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Last Posted March 28, 2024 at 9:37 AM
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#4 EU Players, I need some help in TF2 General Discussion
SonnyBlackI don't know where you are looking, but they are at the bottom of the i46 team list you linked:;sectionid=1067;compid=1126;event=i46#h

Team link:

GibbZ = GibbZ
Brego = Brego
Luzzu = Luzzu
alaba = SVMZI
xavier2 = CommanderX

Also what are you talking about quintosh? :D

Good lord, I never noticed the scroll down, I just printed the website and did notn look carefully enough. Sorry about that and good catch.

In any case, thank you for clearing up some of those aliases for me.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 EU Players, I need some help in TF2 General Discussion

Hello, I am hoping for some EU players to help me figure out an old i-46 team roster.

The name of the team was “5 Wannabees, 1 Superstar”.

They advanced from the i46 Group Stage and were knocked out in the Lower Bracket.

They are the only team without an official roster on the i-46 website.

They did not have any matches casted by VanillaTV during the tournament but 1 youtube user did publish the Lower Bracket Round 2 match against Quarantine here:

GRANARY -- Map 1
GPIT -- Map 2

I have identified only 2 of the 6 players (Brego and Smzi).
Can anyone out there in EU land help me find out the 4 missing players? Would be greatly appreciated.

posted about 8 years ago

I was always a dog person until I met my wife. Since then we have always had 4 cats and now we have a puppy Daschund. Cats are awesome and every night is a different activity. I couldn't imagine coming home to my house every night without my 5 friends waiting.

posted about 8 years ago
#21 ESEA Season 23 announced in News

Skill level does not matter at all. I couldn't really give 2 shits about how Invite for S23 matches up against the glory days of the past. You always have mediocre (at best) invite players trashing the IM division every season and it means nothing every season.

What really matters is the growth of the competitive community and that growth begins in the Open division. Given time, the skill level will rise again with new blood. New players need to experience the "real" competitive side of 6's and not what Valve has given them.

posted about 8 years ago
#84 TFTV Political Leanings in Off Topic

Turns out I am Ghandi, odd

posted about 8 years ago
#24 suicide squad in Music, Movies, TV

I have no idea why DC and Marvel refuse to do these huge superhero movies and not have them fight Super-Villans. There are so many awesome super villans to build stories around for any movie. If they would cut out all the cheesy love stories and just get to fighting and superpowers, it would solve everything.

Also, has anyone heard anything about Thanos? The first Avengers was such an awesome movie and they did not even fight and real villan. They left us with the best tease possible when Thanos appeared at the end of the credits but there has been no mention of the follow-up movie.

posted about 8 years ago
#22 im dropping out of college in Off Topic

When you said "being a doctor doesnt seem fun anymore" I had figure you were dropping out of medical school or were going to take an extended break.

My previous job was in one of the top medical schools in the country and I would help Medical Students plan and "match" for their future residency positions during the 4 years they had with us. When graduates are trying to "match" they are basically in competition with other graduates from all over the country for open positions. Taking extended breaks from medical school, once you start, "can" reflect negatively during this process so it is best to avoid if at all possible. Even situations like pregnancy were discussed with my female students because of possible time away from classes.

Since you have not started medical school yet, taking a break from a BS or even an MS degree is not going to have any long term impact in my opinion.

Following up on what Marmaduke said here:

marmadukeGRYLLSI went the drop out route with 2 semesters to go about 3 years ago and holy fuck do i wish i stayed. Starting back up in the fall to finish. Think very carefully about this before you decide. Its 10x harder to go back once youre out in the real world working 40+ hours a week.

I am not advocating you to drop out of school in any way but you do have viable options. I agree with Marmaduke but you personally have advantages over other types of students because you live at home and don't have the huge stress of money to pay rent/mortgage. If you had that money issue, then you would need your job more than you need school. In your current situation, getting a job and then quitting that job to restarting school can be an overnight process when the time is right.

posted about 8 years ago
#11 im dropping out of college in Off Topic

What doctor degree are you in school for if you are not in med school yet?

posted about 8 years ago
#7 im dropping out of college in Off Topic

If you are not paying rent or utilities, literally ANY legit paying job with medical benefits fits your criteria. I guess you would have more options if you are covered under your parents medical insurance.

Many years ago, I started out as a basic Teller for a local bank and worked my way up from there. No degree required for that position and most banks offer decent medical benefits. Maybe look into that

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Saving your casual mappicks in Customization

Am I the only one who thinks playing Casual mode is incredibly more fun than playing Competitive? I have lost mostly all interesting in queing up for competitive.

So often you get grouped dudes who go engineer and defend last when the round starts. sigh or ppl just straight up leave the server.

posted about 8 years ago
#221 Stupid shit you've done in Off Topic

Eye rape a smoking hot waitress at the diner when I though my wife was not looking. Still paying for that one and its been at least a year

posted about 8 years ago
#62 literature in Off Topic
MonkeySuitSpaceCadethooliSpaceCadetReading and trying my very best to understand genius
Always looking for ways to improve my chess game

BOOK: Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess
Why are you learning chess from an antisemite?

Because that has nothing at all to do with his ability to play chess at a higher level than anyone else on the planet. Probably ever

just to add:

The guy is a total maniac in general, and he became crazier over the years as I understand it.

Agreed, in his later years he completely lost his mind for whatever reason.

However, he wrote the book I referenced in 1966. During that time his chess mind was at it's peak and he was only in his 20's.

posted about 8 years ago
#49 literature in Off Topic
hooliSpaceCadetReading and trying my very best to understand genius
Always looking for ways to improve my chess game

BOOK: Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess
Why are you learning chess from an antisemite?

Because that has nothing at all to do with his ability to play chess at a higher level than anyone else on the planet. Probably ever

posted about 8 years ago
#10 For the casters - Suggestions in TF2 General Discussion

To follow-up on the 3rd person view or free camera view. Lets say a caster is using the free floating camera view, can the caster still see the names of the players as they run around or do you just see health bars and colors?

posted about 8 years ago
#122 How is this happening in World Events
x3SpaceCadet Trump wasn't elected into any office yet so nobody can judge him on what he may or may not do once elected.
Pretty sure people can judge him as a CEO tho, which dosent help his case much.

It's like saying, he never ran for office so he's clean by default... he dosent have the mental ability to a president, period.

Journalists once asked him about his foreign policy agenda and who he was referring to by saying this or that. He answered with ''myself''.

Regarding foreign policy, il leave this here.

Please dont elect him.

I understand where you are coming from but it really goes back to having no good choices in this election. Since I refuse to vote for Hillary, that either means I don't vote at all or vote Trump by default. I want better options! Going to have to settle on waiting 4 more years and hoping.

posted about 8 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 ⋅⋅ 140