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SteamID64 76561198007344614
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:23539443
Country England
Signed Up May 4, 2016
Last Posted December 4, 2024 at 5:14 AM
Posts 1330 (0.4 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.741
Windows Sensitivity 1
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Some logitech one
Mousepad Steelseries massive one
Headphones Shit
Monitor 27 inch TV
1 ⋅⋅ 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 ⋅⋅ 89
#30 Help with tracking in TF2 General Discussion
Don't most scouts play on maybe 9-15 inches though? I think Shrugger's is like 13, Yomps about 15 something and I think I read that Ruwin and Starkie play/ed on something like 17 or more, though I may be wrong.

If I have a high sens I tend to be more erratic with my aim because of the speed of it all, whereas on a lower one I tend to more guide my mouse onto enemies. I recently spent a long time trying to find the perfect sens after having about 12 inches, and I changed to 15.1 and immediately hit so many more of my shots. The downside is that if a quick enemy is close to me and running past, it's sometimes tough to turn and keep my crosshair on them, or, at least, they may find it easier if they have a higher sens.

Yeah a lot of very great aimers play on around 9-15 (not putting myself in the same category) I used to as well but when it came time to aim my mouse movements always had to be so fast to keep up with the game and all the jumps/strafes I did and it ended up making me super flicky but when I tried (just for fun at first) a very fast sensitivity I realized it was way easier for me to stay calm and move my mouse very slowly which in turn made it much easier to track once I got used to controlling the speed

in the end though I think pretty much everyone is going to have a general area in which they feel most comfy and that should be their sens whether its 5-9/9-12 or 13-17

alright somehow I fucked up the quoting I blame the website tbh

I still haven't found the perfect sens for me, tbf. I alternate between 15.1 ad everything up to 15.7, depending on whether im struggling to keep up or whether it feels too quick.

posted about 8 years ago
#28 Help with tracking in TF2 General Discussion
CheesyMacgyverAdebisiwtzAdebisi Ha, my scout sens is like 15.7.

I tend to lose focus and go on a mad m1 spree where I hit fuck all. Usually against a slippery medic or sniper. Very embarrassing.

I think this is the the problem.
e: I thought you were op sorry
Why would it be a problem?

15.7 inches per 360 btw.

imo a slower sensitivity (over 10 inches) makes you have to move your mouse farther/faster to keep up with the game which tends to make your aim more spazzy/twitchy for me the faster my sensitivity (around 5-10 inches) is easier to track because I can calmly move my mouse nice and slow and still be able to keep up with the players in the game

its an unpopular view I think but the couple people I convinced to try under 10 inch sensitivities instead of over 10 inches also felt the same way that their aim felt much more crisp/calm and it was much easier to track

also for op when I was grinding hard and trying to get really good tracking I watched demos of people with great aim Youmustmike/sheep/snowblind before going into DM and then I tried to just imagine that I was them (sounds dumb but I think it helped... it at least forced me to watch demos more)

if nothing else it working you could also try to play with the shortstop in DM or in pubs the smaller spread combined with lower damage makes it so you really have to be careful with your aim/shots to do well and that could help you get in the right mindset for tracking

GL sorry for wall of 0 punctuation

Don't most scouts play on maybe 9-15 inches though? I think Shrugger's is like 13, Yomps about 15 something and I think I read that Ruwin and Starkie play/ed on something like 17 or more, though I may be wrong.

If I have a high sens I tend to be more erratic with my aim because of the speed of it all, whereas on a lower one I tend to more guide my mouse onto enemies. I recently spent a long time trying to find the perfect sens after having about 12 inches, and I changed to 15.1 and immediately hit so many more of my shots. The downside is that if a quick enemy is close to me and running past, it's sometimes tough to turn and keep my crosshair on them, or, at least, they may find it easier if they have a higher sens.

posted about 8 years ago
#23 Help with tracking in TF2 General Discussion
wtzAdebisi Ha, my scout sens is like 15.7.

I tend to lose focus and go on a mad m1 spree where I hit fuck all. Usually against a slippery medic or sniper. Very embarrassing.

I think this is the the problem.
e: I thought you were op sorry

Why would it be a problem?

