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Last Posted April 26, 2024 at 5:56 AM
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#3514 PC Build Thread in Hardware

No difference in performance, so 2x16 GB is probably better just in case you want to upgrade later. Or 2x8 for that matter, but that might be cutting it close for 4K.

No problem, have fun building it.

posted about 4 years ago
#3512 PC Build Thread in Hardware

No, the cooler and clockrates matter much more.
Do you mean 2x8 or 4x8GB? Fitting 8 sticks into 4 slots would certainly be a noteworthy achievement.
Unless you want to go for a crazy overclock watercooling is never necessary and it that case you'd need a much more expensive mobo to even get there. You also can't afford it. All-in-ones are never recommended because they don't do shit.
Honestly do you even plan on overclocking? I'd just drop the cooler and use the free stock cooler. Maybe even drop the X because the 3600's performance is so similar anyway.

Not a fan of the PSU considering what you can get for the same price.
Or less if you don't use pcp because it sucks outside of the US.

2070 non-Super or 5700 XT are also options if you want to save a bit of money.

posted about 4 years ago
#3510 PC Build Thread in Hardware

This is the one thread I care about. I never get the first/last post on a page. Until it also gets the nuked post offset bug.
Why has god forsaken me?

I tried to get used to the wrong "1 unread" but I can't.
Please send help.

I mean you got "jump to first unread post" link fixed even if the counter is still off by 2. That's something. I believe in you.

posted about 4 years ago
#3509 PC Build Thread in Hardware

For that money he can get a better PSU.
First one is only semi-modular, so if he can afford it he should go for whichever of the last two is cheaper when he buys the parts.

2x8 GB should be enough. He can add another 2x8GB if he really needs it later. That way he can afford faster RAM, an HDD or a larger HDD, simply save some money or any combination of those.

posted about 4 years ago
#4 broken sata connector in Hardware

Why was he cleaning the laptop with a soldering iron?

Pictures would be more important than HWinfo because that doesn't tell me anything.
If it's clean he can just solder it back on, but I highly doubt that he has properly and cleanly accidentally desoldered the SATA connector.

Well no one should buy SSDs for the sequential speed. 400 or 500 MB/s doesn't matter that much. IOPS are more important.

He doesn't want to resolder the whole board so wave soldering or a reflow oven is really not what he needs.
Hot air rework station would be nice but is not required.

posted about 4 years ago
#3507 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Yeah, should've seen that coming.

Well there is no Z390 mobo with PCI as far as I know.
Sound card ist fine. External DAC/ADC is better but more expensive.

That's the same chip as on those mobos:
Basically even good onboard sound is still shit because it's a 1$ chip with little to no decoupling and no shielding on the same board as VRMs pushing 100W into the CPU and right next to the VRMs pushing 200-300W into the GPU. At least they put the chip in the bottom left corner to get it as far away from that noise as possible (GPU VRMs are on the right, CPU on the left of the socket at the top of the mobo). But then the signal then either goes through unshielded cables that are thrown into the big cable management bundle with the cables carrying those same 400W to get to the front panel or it goes through the board right next to the VRMs because that's where the audio jacks are.
At this point any electrical/audio engineer will say "Fuck this shit I'm out. Wait, on second though I need this job, but don't expect any miracles".
Your sound quality literally depends more on the GPU load and specific GPU and other cards you've installed than on the chip actually doing the work. That just puts a ceiling to the quality under ideal conditions.

posted about 4 years ago
#3504 PC Build Thread in Hardware

I forgot to mention it but if you're not streaming a 9600K would probably be enough.

Also if for some reason you want to use onboard sound the Gaming X wouldn't be ideal. Next cheapest option with better onboard sound would be an MSI MPG Z390 Gaming Edge AC or ASRock Z390 Extreme4. Same price atm, same audio chip, WiFi on the Edge AC, although there is a slot for a WiFi M.2 card on the Extreme4, more RGB options on the ASRock I think because that's really important and some other minor differences.

posted about 4 years ago
#3502 PC Build Thread in Hardware

There are a ton of cases exactly 20cm wide but that would be cutting it very close if it fits at all and make putting the case in the bag and getting it out again a pain in the ass.

For µATX there are quite a few options, e.g. Silverstone PS series, all round 17x36x40cm or Cooler Master Masterbox Lite 3, 18x38x40 and many more. Full ATX would be something like a BitFenix Nova (183x437x465mm) or Antec GX200 (185x412x450mm). They should still just about fit in the bag.

Keep in mind that you don't want to just go for the narrowest case. 17cm with 15cm gone for the PSU means less than 2cm for cablemanagement on the other side. Some ATX 24 pin PSU cables will be a tight squeeze. No problem with flat cables or the complete garbage non-bundled loose wires that you can just press flat, but those tightly bundled will be roughly circular in cross section and not fun to squeeze in.

Haven't paid attention to the number of 2.5" slots. You can always put a second SSD in a 3.5" instead or get an M.2 SSD.

I think it was just the 1700X and 1800X. Even the 1600X got a version with cooler although there was one without as well and 2700X and so on all came with a cooler.

