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Signed Up October 22, 2012
Last Posted February 18, 2019 at 10:44 PM
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#14 Is it safe to say airblast will remain how it is? in TF2 General Discussion
ward3di don't even remember how airblast changed lol

They made the pitch the person is sent at much more dependent on your own view's pitch (you aim up, they go up. you aim flat with the ground, they go flat with the ground). They also made it add velocity to players instead of set velocity (with a minimum speed cap of 600 hu/s in the direction you airblast them in). Plus a bit of bouncing people off collision and velocity reflecting stuff.

Since most people aim flat when airblasting they get no vertical velocity in their airblasts. They don't get the vertical popup for the free shots. Instead they just push people away at like 150% the speed a scout runs.

Flick up or down when airblasting if you're looking for it to be similar to old one, basically.

posted about 6 years ago
#83 Sketchek is back? in TF2 General Discussion

Sketchek's fanbase is the kind of fanbase that two or more years after his supposed death keeps so much up with any potential sketchek rumor that they work to solve an arg.

They're the kinda dudes who google the word sketchek more than I google the phrase "tmp pyro tf2".

It's a bit creepy talking to a sketchek fanboy, it's almost like talking to a stalker. I totally get why he would feel like he had to do something on that level to keep people like that from trying to constantly contact him if he just wanted to be done with it all. But I don't think it's the right thing to do. I don't even know if that's the reason he'd do that.

posted about 6 years ago
#5 Pyro Jetpack Exploit in TF2 General Discussion

Knowing valve and how they fix things I find, it'll be fixed in a year. The fix will either somehow make the jetpack stomp not work at all anymore, the knockback on land of the jetpack will apply to rocket jumps as well, or it won't actually fix anything and they'll just make it where you take normal fall damage from the jetpack.

needless to stay uberbuild while pause, sticky delay, and stickies doing damage through walls will not have been fixed by then.

posted about 6 years ago
#125 TF2 update for 3/28/18 in TF2 General Discussion

That's happening because you're touching a func_regenerate. AKA a resupply cabinet. It double shoots the projectile when you do that.

It'll basically never happen in a game setting.

posted about 6 years ago
#193 The Jungle Inferno bug mega thread! in TF2 General Discussion
Comangliaso you guys are saying my macro that's setup to spam M1 every 28ms isn't actually helpful beyond using less ammo to kill someone, and apparently annoying the fuck out of everyone from the noise?

Yes that's exactly what I'm saying.

Though that second one is definitely a serious upside. Good ol bee flamethrower ftw.

posted about 7 years ago
#186 The Jungle Inferno bug mega thread! in TF2 General Discussion
MalkrazFlame particles reactivate after touching a surface, enabling them to deal damage twice.
Hellbent's post on the first page saying "flamethrower does more damage when spamming click vs holding it down" is probably inaccurate as I can't for the life of me replicate this in testing, but the result may have something to do with this bug.
JojoWhen I tested it with some friends it does seem that the first flame particle does more damage than the rest of them(perhaps it has no falloff damage?) So if you can spam click fast enough it will do more damage. You just have to spam very very fast. Personally I can't do it fast enough to make it worth it but with a macro you evaporate people.

The old flamethrower functioned like this: It shot 25 invisible boxes a second or so. When they hit a target, they detected a hit, traced back to the location they were shot at, and if the path was free, did damage then.

The new flamethrower functions like this: It shoots 25 invisible boxes and another 25 boxes in the same way that house the visual particle. These boxes collide with geometry and normalize their speed off the wall. Since the flames are still basically shot in the same way, they're still a bit random. To alleviate this for consistency reasons, the way that flames do damage is different. It doesn't detect on hit that the flame hits a target. Instead, it checks 12 times a second if any flame particle is hitting a target, and if it does, then the oldest one hitting the target does damage. This has the consequence of "the first flamethrower tick does more damage aaaaa", but at the same time that damage is the exact same as if you were to m1 on the target during the duration of the hit. Which is most of the time like, 2 ticks max. It doesn't do more damage. You just have to think about touching flames differently than you do touching a rocket.

posted about 7 years ago
#51 The Jungle Inferno bug mega thread! in TF2 General Discussion

So the Dragon's Fury is bugged. It's probably got the same hit collision detection as the wrap assassin or something. It pretty much phases the damage part outta existence in what are almost random situations. Like on ramps. Basically, the same thing that goes on with this:

E: visual

I think it's when the thing that does the actual damage collides with or enters the bounding box of a solid brush entity that it deletes it. Which is a lot of ramps that use func_lod for some reason for their edge flairs, and basically all of gullywash 2nd red side.

Note that the visual ball is separate from this, in typical valve fashion. So you don't actually see the thing getting deleted. And the damage bit lasts long enough to do damage to it when you're literally point blank as well.

It wouldn't be pyro without something like this going on.

Oh yeah, also flames for some reason hit multiple times now based on just if there is a particle colliding with the player or not (If there is, it does flamethrower damage to that target, if not it doesn't) and do double the damage per hit that they did before yesterday too (I dunno if this is a bug or an undocumented change but I'm guessing the latter)!

