good luck
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Last Posted | July 24, 2024 at 10:23 AM |
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quintoshits not a good wr though because he really only got lucky in kakariko and got +wr in every but two segments, it's good for him but really unfortunate for cosmo
once youre getting this close to perfect, luck is really the best chance you have of beating it, though. regardless, getting chickens like that again is going to take forever.
quintoshhe almost cried after the void skip which has like what, 8% chance of success?
not to mention that run was his two thousand, six hundred and forty something try.
also something important to remember for people that dont follow the speedrunning community: the ocarina of time any% was beat a couple nights ago by jodenstone, a feat that was thought to be impossible. he beat cosmos time by 3 seconds, posting a time of 18:06.96. this is fucking huge, and theyll probably be talking about it it a lot during the event.
Link to teh urn:
reimu-tenda has monsta dm HEHE
can confirm, he wins way too many 1v1s against scouts
excited for the tas runs tonight, and especially the mega man rums on the 8th. just wish duckfist was gonna be there :c
Atomiskoverly wordy drivel
later dude. make your own team i guess, because youre sure as hell not gonna find one here.
AtomiskSo you have it all backwards. They started talking shit to me and I just hit back harder. Yeah sure most people I've beat in mge could rape me in actual comp play but I never said I was badass at everything. I just merely taunted and shit talked those who did it to others and myself. I know I can be ignorant at times and I usually learn the hard way for most stuff. But you should research why they hate me, the shit they've posted before coming here and what there history is with me. Instead of just thinking "Oh, theres more then 2 people flaming this guy and calling him a dick, maybe he is one". Now that, is ignorant. .
rofl alright, when youve got IM players shit talking you you cant just call them dumb and act like you just punched them in the face irl. you kinda just have to take it, otherwise youll look like a fucking retard. you didnt hit back harder, you just made yourself look like a fool to just about anyone that could be interested in giving you a team. youre not some secret prophet here to save the world from all the comp players that used to make fun of you.youre a guy that is looking for his first open team. show some god damn humility.
Btw I've never seen you around before so I know your not mentoring my steel team. Especially since I don't have one atm. My last steel team was BearFace. Unless your relic then you didn't mentor me.
my bad man, when i offered to mentor dos' team and he made the team on ugc, and up until today you had the same team tag as the rest of them, i thought it was a safe assumption that youd be playing with them. but you know, ass of u and me or whatever. to be honest i think i was the only guy that didnt know you that was willing to give you a chance in this thread, but you successfully alienated me and im done trying to help.
arrogant and rude. if i were in charge of his 1st grade report card i would write "does not play well with others"
AtomiskdokidokipanicAtomiskI want to learn the other roles of 6's. Learn what they are supposed to do and how they are going to react to certain things. So when I put my heart into my main and chosen role in 6's, I will be smarter and better for it.nothing wrong with that, but generally you play your main at a higher div than your learning role. of you wanna play pocket in open, then id suggest that, and maybe play a differemt role on your other team
Yeah I understand that. But back when I posted this lft thread I didn't want anything to do with ugc, kinda of an open wound so I posted lft here. But since then I've gotten a coach and played a bit of demoman, scout and medic so I'm smarter for it. I'm completely down to play pocket in open but I just don't feel like I'm ready for it. Letting a team down that picked me up believing in me would be a huge bummer. So like, thats held me back from really practicing my main in 6's for the last few months except in pugs and lower divs in ugc.
youre making some sense, i just feel like if youve invested as much time in soldier as i think you have, its the class you would want to get the most out of. I know that you get a lot of shit, and regardless about how you think someone acts, its probably not a good idea to trash talk players that are a much higher level than you, even if you beat them in mge. theres a reason they're in open or im, and youre still in steel trying to get on an open team. not to mention their status in the community, and making a bad name for yourself can, and already has, been detrimental to you. You walked into a forum full of the best players in america, and started talking shit to them. seems like a bad move. But most importantly this is a competitive game, and at the end of the day hitting your rockets are what matters.
im mentoring your steel team this season, so ill give you what help i can. my dm is trash, but im a smart player, and it seems like your ability to make calls and realize advantages are the biggest problem that you as a player realize you need help on. ill do what i can, as long as you guys get a full, committed roster.
important bump. just moved back in with my parents, and the intermet is so shitty that i can barely stay connected to steam, let alone scrim regularly. as such we need a dedicated pocket sub to take my place while i get a job and either start paying for better internet, move back out, or just somehow solve the problems im having.
add dreamboat if interested
IrishhhhrcrsvsDid i miss it? :(xav you have like 4 seasons of UGC 6's and played a season of open why would you need to do a newbie mix?
maybe he wanted to coach?
AtomiskI want to learn the other roles of 6's. Learn what they are supposed to do and how they are going to react to certain things. So when I put my heart into my main and chosen role in 6's, I will be smarter and better for it.
nothing wrong with that, but generally you play your main at a higher div than your learning role. of you wanna play pocket in open, then id suggest that, and maybe play a differemt role on your other team
what i wanna know is this: if hes spemt 1200 hours mgeing as soldier, why is he tryimg oit for scout or medic?
Air_alec_depends how much of each
probly the eye crust
i still hope to one day try cum but it has to be on my terms
cum is seriously not that bad, like not at all.
Just save some in a jar, and then when you're in a mood you have some to try
"in a mood"
man, you know what i could really go for right now? my own semen.