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Signed Up November 30, 2012
Last Posted March 15, 2015 at 11:25 AM
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#9 BlackHUD in Customization
Pyromancerhttp://i.imgur.com/OtvPGkS.jpg I put the hud on and I like it a lot but i did run into this little problem on Payload with a texture problem.Thought I would give a heads up.

Oh dear. I forgot to add the custom vtf that i made into the download. My bad guys.

codyamazing hud will you ever edit the killstreak thing?

I intend to, but I am not able to afford the killstreak kit thing( Im not even sure how much it is). I dont really intend to ask ppl to let me borrow theirs as i'll feel bad about borrowing their stranges with the killstreak kit attached (it'll reset to zero if im not wrong). Im saving up for the cheapest one (as soon as i find out how much it is)

posted about 11 years ago
#1 BlackHUD in Customization

Hey guys. I've finally completed my minimal hud that i made from scratch after a long time. I hope it's good enough for public use.

Latest changelog : Click here

some pics.





cl_hud_minmode 1 now enables a 6v6 scoreboard

There are also customization options like implementing shadows and even a broesel-like hp cross for those that can't get enough of original hp cross.

Feedback will be much appreciated as I might've left some stuff out. Im currently working on the aesthetics of the loadout and backpack screens which will come much later.
Fog's custom crosshairs v3 is included too.

mediafire download

Custom pl and plr stuff


Ctrl+f xhairspread in your hudlayout.res which is located in your scripts folder.
Change the labeltext to you desired crosshair.
You can also change the colour of the crosshair by changing the fgcolor. The four numbers represent the RGB values and the opacity of the color respectively.
If you do not wish to use the hud crosshair, you can disable it by changing the enabled and visible values to 0.

The default colour of the crosshair is black.
"40 255 40 255" gives you a bright green.
"255 40 40 255" gives you the low health red.
Shoutout to qjyap, teal, snowiie, aki,teejizz, saki, cody, zimmy ,yuri ,netflux and everyone that has supported me by giving me feedback, suggestions and solutions to my problems. Truly this hud wouldn't have been made possible without all of you!

If you found any bugs, want to give suggestions or need some help editing BlackHUD, feel free to post here or add me.

posted about 11 years ago
#1004 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
That font is beautiful :')

Do you have a dl link to that texture mod btw?

Thanks :)

I havent uploaded it yet as its not finished.

posted about 11 years ago
#999 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
Eric circles <3

Now I see why you would want to use the semi circles from wingdings 2 haha

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Webdings/Wingdings Fonts? in Customization
EricAlright, I was able to import the needed characters into another .ttf in FontForge. However, I need to use it with a "tall" value of 320; for some reason, it won't let me use anything above 80. Is there any way around this?

I have never worked with such a tall value for any of my fonts before as I dont need to. Sorry but Im afraid Ill not be much help to you on that particular matter.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Webdings/Wingdings Fonts? in Customization
That seems strange. By default, both fonts are installed on Windows systems and usable in Microsoft software like Word. I would have thought that if the fonts didn't have glyphs for alphabetical character inputs, you wouldn't see anything when using it in Word.

Since Guifx seems to work, would it be possible to port some of the characters from Webdings/Wingdings 2 into the Guifx font? Namely, the trophy (Webdings %) and the left/right half circles (Wingdings 2 º »).

its possible. just need to extract the images u want and port over to another ttf using a font editor.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Webdings/Wingdings Fonts? in Customization

i just used it and the font becomes the default ttf. I digged into the wingdings 2ttf using fontcreator and realised that wingdings 2 had no abcd etc equivalent.

I googled and found out that the only way to add them into word was by using the the menu item insert or alt codes. Unless you can do this for tf2, I dont think its possible to use either fonts for your hud

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Webdings/Wingdings Fonts? in Customization

1)double check if the ttf in is your resource folder

2) check spelling e.g

"font" "resource/fonts/wingdings2.ttf" <-the spelling is for word
"name" "Wingdings 2" <-the spelling for this two. preview or install to check

3) im not sure how it'll affect the thickness of fonts such as wingdings but you have set most of the fonts using wingdings 2 or webdings to 0. try setting it to something higher to see if thickness is an issue.

4) font size could also cos some letters ,or symbols in this case, to disappear as they're too small to be seen.

Not sure if this will help you solve your problem but its worth a try

if u could link me the specific ttf for both wingdings 2 and webdings, ill see if it works for me or not.

posted about 11 years ago
#992 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization



It's my 1st time creating custom vtf so the blue cart image is a little rough around the edges.


my winpanel

posted about 11 years ago
#988 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
TimoRawr my hud stuff
Is it done yet?

not yet. mvm halfway done. creating a hud out of the default one is alot of work.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 SpectatorTournament.res help in Customization
KanecoThat is looking great btw rawr! :) HOpe you share when you finish it!

That'll take a while. Still looking for a solution.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 SpectatorTournament.res help in Customization

is there any way to decrease the width of the team coloured bg without decreasing the rest of the player panels?

Also is it possible to make the team coloured bg more opaque.

Many thanks in advance

posted about 11 years ago
#981 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization


was looking for a good mainly background.Got this. Quite pleased with how elegant it looks

posted about 11 years ago
#3 SpectatorTournament.res help in Customization


Thanks alot zimmy :D

posted about 11 years ago
#1 SpectatorTournament.res help in Customization

hey guys. I was wondering how to add the team coloured line for the spectator tournament like in hudas iscariote


I couldnt find it anywhere in the spectator tournament after sifting through the hud.

I want to add a small team colored bar to the left of the class image.


Many thanks :D

posted about 11 years ago
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