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Last Posted August 14, 2015 at 3:26 PM
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#28 new Dr.Dre's album in Music, Movies, TV
cmeDrake is shit.

What the fuck...

People in here clearly havent listened to take care.

posted about 9 years ago
#12 Chemistry anyone? in Off Topic
drakI'm currently finishing up an undergraduate degree in Neurobiology with a focus in Chemistry
So, Organic Chemistry would be my realm

Chemistry's wicked cool. I took Inorganic this semester, and while it was rageworthy cause I didn't want to know it, it became interesting due to the power that those types of molecules have.

Yea, I agree. It amazes me how elegant the problem solving can be in organic chemistry. However, I was even more surprised to see that much of the reactions that "worked on paper" can be done with good yields in the lab if you know what your doing.

SideshowThe last time I worked in a lab I simultaneously burnt my product to a crisp and flooded the entire lab. Took us 3 hours to drain the place.

I now work on humans instead of inanimate chemicals >:D

What do you mean by working with humans? I have been thinking lately of moving into pharmaceutical development over medical school. Both of which would obviously have human elements.

What about you?

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Chemistry anyone? in Off Topic

Anyone in here interested in chemistry or biology (or medicine)? I wonder if any of you are doing any research and would like to discuss it. Doesn't necessarily have to be in the topics mentioned I suppose.

Im in a group concerned with using organic, chiral catalysts to drive stereo-specific outcomes (we use a lot of silicon). Anyone else working in a lab?

posted about 10 years ago
#163 eXtv-Vlog: The Future in TF2 General Discussion

TF2 competitive will be dead before TF.TV abandons traditional 6v6 in any form.

posted about 10 years ago
#427 ESEA S18 & TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
GrooveThe ESEA s18 prize pool for CS:GO is over 100k

Its a pretty popular game...

posted about 10 years ago
#22 anyone with medical experience in Off Topic

Ok, this is a collective turd of bad advice.

Don't ask reddit for medical advise (wow, just dont). Don't ask a med student for medical advice. Don't ask a forum of non-physicians either.

Reading nejm articles doesn't replace a decade of medical training. Go see your PCP (or a different PCP if you want privacy).

posted about 10 years ago
#22 College Gaming Plans in Off Topic
pandurrrI was wondering about the desktop/tablet option as well. The only thing that is holding me back is the fact that I would have to bring my monitor and desktop every time I leave to go back home or something, and if you have to take a bus or plane, it could be a real hassle carrying and managing all of that.

I am playing a lot less games than I used to. (quit TF2 etc)

If you want to have a constant ability to play video games then desktop iPad isnt the way to go. The only way thats going to work is buying a gaming laptop. That being said, i usually leave the desktop and gaming behind during breaks.

posted about 10 years ago
#1095 GXL LAN Fall 2014 in News
ChinGooSoapDamn, anyone at LAN see the CS GO finals? talk about down to the wireanyone? EVERYONE saw that final

Figured it would be a spotlight. What was it like on each side? yelling?

posted about 10 years ago
#46 Strangest person you've met in TF2 in Off Topic

No one in here has met Shoe I suppose

posted about 10 years ago
#13 College Gaming Plans in Off Topic

Laptops are ok, the thing is if I ever really need to do anything then I go to the library or my department's resource center. (or I wait and do my typing on the desktop PC)

It has gotten to a point for me where reducing weight is more important. maybe that will change once the temp gets cooler.

The only good reason for laptops is if you want to browse the web during class, but then again, you have an iPad for that.

posted about 10 years ago
#1091 GXL LAN Fall 2014 in News

Damn, anyone at LAN see the CS GO finals? talk about down to the wire

posted about 10 years ago
#11 College Gaming Plans in Off Topic

Going to throw in my support for the iPad Mini here.

I bought one recently and it is by far the best educational purchase I have made in a while. Before I would carry around a laptop + textbooks if I was planning on studying + binders. I am on a pretty big campus so I would be sweating just trying to make it to class with the weight + heat.

With the iPad mini, my backpack is a binder and the iPad. It lasts multiple days on heavy use (no "gaming"). Better than all of this however, it replaces textbooks. 190$ for the iPad and some pirating, ive already broken even.

I have a gaming desktop for when I want to, well, play games. I now have a laptop that is stilling on a shelf in the corner and an iPad for day-to-day uses.

posted about 10 years ago
#78 thoughts on ebola virus in U.S. in Off Topic

Jeez, there is a lot of armchair CDC doctors/epidemiologists in here.

posted about 10 years ago
#635 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion
trypI've seen people with thousands of hours on tf2 that have very little skill if any at all at the game but have spent those hours trading or fucking around on dumb game modes

What makes you think that Valve wants competitive players, more than they want people buying keys 100 items at a time? Do you think that playing 6s is going to inspire people to buy items from the mann co store?

Mann Co Unusual Trade server is worth 10x more to Valve than any single UGC or ESEA season.

trypon the other hand nearly everyone with over 50 hours on csgo have played in comp lobbies and people with hundreds to thousands of hours on the game are almost always of a very high skill level.

Competitive Counter Strike existed long before Valve even considered competitive match making lobbies.

posted about 10 years ago
#623 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion

That is more a statement of the FPS scene than anything. I am not really talking about CoD or any of the rest of the games you listed either. Did DICE heavily support competitive BF?

It's not even all about the size. Twitch personalities Of CS and Dota2 alike net order of magnitudes the viewership of tf2 (not just competitive players). I saw runescape TWO and halo one have larger volume than tf2 yesterday. I won't go into the reasons for this and why it hurts the attractiveness for future support because I'm typing on an iPad and my thumbs are going to fall off. Regardless, there is no reason for valve to try and pick up and support a 6's scene that is barely keeping support from their own competitive partner (a company that is only keeping the game because of their very successful CS platform.) Highlander is the only format that seems to have sustained popularity and even UGC can't seem to generate cash flow.

It would be hard for valve to justify creating infrastructure for those formats in hopes of a dwindling cash flow at best.

posted about 10 years ago
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