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Signed Up April 21, 2016
Last Posted September 24, 2017 at 5:08 PM
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#1 Low Open Roamer/demo LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

Not much else to say, it'd be my first season in ESEA and I'm just looking for a team that wants to improve and game. I don't have a lot of experience other than PUG's, but everyone has to start somewhere, right? Oh, better add this http://steamcommunity.com/id/Raburnicus/

posted about 8 years ago
#56 i58 mvps in TF2 General Discussion
GemmellnessScouts: b4nny, yui, stark, ast, haffi (dude never died in like half the matches ok)
Roamer: mike, drack
Pocket: geoh, kaptain, sil, tlr
Demo: Paulsen, alle
Med: Kos, 404

You sure you want to put 404 on that list? Anyways my list:

scouts: Stark, b4nny, yui
roamer: mike
pocket: Kaptain
demo: Spudd, Paulsen
med: Raymon

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Slin and Cheesy? in TF2 General Discussion

Potential hype? http://puu.sh/qOJVh/5ff4cef38f.png


posted about 8 years ago
#251 Vent your anger in Off Topic

RIP 20b Feelsbadman

posted about 8 years ago
#38 i58 - Schedule Set in LAN Discussion
uberchaincampercan you please ban skins honestly they look ugly on streamsWith respect towards personal taste and knowing not everybody likes them (which is absolutely fine, we did it this year due to enough demand), you can have no skins back when me and my team keel over from our all-nighters of editing 120+ textures and attaching those to 36 Steam ID-hexed StatusSpec models. You're probably in luck since I don't ever intend on putting myself or my team through that hell again.

Hey I've always liked the skins, and commend you guys for working so hard on them. People really don't appreciate the effort that goes into it, and with a lot of people who are new to 6s watching, it'll help them differentiate teams when they swap sides, so you're helping a lot more than just aesthetics.

posted about 8 years ago
#55 Game Theory Tf2 vs OW Deadlock in Videos

No one should ever watch Game Theory and expect a decent video. If you guys like that style of video, but wants someone who puts way more effort into their videos, go watch Austin on Shoddycast. Here's a link to one of his playlists, it's definitely worth the watch. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7pGJQV-jlzD-RlwRlK0ruJKVfKrVRvSU

posted about 8 years ago
#11 ESEA fees paid with keys? (interest) in TF2 General Discussion

While this sounds like a great idea in theory, and will certainly help some out, but I doubt it will have much of a significant impact on the playerbase of ESEA. Most people who want to play ESEA will pay for it, it seems like this is targeting a very very small minority. I feel like this idea would be better used if the community did end up developing its own league (fuck off UGC, not you). That way there could still be prizes for winning first place of the respective divisions, we could set the prices, and have representatives of the casual and competitive community run the league, instead of a bunch of suits in an office and tri being told what to do. I still say work on the system and let it help those who need it, but I'd say the work will most likely be used when/if the time comes for us to create our own league.

posted about 8 years ago
#19 ex-Crowns eSports club roster joins Team XENEX, undergo shuffle in News
DollyOur scouts will track you like mail from FedEx, you guessed it right, we are team Xenex

No, no no...as an employee of FedEx...I hope their tracking is better...

posted about 8 years ago
#7 lft soldier/scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

Kohly is interesting player. Very good dm and very good at this game and always has very good stats on whatever he plays but it just feels like you lose very often with him. A lot of the time he doesn't play very smart which is IMO the only thing he needs to improve upon as a player and he seems to have been getting better with it. On another note, in the past against certain players he, I guess, doesn't "respect" he tends to blame a lot of things on others but he has refrained from that recently. This is coming from someone who played with him for multiple seasons of UGC when first starting out with each other and have currently scrimmed a lot of open with. He's a cool guy and he definitely has the dm for high open but I'm not sure if hes ready for it as a person yet so id say he would fit very well on a good mid open team as roamer with a good main caller and a strong flank. I think if he learned a little more and developed he'd be an extremely good pocket but his roamer is probably better atm.

posted about 8 years ago

Not me, but kevin looks like that transgendered attack helicopter that said everyone is racist



posted about 8 years ago
#157 omg in Off Topic

So Leafy did a video on him https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9iHrYZpMN4

posted about 8 years ago
#13 i58: Who's staying where? in LAN Discussion
DreamboatUpdated OP

Also, if anyone has extra space in their room, since I believe most can take a cot, and you're willing to share it with more people make note of it here, someone might make a deal for it!

And if anyone is driving to the lan, it would be worth noting where from and if you can take more people. I can add that to the first post as well to see if we cant get some of you carpooling!

Also if anyone wants to donate keys/cash so I can go watch, that'd be great...Your perks would be my undying gratitude.

posted about 8 years ago
#96 Official Froyotech i58 Fundraiser in TF2 General Discussion
Tomn0Who else is gonna come out of retirement to fill roster spots???I dont think ronin are playing next season

If ronin quits, it'll lead to a good list of predictable invite seasons (if invite is still around after a few seasons)

posted about 8 years ago
#22 how do I finesse this girl in Off Topic

hold her family hostage, and when she gets home, have "want to go out?" carved into their flesh

posted about 8 years ago
#4 [BREAKING NEWS] phorofor cut from ronin in The Dumpster

new cuck jokes incoming

posted about 8 years ago
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