Don't most scouts play on maybe 9-15 inches though? I think Shrugger's is like 13, Yomps about 15 something and I think I read that Ruwin and Starkie play/ed on something like 17 or more, though I may be wrong.
If I have a high sens I tend to be more erratic with my aim because of the speed of it all, whereas on a lower one I tend to more guide my mouse onto enemies. I recently spent a long time trying to find the perfect sens after having about 12 inches, and I changed to 15.1 and immediately hit so many more of my shots. The downside is that if a quick enemy is close to me and running past, it's sometimes tough to turn and keep my crosshair on them, or, at least, they may find it easier if they have a higher sens.
Yeah a lot of very great aimers play on around 9-15 (not putting myself in the same category) I used to as well but when it came time to aim my mouse movements always had to be so fast to keep up with the game and all the jumps/strafes I did and it ended up making me super flicky but when I tried (just for fun at first) a very fast sensitivity I realized it was way easier for me to stay calm and move my mouse very slowly which in turn made it much easier to track once I got used to controlling the speed
in the end though I think pretty much everyone is going to have a general area in which they feel most comfy and that should be their sens whether its 5-9/9-12 or 13-17
alright somehow I fucked up the quoting I blame the website tbh
I still haven't found the perfect sens for me, tbf. I alternate between 15.1 ad everything up to 15.7, depending on whether im struggling to keep up or whether it feels too quick.