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Last Posted March 28, 2024 at 9:37 AM
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#5 suicide squad in Music, Movies, TV

Same, the trailers and everything I have seen so far have me hyped for the movie. Can only hope it is not a flop.

posted about 8 years ago
#7 For the casters - Suggestions in TF2 General Discussion
ZastrozziI disagree with your opinions on casting spy (and to a lesser extent, sniper) plays. Normally these are happening during a stalemate and I'd prefer to watch a spy invisible amongst enemies for a few mins than spam. Also, I imagine it's very hard to predict the exact moment when the spy will un cloak, so I'd rather watch a well-positioned spy for a bit longer than necessary than miss a play.

I think we misunderstood. I am referring to when a spy spawns and has not even reached the other team yet. If a cloaked spy is running inbetween opponents that means he is basically in position or working his way. That should 100% be the focus of the camera and casters.

posted about 8 years ago
#42 Announcing the Insomnia58 broadcast crew powered by! in News

Is it too early to put spoilers in the thread right now?

Show Content
Froyo wins 3rd straight i-series title
posted about 8 years ago
#1 For the casters - Suggestions in TF2 General Discussion

So I kinda hijacked this question from here because the thread itself got pretty weird and I am not sure if the casters were even reading it anymore after they asked for opinions/suggestions for improvement.

First off, I and many others really appreciate the time and effort you all put into casting matches. Thank you.

1-- I notice that quite often the caster will be doing play-by-play but the camera-man is not watching the same player so the information and action being casted is a little unorganized because it is not on the screen. I am sure it is a major challenge to get coordination down between camera and caster but it would likely improve the overall experience, especailly when critical things happen.

2-- When a player off-classes to Spy or Sniper, it has become commonplace to focus the camera and casting on that player because some "big play" could happen. I don't disagree with that style but until the Spy/Sniper are in position to actually make a play, we should not be watching a spy run around to get into position. The 2nd caster should be shadowing the spy/sniper and let the main caster continue to talk about the action until the the time is right to switch the focus.

Again this requires good communication between casters and camerman so I understand it is a lot easier said than done. This exact thing happened during some of the i-series casting with Lange and Admirable and again at i55. It was pretty awesome awesome the way they switched on the fly.

3-- TF2 casts have historically missed a lot of important action on the flanks, especially back-caps that end rounds abruptly. Most times, those plays are talked about in the past tense and have already happened off-camera. Obviously the main attention is on the combo the majority of the time and that is just fine. However, I believe it would help the cast if the "main caster" focuses strictly on the action at hand and UBER. The "support caster" can then concentrate on any wild cards like off-classes and view the larger picture with free float camera. Then he can interrupt the main caster and cameraman when a major play could possibly happen away from the combo on the flank.

Several times during the i52 and i55 casts there were back-caps on process, badlands and gullywash that were completely and utterly missed until it was too late. One time in particular was when EPSI scout Kiler4fun was literally hiding behind the last cap point on Process against FROYO during Grand Finals. He was there for like 2 full minutes and the casters did not see him at all and never even knew he capped the final point until it was over. The cameraman spotted him but the casters were oblivious.

Hope some of that helped bring out ideas and such, you all do a fantastic job.

posted about 8 years ago
#14 literature in Off Topic
eeeSpaceCadetReading and trying my very best to understand genius
Always looking for ways to improve my chess game

BOOK: Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess
I really want to learn chess because it seems like something you could just read about and theorycraft for hours but I don't have the patience to get started :(

Getting started is difficult for a lot of people and I think it has to do with the slow pace of real chess. It can seem boring and uninteresting compared to computer games and such. I enjoy the mental challenge and I get really engaged when playing. There is blitz chess and other types of speed based chess but I don't think they stress the fundamentals for new players.

There is another chess book I own called Chess Fundamentals by Jose Raul Capablanca. He is considered one of the best of all time and I wish he could have played Bobby Fischer head to head but they lived in different time periods.

His book, as the title says, focuses on the basic fundamentals of chess and I learned a lot about protection from his book. Hopefully I can round out my play and be more agressive and attacking by reading and learning from Bobby Fischer.

The current world chess Champion, Magnus Carlsen is only 26 years old but plays an agressive/pressure based style that most players just can't deal with. He is most known for his high pressure "end-game" moves that put people on the defensive. Watching him on youtube is a real treat.

posted about 8 years ago
#9 literature in Off Topic

Reading and trying my very best to understand genius
Always looking for ways to improve my chess game

BOOK: Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess

posted about 8 years ago
#19 My Opinion Of The Miniguns in TF2 General Discussion

I play heavy strictly for the voice acting when firing the primary gun non-stop.
Vzzzzzt! Rahrahrahrah! Vrrrrr! Wahahahaaaaaa!

posted about 8 years ago
#105 How is this happening in World Events

Electing a president in this day and age is way more about public image than policies. It would be great if the election was strictly about policies but the sad truth is that image is more important now. I honestly wish there was a candidate this year worthy of a vote.

