Moist_PenguinSentinelgemmi don't think 'they' did do something about his coaching, i believe kaido chose to assume the out-of-game coach role himself
Wasn't there a new rule after i58 that banned ingame coaching in tf2?
Who would make such a ruling? Valve made a ruling about it in CSGO but nothing about tf2. For valve to make a rulling about it there would first have to be valve sponsored tf2 tournaments.
It is up to individual leagues/competitions if they want to allow it. Currently no league allows it but this is nothing to do with valve and more to do with the fact that coaches require servers to have an extra plugin.
I haven't slept in a while so this just might be my brain liquefying, but I can swear I saw posts about coaching being a nono in tf2 anymore. Maybe I'm just thinking of an etf2l announcement that said coaches wont be allowed in the post i58 season. I should get some sleep tbh