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Signed Up November 30, 2012
Last Posted March 15, 2015 at 11:25 AM
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#1034 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
Ericxetsoghttp://myimg.us/images/01.02.14/40034.jpgThis is awesome, thanks!

What do you mean by a completely square chat frame, though? It's easy enough to give the chat window identical height and width values, so I don't think that's what you mean.

I think he meant the bottom corners. They're rounded.

posted about 11 years ago
#1031 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
xetsogRawrHow did you do thatOld chatscheme.res for colors that I updated from Gamebanana ("TF2-skinned chat") ages ago. In basechat.res I changed the xpos and ypos of the hudchathistory to 0, and disabled the filter button because it's useless anyway


make sure you put basechat.res in the ui folder if you just copy paste this in

Thanks, man :D

posted about 11 years ago
#1028 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

i wish more people modified the chat frame

How did you do that

posted about 11 years ago
#17 A new, more in-depth hud guide initiative in Customization

err guys, is it fine if you guys don't post here if you're not contributing to the thread? Trying to keep the thread clean and concise, Thanks

posted about 11 years ago
#64 BlackHUD in Customization
KuraisachiI was wondering if you could use 3 of fogs crosshairs at the same time...

you can actually. Just copy and past the stuff below into hudlayout and then edit the labeltext to whichever crosshair you want and then change the xpos and ypos to position the crosshair.

"controlName" "CExLabel"
"fieldName" "xHairSpread"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"zpos" "2"

"xpos" "c-101"
"ypos" "c-96"
"wide" "202"
"tall" "198"

"font" "xHairSpread"
"labelText" "9"
"textAlignment" "center"

"fgcolor" "0 0 0 255"
"controlName" "CExLabel"
"fieldName" "xHairSpread"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"zpos" "2"

"xpos" "c-101"
"ypos" "c-96"
"wide" "202"
"tall" "198"

"font" "xHairSpread"
"labelText" "9"
"textAlignment" "center"

"fgcolor" "0 0 0 255"

posted about 11 years ago
#6 A new, more in-depth hud guide initiative in Customization

thanks for the input, main_gj.

posted about 11 years ago
#62 BlackHUD in Customization
KuraisachiIs there any way i can add another crosshair without messing up the hud?

What crosshair did you want to add? I'll help if I can.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 A new, more in-depth hud guide initiative in Customization

Im not new to hud developing but by no means am I a good nor am I an experienced developer either.

It has been quite of a ride to get my hud out for public usage because eventhough there are guides out there (doodle's guide or Flame's guide, it didnt teach me or tell me much about the more detailed parts of hud editing.

For example, adding your own boxes or bgs for a hud was not stated anywhere. I had to sift throught other's huds to see how they did it and replicate how they did it. Turns out it was just a simple ImagePanel with fillcolor.

Or even how to create buttons where only the text is visible and not the background. For this I finally figured out that i could set the default,armed and depressed bg colors to 0 0 0 0.

And mvm too since it was fairly new when doodle's guide came out so there wasnt much info on mvm in it.

There are other stuff too but I dont want to make it a long list.

In my personal opinion, I just think that a more concise, more in-depth hud guide would benefit all current and future hud developers. Maybe the seasoned hud developers could share their expertise and knowledge about huds and collaborate on a guide?

posted about 11 years ago
#60 BlackHUD in Customization

A new update has been released. Im sorry to say that the mvm spec bug is not fixed yet as i'm having some trouble fixing it.

-fixed overlapping respawn time and overtime etc notification
-removed redundant map name when dead or in spectator
-made the killfeed smaller and moved it up to the right corner
-server time limit can now be seen above the round time should it be enabled.
-alternet positions option for target ids should now work properly.

If there are any other bugs (other than the mvm one)or overlaps, do post here or add me.


That is an extremely cute picture haha.

posted about 11 years ago
#58 BlackHUD in Customization
wilson1044hello again :) the overtime notification and waiting to respawn/respawn time overlaps. Also, how do you install solid textures? I've downloaded and replaced materials with the solid texture files but it hasn't changed anything when I join servers. What's wrong? Does the server have to be sv_pure x or something?

Ah okay. I'll see to the overtime notification.

Place the solid textures folder in you custom folder and that's it. The textures wont work in any sv_pure 1 and 2 servers

posted about 11 years ago
#13 Team-Awesome! The Movie in TF2 General Discussion

I love the song choice <3

posted about 11 years ago
#56 BlackHUD in Customization
PringlesIs there a way to make the yellow damage number you do more bolder and the ammo because I can't see it sometimes because it's thin

There is an option to add shadows for the damage number,ammo count, hp etc which would help in making them more visible. I will also add a larger font option in the near future.

wilson1044Long post so I had to conserve space by cutting it

Ah thats a really good idea! I'll add an option to put a second ubercharge count underneath the crosshair.

The killfeed im currently working on to make it smaller as i need to find the right font size for the killfeed as currently the font's l and i disappear if the font size is too small. You're right. Ill remove that redundant map name when in spec or dead.

wilson1044RawrI'm wondering if an option for a much wider positioning of the health and ammo would be appealling to anyone. (even more so for hp-cross users since the hp-cross currently overlaps the secondary target id.
Yes, very much so :)

final suggestion for now, I think that on the main menu the buttons such as add a server and report a bug should be horizontally placed above play multiplayer. My ocd is getting to me, those buttons seem unaligned and misplaced next to training items store haha

I'll work on the new wide positioning option then. :)

Changing the menu is one of the hardest things to do. I dont think that I would want to edit the menu again. (unless adding new buttons)

posted about 11 years ago
#52 BlackHUD in Customization
scarabBefore I say anything, this hud is amazing, well done. A couple things I noticed that you may be able to fix are on this picture.


First is obvious..

Secondly is FIXED

I'll come up with a fix for that by today hopefully. Sorry for not realising this earlier.

posted about 11 years ago
#47 BlackHUD in Customization

hey guys. I've updated my hud.

-changed the hp value back to the default one
-fixed pl and plr numbers not aligning properly
-fixed static class image appearing when its not suppossed to
-fixed existing customisation options and removed redundant options

I'm wondering if an option for a much wider positioning of the health and ammo would be appealling to anyone. (even more so for hp-cross users since the hp-cross currently overlaps the secondary target id.

I'm also working on a 6s and 9s scoreboard so stay tuned for future updates

posted about 11 years ago
#2 tf2 circle around crosshair in Customization


Pretty much what you want is the labeltext "9" crosshair of fog's

posted about 11 years ago
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