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Signed Up November 21, 2013
Last Posted December 25, 2014 at 8:35 PM
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#54 Formers smokers in Off Topic

Whatever you do, just dont' smoke a few cigs per day. Either smoke or don't. Eat as much as you want, you can lose it easier than you can lose the crap on your lungs.

posted about 10 years ago
#52 Formers smokers in Off Topic

Smoked for a few years and like many, I tried quitting more then once.

The thing that pissed me off personally, would be cutting the smokes to a few per day. It might work for some people, but personally it just made me nervous and made me count my cigarettes per day. I mean, if you are smoking, fucking enjoy it, don't count "urrm this is my 3rd one today, I told myself I won't smoke more then 5, so that means I'll take one at 17 and another before bed". Fuck that shit.

The only direct consequence of that way of "quitting", would be me buying 2 packs (instead of the usual one) in a day, because I was so tensed out for not smoking past few days.

If you are going to quit - quit. Don't smoke weed, don't smoke a cigarette a day, don't smoke menthols, don't smoke electric ones, don't smoke anything. Just quit.

What also helped me immensely, was eating. Grab some Oreos or some similar cookies, and just take a few bites when you would usually smoke a cigarette. Sure, you'll gain a small amount of weight, but it's worth it. Your body and your wallet will be quite happy.


posted about 10 years ago
#5 Follow Team Colonslash in TF2 General Discussion

Forgot to put a link to our latest article covering the i52 LAN.

spac3Will this be solely EU-based, or will you cover some NA events too?

We will try to cover every scene, including NA and hopefully Asian scene that is ignored too often. TFTV is having some really good articles covering the NA, so there is still a lot for us to learn from you guys.

In case someone pondered about our website design, we are currently doing a massive "facelift" that will make the reading even more enjoyable. :)

iridescentFUZZReservoir_dogHello fellow TF2 players!

Most of you never heard of Team Colonslash, so I decided to introduce my community! :)

I would imagine a lot of people will remember the Memorable Mumbling videos, and by extension, TC.

Hehe, I forgot about that festival of bad English! Shame on me. :)

@ Dannia - after such nice words about you guys, you bring insults!


posted about 10 years ago
#1 Follow Team Colonslash in TF2 General Discussion

Hello fellow TF2 players!

Most of you never heard of Team Colonslash, so I decided to introduce my community! :)

We are actively producing content such as:

1) News articles, columns/blogs and more - we will try to cover the biggest gaming events, from TF2 to LCS championships etc.

2) Interviews with various TF2 personas- so far the interviews (Drackk, Arie, HYS) were rather humble in size, but they will get bigger as we get more experience. Constructive feedback and criticism are highly welcome though!

3) Team Colonslash announcements - as Steam groups notifications usually tend to be viewed as spam or are just ignored, we understandably decided to use our website as the main source of information for those who are interested.

4) Team Colonslash projects and events - from our Heavy Boxing Tournaments, to our TF2 Academy teams, all can be found on our website.

Hopefully some of you will like it, and of course any constructive feedback, tips and ideas are welcome. For any additional information, feel free to add me on Steam.

posted about 10 years ago
#44 Windy City Rendezvous is LIVE!!! in News
LangeMr_OwlI'd love to do it again in a few months or so and make this a semi regular thing. I'm willing to take the reins on it as well if you're busy with other stuff, lange. I'm sure it was a hell of a lot of work to get something like this off the ground.
I definitely want to do more of these, potentially more than just once a year. I have to reflect for a while on this one first, and i52 and GXL need to be in the books before I think about more events. Rest assured though, I want another WCRV as much as you do and I will do everything in my power to make it happen.

Maybe combine the next Tips of the Hats with this LAN?

posted about 10 years ago
#43 Comedy in Off Topic

Bill Hicks.

posted about 10 years ago
#111 Why that class? in TF2 General Discussion

When I finally evolved and tried other maps then 2Fort, there was one Heavy who was always top scoring the Goldrush maps. He was really agile for a slow class, pushing and falling back, moving around, flanking as much as he could. In most cases he was the only guy that used voice chat, so he attracted a lot of attention and you could hear he was an older bloke, around late 40s.

So I took the Medic and pocketed the old fuck, without a mic, so I had to write stuff in chat like "GO I'LL POP", used chat commands like "SPY!" etc.

He would always put me on the top of the scoreboard so I continued playing Medic. Still have him on my friend list, 5 years later. Love you Mystikal. <3

posted about 10 years ago
#86 i52 LAN Fundraiser in News

How can you have such a beautiful voice Lange? I am literally confused...

posted about 10 years ago
#7 History Stories with Marxist in Off Topic

As a soon-to-be History graduate, I would like this. :)

Do you teach History Marxist?

posted about 10 years ago
#56 suicide. in Off Topic

Hey Chazz,

it's hard for me to mention this publicly, but my brother had a lot of mental issues in his life, mostly to drug usage. Suicidal attempts, strong medications and antidepressant usage (made him into a zombie, couldn't believe my eyes) and other things you mentioned were part of his life for years. Bitterness, lack of motivation, lack of long term life plans, loneliness (all those friends left him when they heard what happened to him, good riddance assholes) brought him into drug abuse few more times.

He battled his own shitstorms, found a shrink that almost sent him to the grave. And I mean it Chazz, this dude was the worst shrink someone could possibly wish. In the last moment (in my opinion), we found another shrink, some random dude who actually respected my bro from day 1. My brother didn't trust me nor my parents, he didn't had any friends, but he found a partner to talk about anything in that shrink. If you don't feel the same with yours, try finding another one. I can't stress enough, how much that change helped my brother. Today he has a job, long term life plans, and most importantly - he laughs. You deserve the same opportunity.

Good luck, be persistent.


And to answer your final question - it's your life and it's your decision, although some might disagree. But if you decide to walk that road, understand perfectly all the consequences your sis and mom will need to live with. As I can relate from my own experience, your actions will mark them on a long term basis, maybe forever. Think.

posted about 10 years ago
#99 if you order a $10 pizza how much would you tip in Off Topic

Interesting thread, made me remember the old classic intro of Reservoir dogs:

Basically both sides are correct, imo. You tip because those people count on it, but it's lame their wages are an utter disgrace. I live far from this world, but we still tip here, usually mostly around 10-15%.

posted about 10 years ago
#252 Twitch Plays Pokemon in Off Topic

This is probably closest we got to being a Borg.

posted about 10 years ago
#13 TFTV ZOWIE Invitational #2 Recap in News

Great article Admirable. :)

Also, it's worth noting that has a nice donation button on their web page, so if you are grateful for their completely free support of TF2, chuck in some money. Gods of gaming will take note of your action.

posted about 10 years ago
#77 ESEA season starting soon, let's talk? in TF2 General Discussion

CEVO didn't lie, for a start. It's like you broke up with a lying partner, so you don't really trust the new one. It's not really fair do judge them with same eyes.

/bad comparison

posted about 10 years ago
#75 ESEA season starting soon, let's talk? in TF2 General Discussion

Why would anyone want to invest their own money and time into a company that stole, lied, censured and mocked it's own customers - is beyond me.

#63 Atmo says it all.

posted about 10 years ago
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