JaguarFiendI'm a super oldschool, everything-must-be-wired, games-on-a-desktop guy so my knowlege and experience with laptops is very minimal. My gf is completing her graduate program and is going out of state for the summer for the internship. She wants a laptop that she can play games (TF2) on and I want to get her one. The desktop is too cumbersome to take and her current laptop is old poop that is due for an upgrade.
I was wondering if anyone would have any suggestions on what to get or what kind of features to look for. This computer doesn't necessarily have to be a "gaming laptop" (unless it does, let me know). I was hoping to spend 500-600 bucks. My main requirement is that it needs to get a minimum of 60fps no matter what. Even if she's in a 33 player pub with 12 players and 8 explosions on screen I expect the fps to stay at a constant, non-wavering 60 where I will lock it. It's ok for the graphics to be medium-low, but I don't want to have to run any highframe fps configs.
Does my price range realistically match my goals? Any suggestions? I don't know how much time I have to get this before she leaves so I honestly imagine just going to best buy or something and picking it up.
Thanks in advance.
I dunno about gaming laptops but I play on my MacBook Pro which, with max frames and settings at low(hardly looks worse than normal) I can run at 200+ fps. I know u can get a refurbished one for like 600-700$ I think. the trackpad i also use for tf2 and its ok once u get used to the mouse accel