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Last Posted August 7, 2018 at 8:12 AM
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#28 TF2 update for 7/15/15 (7/16/15 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion
nobelharvardsHowever, it results in some classes being bald (soldier, engineer). You cannot replace the cosmetics with the default cosmetics and get it past sv_pure 2.

A bit off topic, but I've done exactly that and got it past sv_pure 2. sv_pure 2 seems to be pretty lenient towards model replacements but is literally Hitler to anything texture related. Replacing the model of a hat that disables a bodygroup with another model (in this case: the model of the bodygroup it disables) from the game files will result in that model being used instead, with the proper RED team texture for both teams. Red seems to be the default texture with a blue texture needing to be specified. Don't ask me how it works, the game just seems to know. It might be possible to replace the model of a weapon with skins with the model of that weapon which might force it to use the default Red texture. Of course, this means no more team coloured weapon, but also no skins in DX9. I'll experiment now to see if I can get anything to work. Also, here's some more information.
Edit: Does anyone know if the stock weapon viewmodels use c_models or v/w_models? Also I think I removed the stattrack (that's what its called in the files, even for TF2) counter on strange weapon skins but I don't have any to try so if anyone does please try this .vpk.

posted about 9 years ago
#15 tf2center heavy yelling at me in TF2 General Discussion

I thought this would be a thread about some heavy yelling at someone for being bad or something.
I'm glad it wasn't.

posted about 10 years ago
#5 scout arms/hands look cut in Q/A Help

This is a problem related to using a low texture quality. Something related to how textures are wrapped around models or how the edges of textures become jagged at lower quality settings. This problem becomes even worse if you use the LOD bias hack. You should also notice problems with 'cuts' on the rock props around Badwater.
TL;DR: Use a higher texture quality setting or get used to it.

posted about 10 years ago
#77 The Supposed God of Demoman in TF2 General Discussion

Further investigation into his SINGULAR log shows his 3 kills were when he was playing heavy, engie and sniper. I think I'm beginning to understand.

posted about 10 years ago
#59 The Supposed God of Demoman in TF2 General Discussion

Duke of Flies isn't even a hard boss, should've got a Haunted Ghosts hat and called it The Haunt.
also wtf this guy cannot be serious

posted about 10 years ago
#185 No Hats Mod in Customization
tsunami_o/ Update last night with medals and miscs. Looks good, will run and test right now.

Still see a lot of hats e.e

That version is only for the Smissmas hats as no other version of the mod had the Smissmas hats installed and I needed people to test my method to make sure it all worked. The mod removes no other hats, using my method or otherwise, so that's why most hats are visable.

Also, I still need help finding the 3 other versions of the Gibus (Ghastlierest, Ghastlier and Ghastly). The completed mod will take months to do as the process of replacing a hat's model is slow and tedious and the .mdl decompiler I'm using (Crowbar) frequently makes mistakes in the .qc files so I have to check them as well. I'm also starting off with the hats in the models/player/items directory as opposed to the models/player/workshop/player/items directory, which have been given names that reflect the model, rather than the actual in game name (thanks Valve) so I have to open the .smd in Blender to check which hat it is and whether or not it removes a body group. If someone wants to help make this mod, feel free to add me on Steam and I'll guide you through the process and we can divvy up some of the folders as it takes me roughly 3 minutes per single hat when I'm going at my absolute fastest if I've already cleaned the .qc file up and checked the .smd in Blender
TL;DR: pls send an adult I need help.

Edit: I just finished with the MvM cosmetics and it turns out the medic's backpack can't find it's original texture when the stock backpack bodygroup is used, so it's either allow any medic backpack cosmetics, replace the model and have the purple and black square texture or remove the model entirely and reveal the medic's sexy back. I've opted for the latter as purple and black squares is an eye-sore and provides a slight visibility advantage (we could file this as a bug report saying that it's an exploit and can be used on sv_pure 2 servers to try and get Valve to fix the matter) and I don't want to endorse any form of exploitation in a competitive scenario and I don't want to have any cosmetics what-so-ever so leaving the original model for the cosmetic is out of the question. I've also noticed the the Cheater's Lament has no separate class models so I can't replace the body group, as that would lead to snipers wearing soldier helmets etc.

posted about 10 years ago
#174 No Hats Mod in Customization

For you folks who have already made no hats mods, where are the models for the first three versions on the Gibus (Ghastlierest, Ghastlier and Ghastly) kept? I've only managed to find models for the Ghostly Gibus in models/player/items/all_class.

posted about 10 years ago
#172 No Hats Mod in Customization

Finished :)

Known issues:
-Soldier's helmet has the red team skin for blue soldiers (related items: Skullcap).

-Pyro's grenades and engineers helmet use the red team skin for blue team, however the difference is very subtle (light orange for red and yellow for blue) (related items: Conagher's Combover and Torcher's Tabard).

