan not too long ago and shrugger is the only player who has legitimately been adversely affected by a lan but im p sure he like forgot to bring his mouse or config or some shit like that)

Didn't you watch Rando play at insomnia?

also, my top five. (those who can play multiples just as well as solo-classes get priority to me)


posted about 8 years ago
#42 b4nny LAN? in TF2 General Discussion

I mean I'm not even close to being above average in competitive TF2, and I know if there was an NA lan I would try my hardest to be there. If it's east coast I'd almost guarantee I'd go.

posted about 8 years ago
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