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SteamID64 76561198157538861
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Country United Kingdom
Signed Up February 23, 2020
Last Posted April 7, 2020 at 1:59 AM
Posts 8 (0 per day)
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#14 Online classes in Off Topic

4 hours a day monday to friday and I made the mistake of telling everyone that I got a new mic so I can't just lie and say I don't have one. It's so much worse than normal class, but at least I'm able to tab out and do different stuff

posted about 4 years ago
#7 The World's First Pro Valorant Team in Off Topic

Dude, what the HELL is up with that Furry Mascot??

posted about 4 years ago
#8 Copenhagen Games 2020 Cancelled in News

Damn... All I can say is damn... I was so excited for Copenhagen Games Lan this year. I have been training hardcore for a few weeks now and was going to try to get on a team, despite being a LAN virgin. Yep, I've never been to LAN, but this was going to be my first one and I am sad it must be cancelled.

No disrespect though, major props to the staff and making the difficult, but right decision. Hopefully I'll be able to make some time and travel arrangements for the next one.

posted about 4 years ago
#19 who da fack is this guy in Off Topic

I only joined your mumble yesterday when you banned me and I am not affiliated with this "FUCK DOUGHY" person.

I am a very friendly, understanding and nice person. Even if I had a reason to want to name myself something like "FUCK DOUGHY" I would not do that and instead forgive him, and try to mend the relationship and give him a chance to better himself as a person.

I hold no ill will towards Doughy, and if there was some sort of miscommunication or misunderstanding I apologize and hope you'll forgive me.

posted about 5 years ago
#17 who da fack is this guy in Off Topic

I am making what is hopefully the last post I need to in this thread.

People keep asking me things like "who are you???" or getting banned from pugchamp for being an "alt" and despite some of the difficulties I've had in integrating myself into this community, I will not give up!

From now on, if people want to "know who I am" then, don't be afraid to ask me to game with you and you can get to know me! I am a very friendly person with a decent variety of games and always enjoy making new friends!

Even though I've hit a few road bumps in my time trying to join this community, I am not going to give up on it!!! I think this community has the potential to be the greatest online gaming community ever, and I hope to help create that environment by being nice to all the people I meet and believing in the potential for others to become good and nice people if they are not right now!

posted about 5 years ago
#15 who da fack is this guy in Off Topic

wtf(reak) I have been restricted on pugchamp for seemingly no reason, this makes me so sad :(

I just want to be a part of this community, I think it could be so great if we were all good to each other.

posted about 5 years ago
#5 who da fack is this guy in Off Topic

I am a very friendly person, I have obviously proven this to you. I will use voicechat, even though my throat is sore.

posted about 5 years ago
#4 who da fack is this guy in Off Topic

Seeing as you will not respond, this is my last resort. Please. I would like to speak to you in mumble! Maybe we can be friends!

posted about 5 years ago