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Signed Up June 15, 2016
Last Posted December 1, 2024 at 5:05 AM
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1 ⋅⋅ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ⋅⋅ 93
#1 OMG 4 in The Dumpster

haha gotcha dumbass. you thought

posted about a year ago
#18 favorite strokes song? in Music, Movies, TV

Side by Side ft. Thaiboy Digital off of Icedancer

posted about a year ago
#1528 worst steam profile in Off Topic
found rage hacking in casual with bot medics. very expensive inventory too lol

posted about a year ago
#19 rgl youtube membership in TF2 General Discussion
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You need an RGL Gold account to view this post!
posted about a year ago
#31 Anyone still play Escape from Tarkov? in Other Games

i agree that would be fantastic. lots of moving parts to a thing like that though. hopefully they do plan on adding one

posted about a year ago
#29 Anyone still play Escape from Tarkov? in Other Games

confirmed bug by BSG, message is sending out too many confirmed reports

he also plays on OCE which has an extremely notably low population that is filled disproportionally with cheaters trying to RMT farm on a low population server

ALSO shoreline is additionally disproportionally affected by cheaters due to it being one of the few maps that has a good chance of spawning multiple rare items like LEDx's, and most importantly labs keycards. its RMT farm heaven. its the map where i ran into my one cheater

posted about a year ago
#27 Anyone still play Escape from Tarkov? in Other Games

cheater problem has been/is bad but i literally won a 1v1 with one today lol and anecdotally i have only run into that single one (to my apparent knowledge)

im level 22 so far this wipe if anyone wants to play add me on discord @heavyslash

posted about a year ago
#10 can someone explain in TF2 General Discussion
DoughySo wrong on so many levels.

1. You can destroy your gun after it gets kill(s) as the enemy team will retreat since a player just died, giving enough time to rebuild. If they decide to push they will push into the crits with a player disad.

2. Engineer is already at a disadvantage in a 1v1 with regular shotgun against every class except spy or sniper or medic. if you can get 3 shots off and not be dead, that's already a miracle tbh. You also shouldn't even be in this position. Why are you pushing out as engineer? Why are you still on engineer on last and haven't swapped off already to a better class for the situation, like heavy, pyro or scout?

3. The diamondback in 6s is busted. You backstab some rando guy instead of the med then shoot the med for 100 to force or drop with any sort of spam, or shoot ANYONE to kill another guy and get a 2 for 1 sac. Or even don't shoot and run away and go for round two, where you get 2 crits to 2 shot a med.

4. Regular revolver is really good, l'etranger is more for when time pressured and can't waddle around on cloak and dagger and need the stab quick rather than risking a revolver kill.

Unlocks and offclasses are pretty straight forward to use, but then I read stuff like this and it makes me understand why so many people are still so bad at it.

you are literally agreeing with my post but also just "um actually"ing

posted about a year ago
#4 can someone explain in TF2 General Discussion

- reward is given instantly for no sacrifice
- gun has minor penalties when used without crits (damage nerf that is shared with other popular meta revolvers like letranger and amby, but 6 shots per reload is retained)
- you absolutely can get 2 shots off quick on a player and insta drop them if you time it right

frontier justice:
- if your sentry gets kills in order to provide you with crits, you have to actively either kill your gun or allow your gun to BE killed in order to receive your reward
- gun without crits is functionally a zero-miss endeavor as with 3 shots if you miss at all on most classes you just dont even have enough ammo to compensate for your mistake

also in 6s you dont want to use the diamondback anyway because the unbanned meta alternative the l'etranger gives such a massive passive buff of having more cloak to have a better time getting in position

posted about a year ago
#4 Why don't 6s have other gamemodes? in TF2 General Discussion

payload maps are way too big and offclassing/full-timing sniper on them is really boring (go ask any highlander player how they feel about sniper at all times)

a/d is lowkey kind of fun in theory but the maps available for it are all kind of goofy or bad, like kawa mentioned gpit used to be part of the official comp rotation but it fell out of popularity.

ultimately the game is so small and insular that questions like "why are there only these classes, why are there only these gamemodes, etc" can be answered with "we have tried a bunch of stuff for 16 years and we've decided these classes and these maps are the most fun"

most people i think that are new to competitive tf2 are often unsatisfied with hearing that because they haven't had the time and experience to find out why things like full time pyro and sniper are boring and not fun for either team, or why 5CP is one of the few functioning modes for a team size of 6. they're also just generally unsatisfied with hearing that they cant main their favorite class in 6s which is an understandable complaint to have but it'd be like being mad that your favorite gun in csgo is the auto shotty and you can't just use that every round and do well at high level CS

posted about a year ago
#6 worst usernames? in Off Topic


posted about a year ago
#1 Cheating in Competitve TF2 Leagues in TF2 General Discussion
rare demoknight player W

posted about a year ago
#18 OW2 Caster on Demo & Soldier vs Pharah & Junkrat in TF2 General Discussion

he's only saying this because all of the top 10 spots in top 500 in EU got filled up by a guy who one/two tricks pharah and echo. there are no noteable junkrat players in the ranked ladder and definitely not in OW league

posted about a year ago
#2 happy 30th birthday b4nny in TF2 General Discussion

how are you guys celebrating

posted about a year ago
#5 help me understand why 6s is the way it is in TF2 General Discussion

the market gardener and the loch n load are not banned in the glorious land of the USA

posted about a year ago
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