That said, I am not a Trump supporter but I believe many people like me are voting for him because there is no other choice. I 100% refuse to vote for Hillary Clinton because I believe her to be a liar. I watched her whole testimony on CSPAN when that was live and it was obvious to me that she was passing the blame and couldn't accept that fact that she fucked up. Essentially, she lost any chance of my vote at that moment.

Sure Trump may say a lot of crazy shit and he may even lie himself but the big difference to me is that Clinton was elected into office to speak for us all and she still lied. Trump wasn't elected into any office yet so nobody can judge him on what he may or may not do once elected.

posted about 8 years ago
#35 what's some fun shit to do with 4 people in Off Topic

Strip Poker, 2v2 if its boys vs girls works best.

posted about 8 years ago
#2 Medic LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

Players like Tery who are committed to team building and loyalty are rare in TF2. You will likely not run across a better teammate than Tery in your TF2 seasons.

I spent several season with Tery and I feel he is more than capable to play in IM. He is never toxic and always willing to help focus on whatever the team needs. Mechanically sound medic skills and I always felt his strong suit was tracking uber advantages and positioning. Has ability to main call but would benefit more leaving that to capable teammate and just focus on medic duties.

posted about 8 years ago
#13 strategy games in Other Games

Supreme Commander

The first Sup Comp is far supreior to the 2nd. Not sure how they fucked it up so bad the 2nd time around.

posted about 8 years ago
#18 i made my first knife (and second) in Off Topic
pine_beetleMake me an axe. The finish style splitting maul. Like this one :

God damn they have some really nice things to buy at that website. I plan to buy at least 1 axe from this place, thx for the site

posted about 8 years ago
#32 Valve issues cease and desist to betting sites in CS2 General Discussion
Comangliaulmyxxhow the fuck is opening a case or crate not fucking gambling? I understand being against gambling websites that rig odds but how the fuck u gonna tell them not to allow gambling if all you ever do is let people gamble.SpaceCadetOpening a crate is not gambling. You pay for a key so you are essentially paying for merchandise. I see a clear difference.
The reason why crates are legal is because you're guaranteed to win/get something. Same reason carnival games are legal, just because you don't "win" you do always get a small/crap prize if you want it.

Not sure how that relates to anything I have said but I agree with the statement. I wasn't talking about anything legal or illegal. The act of opening a crate/box with a key is not gambling. What you choose to do with your "items" is your choice. Either gamble or not at that point.

posted about 8 years ago
#27 Valve issues cease and desist to betting sites in CS2 General Discussion
Ond_kajaGentlemanJonOnd_kajaThe only difference is that Valve's business strategy around crates is unresponsible, unethical and shady, just not illegal. You might only be interested in the legal standpoint and that's fine, but you can't ignore that there are other aspects of this problem present in the debate.But that debate is even wider, there are all kinds of manipulations used to sell children products they don't need which are equally pernicious and to which they are particularly susceptible. How far do you want to take it?
There are nuances to what can be allowed and what shouldn't be allowed depending on the social consequences of the mechanism they are using to advertise to children. For example, card collections marketed towards kids are less likely to cause social and mental problems than crate openings. The reason why crate openings are especially sinister is because they work on the same principle as slot machines. They are specifically designed to provide instant strong postive stimuli whenever the player wins, which reinforces the behaviour of spending more money to keep winning and getting the positive stimuli, regardless of the long term results. This is especially problematic when it's kids that are playing because they are generally more receptive to stimuli, they are less likely to understand the long term consequences of gambling (losing money, addiction etc.), they are less likely to understand the mechanisms of gambling (odds, investment and return, etc.), and consequently they are less likely to be responsible gamblers. Valve definitely crossed the line of what's accetable, even if other companies are resposible for questionable advertising as well. Gambling addiction is not a fun problem to deal with.

Sounds like a problem the parents of these kids need to address and watch out for.

posted about 8 years ago
#19 Valve issues cease and desist to betting sites in CS2 General Discussion
Ond_kajaObviously not all forms of crate opening is gambling, because people don't necessarily open crates to make a profit, they may as well just enjoy getting the items and using them in-game. But there are people who buys a ton of keys and use them to try to get a knife so they can sell it for a profit. Some of these people are unfortunately kids and the addiction potential with kids is much higher than it is in adults. A gambling addiction is not a fun thing to deal with, which is why Valve has a responsibility of not letting kids gamble.

If you believe this to be true then stop fucking labeling all forms of crate opening as gambling. You just said it yourself that not all crate/box opening is gambling. This is exactly what I do with my crate opening so I don't gamble.

Gambling is taking the items you get from opening a box/crate and using the "items" to make profit.

posted about 8 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 ⋅⋅ 140