You don't need a mentor for sniper because there is very little game-sense to learn and you can't verbally teach someone how to aim.
If you want to play sniper you should be focusing a lot on improving your aim. You don't need a mentor for this, but here's a rough guide to accelerate your learning and is basically stuff you will figure out over time.
How to aim like a champ:
1. Good gear won't make you better, but it will limit how good you can be. If you don't already have a good mouse, shop around for something from SteelSeries/Razer/Zowie/Logitech. Do your research, more DPI is not better. Don't buy a laser mouse. Make sure your setup isn't awful. A good chair and a proper desk will do a lot for you. Monitor is less important and keyboard is even less important, but still make a difference. Consider them luxury items.
Upgrades in order of important:
Mouse > Pad > PC > 120hz Monitor > Keyboard > Headset
2. Sensitivity
You'll hear a lot of different opinions on this from people who don't really know what they're talking about. If you're new to playing competitively, don't buy the "uses whats comfortable" phrase. If someone is new to FPS what's comfortable for them is probably a 5 cm/360. Anywhere between 20-40 cm/360 is a good range for arena style FPS. Experiment, find what works for you and is conventional, and stick with it. If you're going to use something unconventional, you've probably been around long enough to know what's what and what's best for you.
3. Practice Practice Practice efficiently. Spending half an hour in scout vs scout MGE will likely help you more than 3 hours of pubbing will. MGE -> DM -> Newbots(scout). Pubs are okay (but not optimal) as long if you're playing on fast paced maps like harvest/badlands. Play to improve, not to get the most frags. K/D doesn't matter.
Stick to this and you'll be invite/plat in no time. gl mate