-Strange happenings when I used this .vpk with the beta for my version of the mod removing every hat. I haven't made much progress, but some of the hats I have reskinned didn't work in sv_pure 2 at all and others bypassed the problem I've been having with team coloured bodygroups (the red team skin on blue team etc.) when used at the same time as this .vpk. I haven't run into any problems when the reskins for the Smissmas hats are in the same .vpk as all the other hat reskins so if you have any problems, combine the .vpk's (shouldn't be too hard, but ask and I'll put up some kind of guide).

Lemme know if any of the hats are having any problems as I don't own any of the Smissmas hats and I had to test them on the itemtest map, so I couldn't test all of the LODs or facial flexes (for any hats that have them) and I worked on half of this at 3 in the morning with my eyes hanging out of my head.
Enjoy the FPS!

posted about 10 years ago
#169 No Hats Mod in Customization
KnowProblemDoes anyone know how to get the Pyro's head and Scout's feet from disappearing? I've tried the 2 links on the first page and it'd didn't work one bit.

I'm working on it. You can find out more about my efforts in post #166

On that note, I have not received an email from Valve (surprise, surprise), so I'll begin work on a version of the no-hats mod that fixes the body group issue for all sv_pure settings. I'll upload a teaser of the Smissmas hats using my version if someone suggests a file sharing service :)

posted about 10 years ago
#3 TF2: The Quest For Invite in TF2 General Discussion

I'm not sure if that download is for the actual game, or some fucked up torture rape porn or some shit. I'm not sure if I trust you Gig.

posted about 10 years ago
#166 No Hats Mod in Customization

I've been working on a version of the mod that replaces any hat/misc that disables a bodygroup with the model of the bodygroup it disables. It's slow progress, but so far it's working nearly perfectly on sv_pure 2 servers for the few hats I've replaced so far.
The one problem I have is with textures for bodygroups with team colours (the soldiers helmet for example). Somehow, when a model is replaced the game defaults to the texture that the model uses, which has saved my bacon from having to retexture every hat that replaces a body group (and create entirely new textures for hats that disable multiple bodygroups eg. Backwards Ballcap with Headphones Disengaged style active). However, the bodygroup models with team coloured textures only use the red texture. I'm pretty sure it's an easy fix, I just need to find the textures for bodygroups first. Does anyone have any clue where these might be located? tf2_textures_dir.vpk > materials > models > player > items > [class] only has the textures for parts of the class models that aren't bodygroups.
Google searches have only given results relevant to the old .gcf files which seem to use a different file structure (one result said point to tf2_materials.gfc > tf but there is no 'tf' subfolder in tf2_textures_dir.vpk)
Bonus points for anyone who can find the .phy files for the default hats.

Edit: Well, fucktits. Turns out the textures for bodygroups are included with the texture for the rest of the model, face, body and all. I have no clue how I'm going to fix this. If anyone is savvy with making custom hats/skins/anything with TF2/The Source Engine/.qc files, feel free to add me and I'll walk you through the process of replacing the cosmetic model with the body group model in the hopes you can figure out how to change which skin is selected.
Also, I apologize for my poor job of explaining my problem. It's much easier if I walk you through each step so as I said, if you think you might be able to help, don't hesitate to add me.
Edit 2: I got the retexture to work by changing which .vmt is referenced in the .qc file, however sv_pure 2 spits the dummy at this point and the hat reverts to it's default model. Assuming Valve never allows custom textures for hat models by whitelisting them or something, we'll have to chose between Soldier hats that disable the helmet bodygroup being visable on sv_pure 2 servers, or having the blue soldier wearing a red soldier's helmet on any server. I'll try to email Valve to see if they'll change this, but getting them to change a huge part of sv_pure seems like a long shot. I'll continue to work on the mod with blue soldiers wearing red helmets in the mean time.

posted about 10 years ago
#20 On the future of comp tf2 and NA 6v6 Newbie Mixes in TF2 General Discussion

Yo I'm sitting on my arse for the next 2 months, please let me be of some benefit to society and coach some nerds. I'm from New Zealand so it's something like 4PM when you say they die so I'll be able to coach for the whole time.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 d i g i t a l s p o r t s in TF2 General Discussion
flameemployees who are video game nerds just like most of you except they have jobs.

Implying I'm unemployed. Well you'd be right :(

posted about 10 years ago
#72 MAJOR TF2 update for 12/8/14 (12/9/14 UTC, End of in TF2 General Discussion

Snowplow is confusing for new players but cp_steel isn't.


And I thought the whole point of those movies before maps was to explain anything confusing to new players.

posted about 10 years ago
#8 tHE tHIRD pART oF my STorY in The Dumpster


posted about 10 years ago
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