hello, many of you players probably cant help me with this but im going to put this here just incase. i previously used a macbook 13inch laptop with the lowest setting and chris maxframes and would get a constant 230fps on a 24 player badwater server. i use the trackpad on the computer to play and it was smooth and precise. after about 5 months of having it, i spilled milk all over it when i was watching a movie with some friends and broke it, ughhh. later that day, i went and bought a macbook 15inch laptop because i figured bigger is better and got all of my stuff transferred over to my new computer from my old, dead computer. i got all of my tf2 and trackpad settings back to the way they were and eventually got onto tf2. i played on my badwater server, in which i get 2 ping, and had some serious tf2 issues; my fps jumps around form 5 to 45, whenever i move the game freezes and then teleports me (although i have 2 ping), every menu i click is insanely slow to react and whenever i move my trackpad, the in-game crosshair moves 1 second after i initially move it. all of my settings are the same and the 15inch is supposed to be better and have a better processor.
if anyone can help me, post here PLEAAAASE