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Signed Up December 16, 2012
Last Posted April 26, 2024 at 5:56 AM
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#3419 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Depends on the mobo, how hard you're going to oc and whether you want PCIe 4.0.
A decent B450/X470 board should do just fine.

Just upgrading for the sake of uprading is pointless though. If everything runs as well as you want/need it to just wait, there'll always be better hardware next year.

posted about 5 years ago
#3417 PC Build Thread in Hardware

The 5700 XT is cheaper and faster, it's hard to argue with that. Definitely go for an aftermarket version though, there's only so much the single fan reference cooler can do.

Thanks, it's been almost 6 years now.

posted about 5 years ago
#3415 PC Build Thread in Hardware

In TF2 yes. Everything else depends on the game and settings.

More importantly is the question really "would a Ryzen 7 2700X bottleneck a 2080" or is it "would a 2080 be bottlenecked by a Razen 7 2700X"? If it's the former I'd ask you why you're not buying a 3700X instead and if it's the latter I'd ask what you're buying the 2080 for.

posted about 5 years ago
#3413 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Why would it not work?
Any bottleneck that would affect a 5700 XT would also affect a 2070.

posted about 5 years ago
#9549 stream highlights in Videos

I appreciate the attempt. I really do.
So I didn't want to complain immediately and waited to see whether the problem I actually mind was fixed.
It's not and now the unread postcount is also wrong.
But we're getting there, fixing this might be trial and error but we'll get there.

posted about 5 years ago
#3411 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Oh it would be 8 bit without FRC. FRC is basically interpolation to emulate 8 bit colours with a 6 bit panel. Either way 8 bit is the better one so we'll go with that.

Ok so the cheapest curved 8 bit also got FreeSync.
HDMI only I think.

Straight 8 bit and FreeSync we got
VGA (obviously no FreeSync on that), HDMI and DisplayPort.
Same thing with DVI instead of DP and a bit cheaper.
DVI doesn't support FreeSync though so using it would be a waste and you'd be better off with a monitor without FreeSync. Perfectly viable way of saving money if you're going to use HDMI though.

They all got tilting but nothing else.
If you don't need/want FreeSync there are cheaper straight 8 bit monitors, no curved ones though.

posted about 5 years ago
#3409 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Excellent, so the mobo was definitely worth it.

Yeah low end TN panels do that. It's hard to find reviews for budget monitors so I'll have to go mostly by specs.
Flicker-free VA/IPS 23.6" or 23.8" should be a good starting point. Then there's still two choices to be made:
1. Curved or straight, which I guess comes down to preference.
2. Which features you want on top of that. Adjustable height, tilt, etc. if you need it, FreeSync (no eye cancer with 24/25 fps if your player doesn't deal with that), 8 bit instead of 6 bit + FRC (in theory slightly better colours) or stretching the budget and getting a combination e.g. for 8 bit + FreeSync there's some options around 110-120£.

posted about 5 years ago
#3407 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Out of curiosity: Did you have to update the BIOS?

Anyway, this depends a bit on what you think are "pretty good colours" and whether you want 24". 1080p is a given but both IPS and 24" would be difficult. 24" TN and 20-23" IPS are very doable though.

posted about 5 years ago
#9527 stream highlights in Videos

Yeah but this thread has been affected for months if not years now by the same nuking. It's been fixed manually before (after a whole bunch of posts got nuked iirc) so maybe it's time to dig up enigma.

posted about 5 years ago
#12 Gaming laptop help in Hardware

Then stop stealing our currency. Or join.
Good luck in your search for pc parts in your mystery country.

posted about 5 years ago
#10 Gaming laptop help in Hardware

You're in the EU and you're not on an island. There are plenty of EU shops that will ship to wherever you are. VAT will be paid directly at the shop. If customs try to charge you anything you're legally allowed to shove Article 30 TFEU up their asses.

posted about 5 years ago
#8 Gaming laptop help in Hardware

Well I've always wanted to send a package to Greenland. A little smuggling never hurt anyone.
For real though, if the prices are insanely inflated it's better to import the parts somehow.


platscPerformance for any decent desktop at the 900 dollar range probably isnt that better then a 1300-1100 dollar laptop unless you dump most of that money on the gpu/cpu combo, which doesn't really leave you with much for anything else.

Probably is though. I don't want to see a 900$ budget build where less than half of that is spent on CPU and GPU. If you "need" 500$ for mobo, RAM, storage, case and PSU you're doing it wrong. It's not like that 1300$ laptop is coming with a 200$ SSD either.

I guess desktops are easier to steal than laptops where you live, it's the other way around here.

posted about 5 years ago
#4 Gaming laptop help in Hardware

Yes it's true.

SylentI checked the prices and building my own PC would be the same price/marginally cheaper than getting a laptop with the same specs

I highly doubt that. "Same" specs would be ~700€, same performance even less.

It's not made any differently.
It's a completely standard GTX 1660 Ti chip, just on a different board due to form factor and with half the TDP, 60W instead of 120W.
Laptops don't generate power. It's not a reliability issue either.
A single fan the size of a slice of toast simply can't cool 400W worth of hardware.

posted about 5 years ago
#20 CPU in Hardware

There's so many similar performing SSDs that I wouldn't limit it to picking between those two.
Also Phison E16/E18 and 128 Layer NAND are coming, so even if you stick with the same performance and don't go for a PCIe 4.0 SSD the prices will change a lot, even relative to each other, depending on who replaces their models first and how much the prices of the old models are cut. Choosing to buy an MP510 in May 2020 because it was cheaper than just one of its competitors in September 2019 makes no sense.

posted about 5 years ago
#9519 stream highlights in Videos

Please fix the postcount.

posted about 5 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 ⋅⋅ 229