You are not going to accomplish this with the pick classes without completely reworking them. Explain how you can make spy and sniper, who can only achieve kills by very specific criteria and have little utility outside of that job, just as generally applicable and consistent as a soldier? Not to mention how you're gonna make them actually fun to play against on top of that. One shots in videogames are very notoriously hard to balance and very few games can pull them off without feeling unfun.
bringing it down to such specifics rn is missing the forest for the tress. Do you disagree with my premise? Is it not so that the competitive 6s community is fundamentally losing out on a massive playerbase because of its rigid class selection? I don't know the hows and whats, but if valve can turn demoman to demoknight then surely something can be done to sniper, you (or someone more creative) just need a little imagination.