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Signed Up November 24, 2012
Last Posted September 8, 2016 at 12:32 AM
Posts 56 (0 per day)
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#31 Short Circuit fix in TF2 General Discussion
bastidThe counter to short circuit Engies is hitscan. Hitscan, flames, bison, will still destroy an Engie with the short circuit out. Pushes have to be approached with less of an explosive class mindset if the enemy is running it. Yeah it's "speeding up" in the literal sense of the word but a Concheror Heavy push I can see being pretty brutal. You can flash your Pyro to ensure he airblasts away the Engie so that he can't block shots on the combo with the SC, things like that. And through all this he has no Wrangler. Which is going to be huge no matter the weapon trade-off.

I'm more saying Demoman not being so dominant is interesting. I don't like stalemates either.

Just curious, do you have any hl experience? Because your ideas of ubering heavies in and pyros (to airblast an engineer away ?) are pretty ridiculous . I'm just trying to imagine a heavy push into 2nd point croissant, and how you think that would work.

posted about 10 years ago
#29 Highlander gossip in TF2 General Discussion

Prize pool for s12 platinum 1st/2nd/3rd


posted about 11 years ago
#72 Medigun checker script in TF2 General Discussion

This was 4 years ago ? Yeah they probably intended it . Valve hasn't made many changes just for competitive , I can't see them caring about one for four years ago. Probably looked cool on spy so it isn't a big deal pub wise .

posted about 11 years ago
#25 Real Talk with Skyrolla - UGC Highlander interview #1 in News

Good article , please continue making them.

posted about 11 years ago
#45 HL Gossip in TF2 General Discussion
AzraelLooking forward to (eventual) Gold power rankings.


I have seen them get beaten a few times now. I think the summer silver unbeaten thing may have been a bit overhyped.

posted about 11 years ago
#22 Pre-season games in UGC in TF2 General Discussion
What does "affects their division" mean exactly?

From what I was told , is that the preseason match had a lot of bearing on what division you can be placed in if you're borderline too good or "bad" for said division. They make it factor, I am not sure how much of one but it is a factor to what division you can be moved too.

posted about 11 years ago
#14 Pre-season games in UGC in TF2 General Discussion
pudding_cupThrowing a match just to possibly avoid playing a good team the next week? Some real fuck boi shit right there. If you're good enough to contend with the good teams in a division then you're going to play them sooner or later.

I wasn't meaning to say I wanted to or was going to ( If I did) I meant to say someone could do it, which is a problem around the system if that match matters in that way. And unless the admin I asked was wrong, again it effects their division not who they play in week 1.

DavyCIf its true that it actually affects who you play week one then 9 times out of 10 it's most strategic to get rolled. Not to be pessimistic but there's only eight weeks in the season and 15(?) teams in plat or w/e. more likely you'll hit weaker teams.

From what I heard it has no effect on who you play if you win or lose , according to an admin. It can effect what division you place though ( say if you're borderline high steel and they want you to move silver)

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Pre-season games in UGC in TF2 General Discussion
Hildreth in fact you have more incentive to lose the match as it affects who you face early in the season, now you would rather play as many of the weaker teams than face a top side early on, that is my experience of it.

Nope, when I asked an admin I was told clearly that if you win or lose it, it has no effect on who you play. ( unless you forfeit it , then it might have bearing.)

LanterNit won't affect their ranking. It makes it pretty much pointless having it there for "testing" when virtually nobody scrims or practices on the map.

Yes, but admins have and will decide where you place division wise because of this matchup...It dosn`t make sense, but it was told to me by a few admins coming into season 9 that this match could change a lot. ( I could have thrown it too if I wanted to ??)

posted about 11 years ago
#40 S11 UGC 9v9 Maplist in TF2 General Discussion

After scrimming with borneo a bit ,I think it has potential. It's just kinda quirky, not sure if there are standard sentry spots or holds for the map just yet.

Only problem I have with this season maplist is granary , I really detest the map. Also barnblitz looks better. It hasn't been tested that much with the new flank but it definitely looks harder to defend last point. So that's good and stuff.

posted about 11 years ago
#79 Fully charged #21 -- ask infinite/Fornaught stuff: in TF2 General Discussion

1. What's with the "variety" in maps this season ?

2. Would you ever change the way teams get promoted . if it proves to be flawed when the exceptions aren't accounted for ?

3. Any chance of Beggars Bazooka getting banned?

4. Seeing how gold went this season , was it a good idea looking back or are you thinking about reversing it ?

Thanks for doing a good job.

posted about 11 years ago
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