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Signed Up July 14, 2014
Last Posted August 7, 2018 at 8:12 AM
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#349 No Hats Mod in Customization
AlbyThe creater of this mod says it doesnt boost fps? but im confused. Alot of players are getting satisfied with this mod. Pls help me :(

The satisfaction is mainly due to less visual clutter; its nice to play the game as it looked back in 2007 + some hats covering the entire head hitbox makes sniping dumb. Removing a few polygons won't boost FPS when TF2s main FPS problems are particle effects are unoptimised maps that draw shit you can't even see.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Pack it up boys, he's got no comp experience in The Dumpster

greanyo: yo
Lazz: yo u play comp?
greanyo: ye
Lazz: what level
greanyo: open scout
greanyo: you in comp?
Lazz: nah y
greanyo: just wondering
Lazz: am i good?
greanyo: i don't remember you
Lazz: u beat olaf?
greanyo: beat?
Lazz: MGE
greanyo: oh
greanyo: this morning?
Lazz: as demo
Lazz: yes
Lazz: he soldier
greanyo: ooh, ye
Lazz: liar
greanyo: ?
Lazz: u didnt
Lazz: brah
greanyo: ??
Lazz: i have it on film
Lazz: 12 to 20 his way
greanyo: alrighty
greanyo: I don't remember who won man XD
greanyo: was just going along with you bro
Lazz: ahaha
Lazz: anyways u know derk?
greanyo: I remember vsing him on mge...
greanyo: no idea
Lazz: he good?
greanyo: no idea who he is
greanyo: why?
Lazz: jesus u dont anything
greanyo: hah wtf do you want?
Lazz: nah mang i am not trying to attack you
Lazz: just asking for shit for my next video
greanyo: ??
greanyo: you do youube?
Lazz: yeah
Lazz: check it out?
greanyo: sure...
Lazz: that ...
Lazz: makes me feel uncomfy
greanyo: oh?

(greanyo didn't want to make the thread because he's bad)

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Dual monitor pipe dream in Q/A Help

I use WizMouse which does exactly what you described but also outside of games and stuff. Its pretty neato. (I'm assuming you're on Windows 7, iunno about Windows 8 and 10)

posted about 8 years ago
#1 All programs stopped using GPU acceleration in Off Topic

When using LibreOffice this weekend I noticed typing would stutter and my CPU usage would spike whenever text moved onto a new line. I fixed this by toggling GPU acceleration in the options. However, I was using DraftSight (open source CAD program) which uses a virtual cursor and whenever I moved the cursor it would stutter (along with doing literally anything else so the program was unusable). Same thing when I tried InkScape today. I last used DraftSight and InkScape a month or 2 ago but being a uni student I used LibreOffice 2 weekends ago and it was fine. I've started testing every program I can think of that renders things and sure enough, CPU usage spikes when using them and they stutter (even moving the tabs in Clover). I didn't install any drivers or update Windows between the weekends. Games are completely fine. I'm using Windows 7, my CPU is a 4770K and graphics card is a 780Ti. I have tried Googling but all I end up with are generic guides on enabling GPU acceleration, but it already is enabled. Its just that everything has stopped using it and most of my programs don't have an option to enable it like LibreOffice.

Please help me use my computer again the stutter is killing my soul.

posted about 8 years ago
#89 b4nny's valve visit 5/9/16 in TF2 General Discussion
CerdurB4nny just said on stream that valve would be willing to do tf2 majors if matchmaking is well received.


posted about 8 years ago
#5 australium in Customization

mat_phong 0
mat_specular 0
mat_bumpmap 0

This is what I use + DX8

posted about 9 years ago
#24 overwatch butt drives man nuts in Off Topic smh

posted about 9 years ago
#70 Community video democall - ikpure in Videos

Double airshot while I was midair as well

posted about 9 years ago
#2 command to see explosion blast? in Q/A Help

mp_decals [your decal limit here]

posted about 9 years ago
#69 Surgeries in Off Topic

I once bit my lip really hard and it swelled up. I then bit it again the next day in the same spot because it was so swollen. And then again the day after that. It healed over a spit gland and I had a massive growth in my mouth for like 2 months before I realized that it wasn't going away and having to chew using one side of my mouth kinda sucked (that sucker stuck straight between my teeth so bit it a few more times after that). Had laser surgery to cut it out that only took like 15 minutes or something.

Also my sister and I thought it would be a great idea to pull me around on a blanket on a polished wood floor next to a table with sharp-arse corners when we were kids. I slipped and hit my chin on the corner. Mother was not happy after that hospital trip. Only required those tiny sticker things and not full blown stitches though.

Also holy fuck the number of guys on who're missing balls or have had testicular complications is alarming.

posted about 9 years ago
#223 No Hats Mod in Customization

Removed/replaced Invasion cosmetics with appropriate bodygroups.

Known issues:
> Hats sometimes show up? iunno what causes this because sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't so its nothing to do with pre-loading the models.
> Last Breath shows up but its model has been replaced by empty files so this shouldn't happen. I've also checked the robot version and its fine too. Once again, no idea what's happening here.
> So many hats still to replace pls kill meeeee.

posted about 9 years ago
#47 Sudden rise of hackers in pubs? in TF2 General Discussion
MasterKuniI was wondering where this video went, since it's one of my all-time favorites. I can't believe it's unlisted now.

I just linked the unlisted one because the public one has the music removed.

posted about 9 years ago
#216 No Hats Mod in Customization
DanpixedPyro heads are invisible from time to time. Going with Springrolls untill yours is fixed.

I haven't completed my mod yet because it takes a lot more than just replacing the .vtx files with empty files to replace a hat with the bodygroup it disables. My method at the moment is to replace the model of the hat and then put those files into Hrbls' version so that if I haven't finished a hat yet, it won't show up so you can still get that FPS back.

posted about 9 years ago
#35 Sudden rise of hackers in pubs? in TF2 General Discussion

I mean what the fuck these were seriously fucking good frag movies. The guy clearly has talent but all he uploads is memes.

posted about 9 years ago
#213 No Hats Mod in Customization

I got off my butt and updated my version of the nohats mod (stock bodygroups for any models that remove them). I also provided the version that I use which combines the normal nohats mod with the parts of mine that I've completed because I'm a lazy fuck and haven't finished mine yet (seriously though it took me 2 hours to finish this version and this was only 16 hats, so you can imagine why I can't be arsed starting to do this for over 1000 hats).

.vpk for just Gunmettle hats
.vpk to remove every hat and replace some hats with the bodygroups they disable (the version you should use, basically)

(PS: can someone please verify that these .vpks actually work? I've currently finished the dec2014 hats and the Gunmettle hats so if any of those hats disables a bodygroup, it should show up with the bodygroup it replaces if you're using the .vpk. It works for me but I'm paranoid because holy fuck this shouldn't be bypassing sv_pure 2.
Also I'll probably do a guide of some sort (video?) on how to do this so anyone who gives a fuck about this distribution of the nohats mod can help me finish it)

posted about 9 years ago
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