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Last Posted February 19, 2025 at 11:29 AM
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#31 TF2 Promod in TF2 General Discussion
You are not going to accomplish this with the pick classes without completely reworking them. Explain how you can make spy and sniper, who can only achieve kills by very specific criteria and have little utility outside of that job, just as generally applicable and consistent as a soldier? Not to mention how you're gonna make them actually fun to play against on top of that. One shots in videogames are very notoriously hard to balance and very few games can pull them off without feeling unfun.

bringing it down to such specifics rn is missing the forest for the tress. Do you disagree with my premise? Is it not so that the competitive 6s community is fundamentally losing out on a massive playerbase because of its rigid class selection? I don't know the hows and whats, but if valve can turn demoman to demoknight then surely something can be done to sniper, you (or someone more creative) just need a little imagination.

posted 1 week ago
#28 TF2 Promod in TF2 General Discussion

I think its time for the competitive community (more specifically 6s) to take their blinders off and finally admit that the reason why there is a "bridge" to be built or that there is a gap between the casual and competitive community is entirely because the casual community is filled with people who main or primarily play pyro/spy/sniper and would like to play their main classes in 6s full time but are fundamentally barred from doing so.

My wish for a promod (if anyone wants to build a promod) is to take this reality into fact and aim to "generalise" the "specialist" classes so people who want to play these classes full time can do so without ruining the aspects of 6s that makes it so great. There is a fine line here, as the promod should aim to both keep the identity of these classes intact and also make them work in the core 6s gameplay loop without slowing or "hero shooter"-fying (i.e damage sponge galore) the game.

A 6s gamemode where 9 out of 9 classes can be ran full time opens the door for finally unifying the HL and 6s community as there would no need for a gamemode that specifically caters to offclass mains, adding in tons of players who are invested in the same game and the same scene. This would bring more life to this dying game that any "tutorial " or "QoL" change can ever hope to bring

posted 1 week ago
#20 incoming 6s noobs truth nuke? in TF2 General Discussion
SolarLightSpe0as you can discern from the above graph (even if it is a bit outdated) the absolute majority of tf2 players are found in gamemodes not included in the base game
This is actually very enlightening and explains a lot. Thanks. Might be something I can point out...

Edit: These are community servers only, right?

you're right, i somehow missed the title that clearly states its community servers only so i decided look more into it.
The graph comes from this reddit thread.
and the following is a distribution of players in Casual only


while its not as bleak as my previous comment suggests, the picture painted here isn't very rosy either.
after some very rough maths, i found that a whopping 36% of total players(Community + Casual) are playing the base gamemodes not counting ctf because why would we considering we all know its mostly people dicking around in 2fort and turbine, and this is factoring in a/d and plr which again as we know is mostly people dicking around in dustbowl and hightower.
but then again, these stats are from 2017 so things might be quite different now.
One interesting thing i noticed was that the amount of players in community servers was higher than in valve servers (max of 20k vs 17k) which might not be the case anymore.
teamwork.tf actually posted stats for march of 2017 here which doesn't really look all that different from the jan one but i wonder if they were able to post some newer ones just to see if things are still the same.
Overall I think my point about the general casual tf2 playerbase treating the game as Gmod-Free version is quite accurate

posted 1 month ago
#13 incoming 6s noobs truth nuke? in TF2 General Discussion

A defense of the comp scene is always appreciated but people forget that most of the casual tf2 playerbase is filled with people who don't even "play" the game


as you can discern from the above graph (even if it is a bit outdated) the absolute majority of tf2 players are found in gamemodes not included in the base game (only 25% actually play the game & even among them most are found in 24/7 2fort as seen by the ctf portion), and this is not surprising considering how tf2 was marketed by valve ("Hat themed simulator")
most players treat tf2 as a free version of gmod more than a multiplayer first person shooter and as such they bemoan the existence of competitive gaming in general, let alone competitive tf2.
Tangentially, this is also why any discussion of game balance is also completely useless as how they view game balance is fundamentally different to how we or even the players who play pub tf2 view game balance.

hope the video comes out great however and it leads to changed minds

posted 2 months ago
#19 New TF2 Comic in TF2 General Discussion

didnt know fellas actually cared this deeply about the comics

posted 2 months ago
#24 american election in Off Topic


lol, lmao even

posted 3 months ago
#21 pedophile nazi brony moron in TF2 General Discussion

tf2 players be normal challenge (impossible)

posted 5 months ago
#19 suspicious players in TF2 General Discussion

i have information that will lead to the arrest of yi-ge aka submarine aka mongoliansailor1 and yosh1 aka jamal aka mongoliansailor2

posted 6 months ago
#26 new valve hero shooter - Deadlock in Off Topic

they really love their mobas

posted 9 months ago
#10 Songs you only associate with TF2 in Off Topic

Red Light Green Light

posted 10 months ago
#10 Your Perfect Gamemode in Map Discussion

would like to see a viable A/D 6s map once in my lifetime

posted 10 months ago
#71 Alfa legacy 2 in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 2 years ago
#9 A journey to unify a fragmented pugging experience in Projects

please stop banning my friends for saying racial slurs : (

posted about 2 years ago
#9 Prada (tf2) likely a pedophile in The Dumpster


the original

posted about 3 years ago
#3 Favorite maps that aren't in rotation? in Map Discussion

highpass and gravelpit

posted about 3 years ago
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