15.7 inches per 360 btw.

posted about 8 years ago
#14 Help with tracking in TF2 General Discussion

Ha, my scout sens is like 15.7.

I tend to lose focus and go on a mad m1 spree where I hit fuck all. Usually against a slippery medic or sniper. Very embarrassing.

posted about 8 years ago
#629 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion

Twitch memes are very lame and childish.

posted about 8 years ago
#5 Help Removing CrosshairSwitcher in Q/A Help

I reinstalled the game instead of faffing.

Crosshair switchers have been a ballache from start to finish really

Thanks for your advice.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Help Removing CrosshairSwitcher in Q/A Help

weirdly I don't seem to have an auto exec, so i'm just looking for shit randomly.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Help Removing CrosshairSwitcher in Q/A Help

For ages I was trying to get Broesel's crosshair switcher to work, and I eventually gave up and installed this CrosshairSwitcher thing that works as like a separate program where you choose your crosshairs for each class and then it implements the changes to your TF2 folder.

Unfortunately the default crosshair I use for scout is too small on this switcher and I want to remove the whole thing. Like an idiot I just deleted the CrosshairSwitcher program on my desktop and it hasn't removed everything.

How do I get rid of all the program's effects please? Any help appreciated.

posted about 8 years ago
#74 Heavy & Pyro: How could they be changed? in TF2 General Discussion
AlmieJust to clarify, would you people hate airblast if it didn't affect players, only reflected projectiles? Legit question, not sure.

Maybe it would be better if it just stopped people coming further towards you, but didn''t actually push them anywhere. That way it could still deny ubers, albeit a nerf.

IDK, I hate it but others may not.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 A change we could make in TF2 General Discussion

Quite possibly.

That said, if you really want to know how to bring new players to comp you should ask the new players, or run it through their perspective. They're the ones who will really know what brings in new players, right?

Imo there's also no substitute for Valve integration/communication; so, information on comp/getting to comp located in the actual game, maybe a bit like the twitch streams on the homepage.

posted about 8 years ago
#44 TF2 Update on Matchmaking in TF2 General Discussion

With regards to hackers and also people who just leave games, maybe you could display how often players abandon or have been reported. Show this before games and so the other players can see and leave safely before the round starts.

Maybe not a perfect solution in that it doesn't punish abandoners or hackers (other than they maybe find it difficult to get games), but at least it safeguards other players and puts them in a position where they can choose to play it out or not if they see somebody flagged as risky.

posted about 8 years ago
#52 Muselk's criticism of the MyM update in TF2 General Discussion

Even if casual is replacing quickplay forever, I think Valve really should tell people (I mean really shout at them on the main page) that they can go on community servers and replicate or even better the quickplay experience. I myself usually just forget about community servers in my haste to play.

I know, that would require communication from Valve, right?

posted about 8 years ago
#49 Muselk's criticism of the MyM update in TF2 General Discussion
speedyhis opinion is worth nothing when it comes to competitive tf2

But he isn't talking about comp tf2 is he?

I thought it was more about casual and how it's not quickplay pubs. I think he has a point. It would be nice for the old quickplay pubs to be an option as well, for when people want to fart around quickly.

posted about 8 years ago
#14 I lost my mojo (and by mojo i mean my dm) in Q/A Help

I've spent about 100 hours stalled or even worse than I was before. ( i only have 600 hours)

I got a new mouse, tried new sens, reinstalled the game and lost my visuals, went away for 3 weeks, and now I just can't hit shit as a scout.

I'm contemplating lowering my sens to help my scout aim, but if i do it makes soldier and demo more difficult for me.

So yeah, I feel your pain.

posted about 8 years ago
#39 I'm plateauing in Q/A Help

Not qualified to advise you on TF2 improvement specifically, but watch some videos and read articles about the theory of improvement.

There's a certain methodology to improving in anything. Just doing the same thing over and over again, for example, is actually not going to make you get better. Or, should I say, it's a much slower process if that's how you try and improve. You have to keep testing yourself, perhaps by setting measurable goals for improvement (for example, somebody shite like me will aim to win 10 points in MGE against a quality player or whatever)

Seriously, look up the theory behind improvement.

posted about 8 years ago
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