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Signed Up February 22, 2013
Last Posted August 4, 2018 at 1:20 PM
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#2 Team Fortress 2 Open Source in Projects

What I would be interested in is a dumbed down/easy to run version of tf2 that can still connect to normal servers.

But who am I kidding that's never gonna happen.

This looks interesting aswell but I doubt it will ever pull a lot of comp players.

posted about 10 years ago
#44 1/13/2015 Site Update in Site Discussion

Found another that's probably not supposed to be there.

posted about 10 years ago
#3 1/13/2015 Site Update in Site Discussion

Header title of the main page still says Not sure if that's intended.

posted about 10 years ago
#5 2015 eGO Arena Respawn Showdown in TF2 General Discussion
collwroh man a community sponsored tournament
better -frag huh boys

Yea kinda sad but AR is just not the right gamemode and I don't understand why they are trying so hard to make it a thing.

posted about 10 years ago
#156 Ninox Aurora in Hardware

Mine arrived today, mouse buttons are fine, there might be a tiny bit of travel on the right one before the switch starts going down, but you really have to look for it.
Switches on the main and side buttons feel fine and have decent feedback.
Wish the LOD was a bit lower because I was using an EC2 before but w/e.
Scroll wheel is ok, not the best one I've used, not the worst, the scroll click is decent aswell.
Really like the coating.
And if you didn't know already: This thing is light as fuck. If you are coming from a heavier mouse with huge mouse feet(like me), be prepared to flail your mouse around like a retard for the first few minutes.

Software is crashing for me aswell, been too lazy to look for a fix yet, is there one?

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Smissmass Update: New Weapons and Gamemodes! in TF2 General Discussion
Stickybomb Launcher

Stickybombs that detonate in the air now have a radius ramp up, starting at 85% at base arm time (0.8s) going back to 100% over 2 seconds. Stickies that touch the world will have full radius.

Stickybombs now have a more visible trail while traveling through the air

Stickybombs arm particle is slightly more visible
posted about 10 years ago
#76 New Perspective in TF2 General Discussion
smoboSchalalaareally rude shit happensin comp tf2on the internet
and that's probably never going to change
no excuse not to try

It doesn't have shit to do with trying. The comp community is not toxic. There are people within it that are toxic, and you can't make them be nice. This stuff is always going to happen. There is awlays going to be dickheads.

posted about 10 years ago
#73 New Perspective in TF2 General Discussion
really rude shit happens in comp tf2on the internet

and that's probably never going to change

posted about 10 years ago
#23 New Perspective in TF2 General Discussion
See the edit to my above post. We don't need to be angels, we don't need to hold hands or baby new players into their first team. But we can be people, and more importantly we can not be dicks. Don't ridicule or !rep a lobby medic who is actively listening and trying to learn. Don't spend all your time in pubs spawn camping and telling people they are bad and should uninstall the game. And if someone asks you a question, give them an answer.

This isn't the hurt feelings police, if you think that this community is welcoming and wonderful then you probably don't have a change a thing about what you are doing and how you are acting. Just drop the tag in your name and call it a day.

My post was actually mostly directed to #15 and everyone else that thinks we need to 100% politically correct on internet forums so the reddit/pub community can grace us with their huge masses of players. I probably should have quoted him.
I actually agree with you and I would do the thing but the only public servers I play on are dm servers...

posted about 10 years ago
#20 New Perspective in TF2 General Discussion

Can the hurt feelings police fuck off please. If the reason people aren't playing comp because some people say mean stuff on the forums or because someone was mean to someone in pubs. Then we can pull the plug right now because all hope is lost.

People that get turned down by this shit are useless anyways, you play comp to get better because you want to get better.It's about improving and having fun while doing it. That's it. If forums or people being mean in pubs keep you from doing that then you weren't gonna get far/be good anyways.

posted about 10 years ago
#12 New Perspective in TF2 General Discussion
_In_SanitySchalalaaoy vey
Prior to getting into comp myself I can say that a lot of the competitive players that I encountered in pubs were there to play troll loadouts, spam binds, and assert their own dominance over the lower class of tf2 player known as the pubber. I have since learned that a majority of these players are from the lowest levels of comp play, and tend to be shithead kids who get in mumble with a few friends and think it is great fun to demo+medic combos in pubs and spawn camp.

They aren't the majority of our community, there really aren't enough of them to be counted as a proper minority even either, but the impression they leave is 100x more impactful than a nice competitive player who acts to encourage pubbers.

The unfortunate truth is that we remember bad experiences far more vividly than good experiences.

I don't think we can change a lot about this, because (as you stated) the people doing it are mostly kids fucking around thinking they are hot shit because they recently found out how to use sticks.
The only way to counter them is to give pubbers an actual insight into comp. tf2 and it's community so they can understand that most of us are here to enjoy videogames.

But then again, if you get turned off by people shittalking you in pubs then maybe you should stay away from competitive videogaming altogether...

posted about 10 years ago
#6 New Perspective in TF2 General Discussion

Can someone please explain to me what these people are thinking of when they call the community toxic?
I'm under the impression that our community is pretty welcoming and friendly to newer players, on top of that you have stuff like the HLO, newbie mixes and shittons of videos specifically geared towards newcomers.
Most of the people I've met in Tf2 have been chill as fuck.

So where is this coming from? Are these people just retarded and judge the community based on encounters with sniper mains in pubs or what? Is it because someone was mean on reddit?

posted about 10 years ago
#79 i52 Fragmovie in TF2 General Discussion

I have my old (640GB) HDD sitting here collecting dust, I can check if it still works and maybe send it to you if you're interested. Just add me on steam.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Scout Mentor in Mentoring
thebacondrinkerf_blueYou're new to the game. You will improve significantly by just playing and working on your aim. Also there's a lot of helpful guides and resources out help 2014

He is right. Have a look at this and . You should have no problem improving your game with the resources that are available to you, unless you expect to get spoonfed ofc.

Edit: Probably already mentioned in the first thread I linked but this helped me out the most when I was starting out:

posted about 10 years ago
#42 Where do u you find time to play tf2? in TF2 General Discussion
KidIpzFor the past 15 years I am highly insomniac which results in me getting only about 3-4.5hrs of sleep at night( I can nap super quick in the most public places if I like :> ). Surprisingly my body/brain adapted to this change over the time so that for about the last 8 years I am not in any way exhausted and I feel as relaxed as if I just slept 10hrs. This results in my day having 20 to 21hrs ,so its very easy for me to fill about 2-3 of these hours with some video gaming. Obviously insomnia is in no way a beneficial thing and I have to go to check up and a sleeping lab every 6month BUT it came in very handy when I got twins in December! If you have any questions you can hit me up :)

mentor me in sleep scheduling pls

posted about 10 years ago
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