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Signed Up May 3, 2015
Last Posted March 2, 2025 at 12:12 PM
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#3 post your favorite default profile picture in Off Topic

posted 3 days ago
#37 can we ban this guy in TF2 General Discussion

watched a Still STV the other day and all I have to say is I didnt even need to look at his aim

his gamesense is horrible. genuinely does not do the most basic stuff. does not know how to clear things. Runs through doors and does a 360 after a second to "clear" it, then doesn't clear anything else for the rest of the round. Does not know the most basic stickytrap spots. watched a 30 minute STV where he shot 0 stickies. He did try to aim at a sticky at some point but never managed to align his crosshair before a scout distracted him by shooting him in the side

13k hour player lol lmao

posted 1 week ago
#20 TF2 Promod in TF2 General Discussion

Main issue is this would be yet another project fully based on volunteer work. And one of a very big scale.
This thread is a wishlist for an open source project without developers

imo a higher priority is creating a 6v6 vscript layer for maps. custom minute round timer, pregame DM, etc can be implemented into the maps themselves. Instead of relying on plug-ins which will need updating as the game updates (which this update perfectly demonstrated by happening in the middle of EU scrims)

Using vscript, we can already add entirely new mechanics. Weapon balancing, bug fixes, new mechanics, etc are already possible in TF2 with this. And if a promod ever exists later on, we'd have these vscript maps ready to port over

posted 2 weeks ago
#13380 stream highlights in Videos

posted 3 weeks ago
#166 koth_bagel in Map Discussion

As players have started figuring out how to forward hold properly, forward busts have not gotten much stronger to compensate. There's limited options for it so there's not much to improve upon at this point.
I tried to visualize some stuff and write down some thoughts

this door is very easy to trap. Left and right stickies cover the entire door when det. upper stickies cover the entire door when det.
I recommend making the door higher (red). right lip trap (cyan) can also be made weaker by moving it closer with the light switch's wall. This would mostly make it easier to spot. If combined (purple) this might allow soldiers to jump from the medium hp inside, spot the cyan trap if needed and then hug the wall to jump through more safely

aggro traps can be placed at the pseudo-choke of the australium boxes. I personally don't see a use for the cyan square box other than that stickytrap. Perhaps removing it makes it easier to clear this area
The green box is currently partially blocking spam angles. You could consider changing it to a transparent fence so traps are harder to place there, but the spam angle remains blocked.
The red aggro trap isn't as common, but moving the ceiling there can still help players take space

Busting this side requires clearing a bunch of traps. Moving the door around messes with a lot of sightlines so I tried to avoid this as feedback. Best method here is removing some props, or changing them.

Trap 1: is fine
Trap 2: I would recommend changing this to a small box (like the one near it) so the explosion doesn't reach as far, or removing the prop altogether (other than that trap it sees little use)
Trap 3 and 4: If you want to mess around with the door's size I'd only try left (cyan) and up. Trap 3 is easy to clear by itself as a scout can stand at the medium hp at the slope and take little spam. So I'd change the height first and see afterwards if more is needed
Trap 5 and 6: Combining this because 6 is easy to clear as scout, but is needed before you can clear 5. And then if you want to clear 5 you are taking all the spam. So this loses a lot of time. The bandaid fix is removing the prop, but you could also move the wall + prop further out to make a little nook where you can avoid some spam (similar to standing at the medium hp to clear trap 3)
Trap 7: Not that much of an issue. Just yet another thing to add to the list of traps you need to keep in mind. Though easy to spot usually. Overall fine, but can consider moving or removing the grass if things remain cramped

edit: just wanted to visualize what I mean with creating a nook for trap 5 and 6

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posted 3 weeks ago
#13 What's your favorite word in Off Topic

It's part of the Flemish Dutch dialect.
The closest English word would be a "craving"
You can have "goesting" to have a snack, go out with friends, rewatch a movie, etc
Anything you feel like doing in the moment, you have goesting to do

"Ik heb goesting in frietjes" = "I'm craving fries"
Most Flemish sentence you can find

posted 1 month ago
#9845 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted 1 month ago
#20 New TF2 Comic in TF2 General Discussion
MenachemtiberiusI love that they finally went into the admin's back story.Did they tho? This comic really just gave me "okay here's a happy ending, no further questions, byeeee!"

spoilered for anyone who cares ig

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By the end the admin doesn't even know why she's doing it anymore. Pretty sure it's a metaphor for how meaningless war is and how people will just continue cycles of violence for legacy's sake. It ends because Pauling breaks the cycle of violence instead of choosing to perpetuate it

As for her true backstory:
We are given glimpses ourselves with the 3 alternate shots of her murdered parents. The most "accurate" one being the first one. A crowbar next to the broken door, house ablaze, parents murdered. It implies Zepheniah benefited from their murders
My guess is a land (or money) dispute. Even Zepheniah's ancestors' graves are maintained by the admin so it seems personal, not a family vendetta. The stairs look like those at the Mann mansion further in the comic? Zepheniah is shown to not care about destroying things for his own image with the statue of the thinker. I'm guessing he murdered her parents to build the mansion on the stolen land

The 2 other shots of her murdered parents are more abstract. It might be the fading of her own memories of the events? The one with the ice is too abstract. the one where her parents are poisoned with the blueprints on the ground can't be real because those inventions didnt happen until Australium was properly researched
posted 2 months ago
#6 UBERFEST 2024 Demopack + democall in LAN Discussion

posted 3 months ago
#14 ÜBERFEST 2025: Save the Date! in LAN Discussion


posted 3 months ago
#5 TF2 update for 10/25/24 in TF2 General Discussion

crying rn this is so fucked up

posted 4 months ago
#1 Fragvid recording 2024 in Videos

64 bit happened since I last recorded demos.
What does TFTV currently use? The stickied thread is 11 years old and is super outdated.

My setup before was:
*Use Lawena to generate VDMs. This automatically plays demos, records, plays next demo, etc
*Use Lawena for creating the TGAs
*Use AVIRecorder at the same time to create the AVIs from the TGAs

AVIRecorder still works afaik (just need to rename the hl.exe in its settings to the new name). But it has no VDMs.
I currently have 50ish bookmarks so recording manually would not be an option.

I tried creating the VDMs with Lawena, removing the record commands, then recording the demos with OBS at 1080p60. but it seemed to tank my fps below 60 at times

I tried creating the VDMs with Lawena, then replacing the Lawena record commands in the VDM with AVIrecorder's avi_recorder_startstop command, but this sped up the demo during the recording instead

posted 4 months ago
#13334 stream highlights in Videos

posted 4 months ago
#13329 stream highlights in Videos

posted 5 months ago
#1 Dortmund ticket swap thread in LAN Discussion

Making this beforehand. The second wave has happened.
Final player tickets are selling out as I'm typing this

With there being teamless players with player tickets, and full teams without 6 tickets it's only logical the solo players will want to recoup some of the damage and teams want to secure tickets still

If you are a team with 6 players, but not 6 player tickets
If you are a solo player ticket owner, post here

This way we can organize ticket swaps as a community. Or perhaps players want to lend their setups during the tournament for teams, and play pugs themselves during downtime
Also this way solo players can be contacted by teams like mine which have 5 players (with 5 player tickets) but need a 6th player

EDIT: also the discord has an lft/lfp channel and one for ticket exchanges

posted 6 months ago
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