H2k! had a great season in Open placing 4th. Might have gotten a little farther if Bullet didn't ddos our players A few of our players only planned on playing the season with us, and a few others had schedule changes that made them unavailable to play a starter position. So here is where we are at now.
Scout: Rastsy
Scout:*Previously Jav*
Pocket Soldier:*Previously Phrakture*
Roaming Soldier:*Previously Mangachu*
Demo: Mythical
Medic: Wirelessfox(Unsure about schedule)
Super Backup 64: *Previously Moosie*
Its worth mentioning that we do need backups, as all of us do work, or have schedule issues that occasionally prevent us from playing and would be especially appreciative of a backup that can play multiple classes, unfortunately we lost moosie who was that man.