With VScript giving mappers much more control over what a gamemode can be, what would be your perfect gamemode for comp and why? This is not to say 5cp and koth aren't good gamemodes, but to understand more of what people would want as another alternative that they would actually want to play.
5cp with sniper but if you miss your computer explodes
highlander but theres only 6 people on both teams and u can have 2 soldiers and 2 scouts
We already have the perfect game mode, robot destruction.
would like to see a viable A/D 6s map once in my lifetime
if player destruction were to be played competitively couldn't one team just stay in spawn and force a stalemate
modify map pool with vscript
short term goal to have a vscript layer on top of the entire map pool. No need to have plug-ins other than logs/STV uploads, no need to make sure the cfg is correct. 5cp_ splits from cp_ as a vscripted gamemode and has the lower round timers etc.
long term goal to maybe balance weapons and game mechanics ourselves if the community wants to go that direction instead of using whitelists
short term goal to have a vscript layer on top of the entire map pool. No need to have plug-ins other than logs/STV uploads, no need to make sure the cfg is correct. 5cp_ splits from cp_ as a vscripted gamemode and has the lower round timers etc.
long term goal to maybe balance weapons and game mechanics ourselves if the community wants to go that direction instead of using whitelists