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Country Luxembourg
Signed Up February 22, 2013
Last Posted August 4, 2018 at 1:20 PM
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#80 TotH discussion in TF2 General Discussion
SpewntheSpoonPing deciding the fate of the NA v EU showmatches

looks like it didn't

posted about 11 years ago
#1495 Frag Clips Thread in Videos
Smithsoniancan anyone remember the vid where a streamer (lange?) gets a crit pipe on badwater and kills like 6 people, then gets up and just leaves the room
trying to find it but no success so far

posted about 11 years ago
#1166 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
vilevery nice stuff, intellectual. love the ammo and health being centered.

very proud of how this looks lol

Could you share your hud please? Would love to see what it's based on, and how the rest of it looks.

posted about 11 years ago
#1025 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
drewbivileWhat kind of cool stuff have you done with your favorite HUD? If you have a self-made HUD and don't mind posting it, please do so. Also, share your crazy ideas!

I love improving my personal HUD, so some inspiration wouldn't hurt.
Surely, you guys would also appreciate new ideas.

I'll start.
(modified rayshud)

never intended for public release so there might be some weird stuff such as messy labeling in the hud files.

my changes (i don't remember all of them but these are the important ones):
-slightly transparent scoreboard
-moved health and ammo
-changed buffed health ammo
-changed damage number colors and transparency (for the once that show up on enemies)
-my weird crosshair (the big lines consist of transparent white lines outlined by slightly less transparent black lines. this makes it so that it is easy to see AND less distracting. usually it's one or the either when it comes to these big xhair lines.)
-control points lowered and moved closer together
-targetid's are lower than usual
-custom damage indicators (when you get hit). i add this to any hud i use. i highly recommend using a modified damage indicator over the default.

things to worry about (maybe):
-results of line-crosshair may vary depending on your resolution.
-didn't move any unlock meters (bonk, buff banner, etc) but their positioning shouldn't be bad at all.
-ubercharge number is still at default position
posted about 11 years ago
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