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Signed Up July 12, 2017
Last Posted January 28, 2025 at 9:42 PM
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#8 Yen Situation in TF2 General Discussion

all the analysis is done bro. No need to look over any more demos, we all did that back when you got banned. Really, it would've been nice if it happened sooner. Playoffs wouldn't have been ruined, and I wouldn't have gotten benched for a cheater.

posted 1 month ago
#45 RGL S16 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
fygman of all the people to help with ban evasion why would you help a cheeto goon, WHY

pretty sure cheeto's crew just posted a thread calling this particular person out, but it was deleted

posted 5 months ago
#308 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion

Sweet taste of vindication

posted 6 months ago
#8 I fail to understand admin's reasoning behind this in TF2 General Discussion

I fail to understand a lot of the admin's decisions. welcome to the club

posted 6 months ago
#294 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion

to be fair I think it might actually be reasonable, unlike any other situation in history, to have missed a demo submission. Yen has had his demos requested like a billion times so eventually it was bound to happen or have one missing. Combined with all the other controversies it certainly seems a lot more suspicious, and personally, I think that the fact that pretty much every clip related to him in this thread being from basically one singular match that he played is the most suspicious part of the whole situation.

The demo tick argument is reasonable, but I think we're also hyperfocusing on this one game that he played and ignoring a lot of the other wild shit that we've seen back from when the thread first dropped.

posted 7 months ago
#266 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion
reveriethis might be extremely redundant, but I made a video taking a very close look at that flick
I also have a half edited video of some comparisons between legit/believable flicks vs the sus one, but I fell at this point that is unnecessary to post.

It would be awesome to help showcase the difference to all the people who are unaware- I was thinking of doing the same thing with a comparison video. I'd also like to point out that the literal exact frame that the shot is fired is also the exact frame that the direction they are moving their view becomes reversed.

posted 7 months ago
#248 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion
MAGICmessiahhttps://youtu.be/-J7qLgIxVhk?si=Li0RtSytNXKyqvCi&t=22while i agree with the dramatic flick, i think its important to emphasize why the yen clips stand out.

watch all 3 of the shots again. watch the slow motion and use < and > to go frame by frame.
yen fires his pipes at the exact stopping point of all of the flicks.

this is not shared in the daz flick (you can clearly see his crosshair overshoot and also go frame by frame and see when his ammo count diminishes and when the pipe is shot)

This is a fairly convincing argument and helps a lot I think with illustrating why the clips are weird. It certainly gives me something to look out for in the future. I am trying to stay as unbiased as possible in looking at these clips, so I do wonder, is there an explanation for this that isn't "it happens sometimes"? I can't see it being real.

posted 7 months ago
#228 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion

here are the links:
twitch clip
demostf stv (@98000)

Young sanity asked me about this clip a while ago so I'll throw in the response I gave to him here.

There are my observations:

1. The rightwards flick is incredibly fast, and it appears to stop at a reasonable point. Depending on how the demo strafes it seems like it might have hit.

2. Cursor immediately returns back after the flick- His sensitivity is quite high and the movements before hand suggest jitters after flicks. Elaborating on this, it really doesn't make sense for him to want to look left after the flick, why not keep looking right where all the action is? I don't have the full context of the clip, but I do not believe that it is reasonable for yen to have been scanning for another enemy near batts or lobby post flick- so this leftwards flick after the shot appears to be purely related to the player's aim. Whether or not the leftwards flick is jitters or correction for an aimkey? I don't have a clue.

3. The flick that is moving *towards the player* itself does not appear suspicious at all to me. The second pipe does not appear at all suspicious to me- the only part that feels weird is the movement to the left afterwards.

4. It seems to me like if it was an aimbot, then it would have fired a better predictive pipe.

5. Yen has a history of quite weird clips like these.

Overall, a lot of nothing here on its own, players flicking backwards to the left isn't super unheard of, and playing on high sens does do some weird things to people's aim and I think it's reasonable to expect clips like this to show up for just about every player eventually. I've seen plenty of awful players that I know definitely aren't cheating do stuff that is close to this, though I admittedly don't pay that much attention to that sort of thing, so it's hard to say how different this is. It's impossible to deny that it looks odd though, and combined with a history of similarly weird clips I think it's worth investigating further, but right now there isn't really any hard evidence contributing to an accusation of cheats.

posted 7 months ago
#20 young man buddha mode in a pug in TF2 General Discussion

days since last young man incident: 0

posted 8 months ago
#44 RGL S15 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
FacPrime-SanityKrakosjebediahtownhouseyahoocomPrime-SanityDo you think posting like this is a good advertisement for yourself as a prospective pick up for anyone lol.

I don't think anyone that considers picking up young sanity is ever confused about what they are about to pick up

posted 9 months ago
#34 RGL S15 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
BaconBlitzadvanced winner allowed to play anything that isnt med in main LOOOOOOOOL
dogshit fucking league, what a joke

every season it's the same thing. It's not even a secret- you either hope and pray that nobody from the div above drops down to take a free season, or you do it yourself. How absurd can you make a roster before one of the rgl admins finally notices your team is on average a div and a half above the rest of the competitors?

Add on the cheaters running rampant, obvious alts of so many players, and the fact that it's a paid league- what's the point? Forking over money so that the dealer's choice of circlejerk can sandbag.

posted 9 months ago
#49 A Famine of Medics in TF2 General Discussion
indecencyweve come full circle in the tf2 pug loop

next step is "we have no medics so lets make our own puggroup and roll meds" aka back to pughub


Is it time? I let puguhb die again when rgl pugs started up, nothing saying it can't come back.

posted 10 months ago
#198 RGL S14 Div-1/Advanced/Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
mipertondont care, yall did everything yall could to replace your team with better players. the better team will always prevail. quit playing the victim card

I don't got beef with any of y'all but I will say this- Maff's internet was definitely, certifiably, absolute shit, and slamborghini did straight up rq- that wasn't really in our control. Do I think that alex trying to restrict fuzze was stupid? absolutely.

posted 11 months ago
#196 RGL S14 Div-1/Advanced/Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
BaconBlitzRhythmy'all would not believe the comms I heard
upload the vod i have GOT to see that shit

we didn't stream unfortunately. let's just say I'm taking the words I heard to the grave

posted 11 months ago
#191 RGL S14 Div-1/Advanced/Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

y'all would not believe the comms I heard

posted 11 months ago
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