You don't get to do that, you're not eXtine.

Not sure what there is to try out. It's a cooler. For more than 130$. It's not better, it's not quieter, it's just more expensive. So if you ever wanted to know what it feels like to spend 131.99$ on a cooler go ahead.

2666 is the official support without XMP. Gigabyte lists 4266 with XMP. Not sure how much higher you need to go.

posted about 4 years ago
#3499 PC Build Thread in Hardware

I'm not judging, just thought it was funny.

Ok, I'll just look for options close to 15cm to be sure.

There's a difference between "just big enough to fit an ATX mobo" and "big enough to fit ATX, EATX, XL-ATX and 12 HDDs".

posted about 4 years ago
#3497 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Yeah I know, I've seen the other pictures. That's not the standard config either, but neither is having the monitor hanging upside down, so I was wondering if the weirdness is canceled out or amplified.

I think it would be better if you measured a bag you've got or made a guess than if I guessed how large that bag is since I don't even have any similar bags lying around.

An ATX PSU should be 150mm wider so 15cm + x, maybe ~20cm wide? It looks more than twice as long and high so >40 litres, more than enough for even a full ATX case. So you might be overestimating how small you need to go. Mini-ITX is usually more expensive than µATX, at least if you want a decent mobo so we might be able to avoid that.

posted about 4 years ago
#3495 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Ah yes.
I'm not sure if the task bar on top makes the upside down monitor less weird or even weirder.

Smaller than an Elite 110 isn't going to happen but less cube-shaped is doable.

I require bag measurements. I don't shop at Lidl.

posted about 4 years ago
#3493 PC Build Thread in Hardware
jnkicurrently have
no case

I feel like there's a story here.

Anyway AMD isn't Intel so the 3600X comes with a better free stock cooler than the 3600. Considering that they boost to very similar clockrates it might not be worth if because the cooler on its own definitely isn't worth 30 bucks.

700W isn't the problem, just Chieftec in general and the PSU somehow not meeting the over a decade old 80+ Bronze standard. There are quite a few SFX PSUs >500W (or 600 for that matter) but they aren't cheap. Then again a good ATX PSU wouldn't be that cheap either so keeping the old one makes sense if your budget is limited.

Well how small do you want the case to be? There is a point where a dual slot full length GPU and the stock CPU cooler physically won't fit. At least the PSU you got is short (140mm) so any case that does support ATX PSUs should be fine, but obviously not all cases are large enough to fit ATX PSUs in the first place.
Frankly you're not going to get a carrying handle. Cases with those are rare, rarely cheap and either not big enough to fit your GPU or don't support ATX PSUs or both or simply aren't small. The "smallest" case that qualifies is the BitFenix Prodigy and that's a pretty bad joke. A mini-ITX case that's larger than most full ATX cases? Even the µATX version is still too large. I mean what's the point of µATX if the case isn't any smaller or cheaper?

posted about 4 years ago
#28 Why crossbow is bad for TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
sageEliminates weapon variety: Its so good that all the other primaries are considered "trolling"

I too miss being able to choose between Syringe Gun A, Syringe Gun B and Syringe Gun C.

New players just don't have the gamesense to choose the correct one in all situations.
You know, Blutsauger for when choosing between not healing your team or dying more easily seems like a good strategy.
Overdose for when running away faster might be useful and stock for when the item servers are down.

sageViewlock: While medigun lets you look around while healing, crossbow forces you to place your crosshair at your teammate and lose situational awareness, wich might stop you from seeing a soldier jumping you or some scout flanking for you.

Yeah, how could Valve dare not giving Medic permanent 360° vision. Having to look at players to start healing them is barely tolerable.

posted about 4 years ago
#3491 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Well that's TF2. Depends a bit on the settings but dropping below 144 fps in pubs is normal.

Well what are your uses? Can't exactly tell if it's worth it with no information.

Also 300$ for a Z370-A is borderline criminal. A Z370-A II costs 140$. I hope you're not buying mobos by price, expecting them to be better if they're more expensive. Also if you don't want to have fun with the BIOS update (read: gamble if the CPU works out of the box or not, with no way to update if it doesn't) you should either get a mobo doesn't need CPU to flash the BIOS or a comparable Z390 mobo (e.g. Z390 Gaming X).

posted about 4 years ago
#3488 PC Build Thread in Hardware

That makes more sense. 60 were definitely core temps, not the package?

Well upgrading the mobo wouldn't do anything.
Any mobo upgrade would necessitate a RAM replacement as well unless you find one of the elusive and garbage LGA1151 DDR3 mobos.
In terms of CPUs supported by that mobo it's not looking good either (DDR3 mobos were phased out quickly because no one wanted them) and for 5% better performance because you can't overclock it's really not worth it.

Any signficant upgrade would require a new CPU, mobo and RAM. At least 250 for ~15%. Max without overclocking ~25% and that would be a lot more expensive. That's assuming your CPU is performing like it should be. More if it's not but then you should fix that rather than upgrade. If it is and you need more than +15-30% fps you're out of luck.

posted about 4 years ago
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