EDIT: ok I just want to make sure that I express this here. Flame damage now updates 12 times a second based on if you're hitting a particle or not instead of shooting 25 of them so I want to explicitly state that it does not mean that pyro now does double the damage that he did.

posted about 7 years ago
#42 The Pyro Update Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
yahooTMPstuff shortened
isn't the buff only for stock FT

Nope, affects all flamethrowers currently. Just tried it in live patch as well to confirm it wasn't patched out silently. The wording in the update did make it seem like it was only for stock but it affects them all.

posted about 9 years ago
#38 The Pyro Update Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Hello, real pyro main here. Just woke up, sorry for bumping this. Someone asked me to post my opinions here.

I'm gonna keep this short, I don't care about pyro in 6s, I don't care about trying to make pyro viable in 6s even as a feigned measure. He's a class that works best as a constant threat and that doesn't work amazingly in a game that's based around timings and abusing spikes in advantages, and if he did, it would no longer be a game based around timings and abusing spikes in advantages.

There's really only one potential negative shift in the matchups for pyro in this patch due to these pyro changes and that's pyro vs scout. Removes the .6s kill option on nonbuffed and makes it like .7s. So naturally this hurts the 6s pyro some but I mean you guys really weren't running him for the purpose of fighting scouts anyways.

Every other matchup that actually really matters just got faster for pyro's kill option with degreaser. Quite a bit on classes with above 150hp. Degreaser's damage in the preferred fighting range was increased by 50% (4 damage per tick to 6 damage per tick) due to the falloff changes and the damage reduction removal.

Since you guys are 6s players and some of you play quake, comboing with pyro is somewhat similar to the strategy of lg-rail in quake in why you do it. They just increased the switch time to rail by 50%, yeah, but they also buffed the lg's damage by 50%.

posted about 9 years ago
#357 in Projects
HildrethBtw those betting on Premtech vs Highpander, I'll have you know we're not as clear favourites as you might think, since they beat us last season, just saying, smart money is on Premtech folks!

Shh, don't tell them that, I want to be rich!

(Seriously though, the odds being 80-20 are fairly ridiculous)

posted about 9 years ago
#5 ETF2L Highlander Season 8 Week 1: Highpander vs. Tourettes Chessclub in Events

Don't let me down Hildreth.


posted about 9 years ago
#79 Common Core in Off Topic

When I first saw the Common Core way to subtract and add and whatnot, I actually really liked it. It was very more, uh, how would I put it. It felt more like what I identify as Mathematics.

This stuff here just kinda helps me think more like that it's preparing students more for the analytic and problem solving portion of Mathematics rather than the calculation aspect. Which I think is good. I think brute force calculation is kind of good to have? But I always thought there was too much. Especially for the fact that I have a phone next to me that beats me in being able to solve differential equations by far.

This is the start to analysis. Throwing more word problems and things like what were in that test at people means they'll have to understand how to analyze a problem or they'll fall behind. Which yeah, kinda sucks for some people. Pretty much everyone in my high school math classes didn't know how to do this, and maybe a fourth of the people in my honors sequences+series calculus classes in college didn't really know how to do it. Pretty much anyone I help out with Mathematics at a lower college level (Basically linear algebra and below) have those issues with analysis and problem solving (Which is probably the reason I'm helping them in the first place).

The society that exists nowadays just needs the analytic portion of this stuff more than it needs the raw computing, so I personally like the direction this is taking. It's more important to kinda get a feel for understanding why you are doing these steps and getting some sort of underlying feel to the process nowadays than it is to be able to crank out the process over and over when you can easily just be outclassed by a computer in basically any form of computational math out there.

I haven't looked more into it, I could imagine that it would be a total pain as a parent. I've heard literally all of my old teachers complain about it, but I haven't actually talked to any of my old math teachers now that I think about it. I'm not sure if it would be a pain as a current-generation teacher, maybe one that has been teaching for a while.

posted about 10 years ago
#18 Trailer: Beyond the Hats (TF2 Documentary) in TF2 General Discussion

I've been around since nearly the beginning of Highlander as a cup/league thing (I remember the ETF2L Highlander Community Cup, joined on the CommFT Highlander Cup. Pretty sure Enigma's team won it.), so if you want to do any highlander portion, I can help piece together a history of it in NA and somewhat EU.

posted about 10 years ago
#170 What pub community did you come from? in Off Topic

I started on Voogru Crazy House.

I most identify as where I came from though as Parlor Room Jesters / The Lions Den. After that I kinda jumped around to tons of other servers on and off.

posted about 10 years ago
#8 End of the Line in TF2 General Discussion
wareyaI'm not sad to see snowplow cut, but I'm REALLY sad to see how their work completely went to waste. Maps are a hell of a lot harder to make than items. I hope that they get compensated for their time in some way, but I don't know whether it'll happen.

I can imagine it must really suck for them, especially if you just know the utter hell that that map has gone through. Making a map under that kind of pressure with another person who isn't completely in sync with you (YM and Frozen aren't always on the same page for sure) is just absolutely rough. They'd scrapped so many ideas because they were too complex, as well.

But I mean, it's not completely wasted for them. Frozen and YM get a hell of a portfolio piece out of it. It's easily their most technically amazing maps for each of them, definitely for Frozen. It's also an amazing learning experience due to the flow of style they worked with instances in map design in Source.

I've seen Frozen change so much in the last 6 months as a person and a mapper. It's astounding how impressive he's become.

Sorry, I just rambled a bit. The map may not have the greatest gameplay and absolutely no relevance to the comp scene (never would have), but I'm amazed at what they did, especially in such a short notice.

posted about 10 years ago
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