red dorito vs blue dorito
very important please vote
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198071785065 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:111519337] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:55759668 |
Country | Italy |
Signed Up | November 15, 2015 |
Last Posted | December 4, 2024 at 9:43 PM |
Posts | 2112 (0.6 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | 6.91 |
Windows Sensitivity | 6/11 |
Raw Input | 1 |
400 |
Resolution |
1920x1080 |
Refresh Rate |
240hz |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | Logitech G Pro |
Keyboard | Logitech G Pro Keyboard |
Mousepad | Steelseries QCK + |
Headphones | Apple earbuds |
Monitor | Alienware 240hz |
I think it's important to be able to criticize religious doctrine or text without being labeled words such as "islamophobe". It's a retarded buzzword that has no real definition so it just groups people who criticize Islam, any group Muslims, or individual Muslims together as a way to suppress the legitimacy of their argument.
If your religious text/prophet literally tells people to convert/kill all non-Muslims I think it's okay to put some of the blame on it.
smesi (Rank 545 Soldier) joined from Mexico
* [D|Noble III] quatre-vingt six : smesi beaner confirmed
* [S|Peasant V] smesi : i'VE bEEN caUGHT
sibbsgameboy emulators, ds emulators, snes emulators, some phones can actually run nintendo64 emulators quite well too.
so many good games on all those consoles.
for gameboy i'd go with fire emblem and all of the pokemon games + minish cap and link to the past
for ds the remakes of pokemon heart gold and soul silver were really good and the mario+luigi rpg games were a blast
for snes super mario rpg, super mario world, contra, etc.
nintendo 64 emulators are kinda weird and my phone could never run them so i'd say do your own research for them
if you don't wanna pay for the good emulator apps just find a vpk download and you should be good
also shattered pixel dungeon is a really good rougelike rpg game that is a mod of pixel dungeon. adds a bunch of new shit and is honestly wayy better than the original and super fun to try and beat
retroarch is the best emulator for android
sigafooNo one is giving feedback on how the format could be improved.
here i have some feedback:
-reduce amount of players by one
-make each class limit 2 except for heavy, engie, medic, and demo
-remove pick/ban whitelist, instead implement this one:
-adjust map pool to 5cp and koth
hey look you have a non-aids league/gamemode that people will actually want to play for reasons other than ez money!!
lol this league is gonna die after s1 just watch
maybe raise this roof/wall to make walljumping from balc better?
idk if this is intentional but you can stand up here
smoothen out the area below dropdown so getting in and out isn't aids for soldiers/demos
dishsoapi cant get a coach when i AM COACH
sup names coach
dish this joke stopped being funny 5 minutes after that pug ended
botmodethe spawns for the defenders are 20(!!!) seconds
Okay, I don't think the spawn timers are that long..