GetawhaleSpe0How fast would you ditch ascent if matchmaking fails to grow the comp scene? Considering you guys care more about cs and are most probably only picking up ex-ascent just so you can get a headstart if the scene potentially grows, I'm guessing pretty quck.
This is maybe more of a private question that's nobody's business.. but also what kind of answer are you looking for here? If the game somehow died, of course they'd be dropped.
My sole intent on that comment was to tell(?) the community to not be too excited on the pickup. Everyone is hyped over the fact that these companies are taking an interest in Tf2 comp but one needs realize that these sponsors are only here to get a potential headstart on the tf2 scene and getting more out of the process. Not to foster the scene. As most of the companies are more interested in both playing and supporting CS(for obvious reasons) they will ditch tf2 the moment they see a decline or give extremely minimal support. While it's a good thing that companies are taking an interest in tf2 but being too optimistic and hopeful will only result in disappointment.
But instead of sending that message I made myself look like an obnoxious brat. keep the downfrags rolling.