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Last Posted February 18, 2019 at 10:44 PM
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#33 Valve fucks up, Pyro's flamethrower is broken in TF2 General Discussion

People have said for years that pyros who have lower ping win the fights more than a pyro with higher ping.

This is not why. Honestly, this should impact very few people in the community on a regular basis regardless.

posted about 10 years ago
#83 Bring back cp_yukon for ESEA s18! in TF2 General Discussion

Huh, I would have figured someone would have linked Dummy's rollout on Yukon in this thread.

I personally would be interested in watching some more modern games on Yukon. See how people would approach the map now and whatnot. It's been a long time since I've seen Yukon played competitively in any format.

posted about 10 years ago
#27 Fundraiser for dashner in LAN Discussion

As much as I may have had small qualms and dislikes towards Dashner in the past (Entirely personal and incredibly petty), there's no denying that he does more than most people when it comes to competitive TF2.

Go get to i52. Someone's gotta man the camera and have all the awesome looking graphics for this LAN. I threw in $10, will probably throw in more later when I can determine how much I can.

posted about 10 years ago
#46 Uber Tracking Hud Mod in Customization

I found this to be much better when I decided to turn it from a bar into numbers, where I would display what percentage the kritz/uber could be at rather than just have a physical bar that shows it. I don't know, abstract numbers make more sense in my head than geometric lengths. I've thought about toying with making it seconds until as well, but I think percentages are more accurate if you die during it.

posted about 10 years ago
#7 UGC Platinum: mTs vs. 20b in Events

Upward's been around forever, and mTs as a unit have generally been around forever in the highlander scene too. Equally as long as 20b's guys for sure. I'd expect mTs to be going into this with the advantage - this isn't an odd payload map that gets played only occasionally, upward gets played almost every season. mTs know how to play it and so does 20b. This'll come down to pure execution, and it'll be good. Max vs Marisa always makes for a good show on a sniper heavy map like Upward too.

I'll have to catch the VoD but I figure this game will be pretty good. Rounds should be close.

posted about 10 years ago
#23 New Unreal Tournament in Other Games
La_maisonAlso, Chroma is looking pretty good. Here is a video of alpha gameplay (that´s probably going to get deleted soon):

Chroma looks awesome but at the same time disorienting as hell. Flashing lights everywhere, having to keep a beat while playing, and the levels dynamically changing around you? That has to be hard to get used to.

posted about 10 years ago
#8 Drowning simulator in Other Games

Wow. I got 5 minutes. Shit got pretty horrific around that mark too.

posted about 10 years ago
#1697 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

I got bored yesterday so I made a modification to OmpHUD that makes pyro a bit tougher. (Also every other class I guess)

I mean I feel like an idiot for making it but I figure may as well bite the bullet and show it off.

Screenshot of Badwater between 3 and 4

posted about 10 years ago
#60 How did you get into competitive TF2? in TF2 General Discussion

Played on a 5v5 team as pyro after I started maining it in TWL with Gypsy Davey and Tators and some other people on a team called E2N.

Kept pyroing while they went on to become really damn good 6s players or video editors. Experimented with pyroing in 6s pugs, mostly in the TF2F ones or so. I didn't really get anywhere. Come time for ETF2L highlander cup, I didn't participate because I was still trying this and because I was basically in love with the degreaser which was blacklisted (big mistake not doing that, but it helped me in the future with regards to familiarity with degreaser). I went on to play around a lot, get stupidly good at pyro (I wasn't good by today's standards, but back then no one was a good pyro period), and then word got to a guy named Jesus from CommFT via sNoB. Pyro MGE'd vs him while we talked about pyro in competitive, then he asked me to join his highlander team Magical Frolicking Unicorns. After that, went to Gun Runners in plat and became really well known as a hyperaggressive pyro main in like S5 of UGC.

posted about 10 years ago
#8 pyro self damage in TF2 General Discussion

Always been that way.

Really obnoxious, too.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Tag to delist stream from TFTV temporarily in Site Discussion

SpeedRunsLive has a feature that when you include "[nosrl]" in the title of your broadcast that it doesn't list you on their active page of streamers during that stream session. I'm not sure if this applies to many people, but I for one would prefer to have my streams that aren't TF2 related not show up on 's sidebar, like if I were to do level design. I'm wondering if there's the possibility that the functionality could be added for a tag, such as "[notftv]", that streamers could place in their titles that would delist them from the sidebar while it's there. If this isn't practical to implement, I understand completely.

Thanks in advance.

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Pushing in 4v4 in TF2 General Discussion

From the small amount of experience I have in 4s, I'd say pushing is pretty simple and suicidal on koth maps. If they own the point, longer respawn time, so you can effectively bully them in a timezone if you get any picks off of a failed push. If they're running a slower class like pyro and you pick it, you can exploit this even more.

I'd say when pushing your key goal should be picks and general focus on fragging classes. The less of them shooting at you, the better.

You're right when you say that there is no real definition between the combo and the flank as in 6s or in highlander. Since you'd only have one fragging class on the flank or combo at any given time, I think it's a bit better to have your scout or your fastest class that you would normally put on the flank play very dynamically with the combo in pushes and in general. If you can somehow get behind them or in some flank role and you can live long enough to time your push with the rest of your team, then sure, go for it. It can provide some serious advantages, but it's a risk as if you die your team is a lot weaker.

It's also the possibility that they just outdm'd you on every push. It could be my inexperience speaking, but I think dm is currently probably the deciding factor in 4s. If you can frag harder than your enemies and take down their fragging classes effectively and quickly, they just can't win.

4s is an unexplored mode. If you're looking to improve on it, you'll probably have to do some theorizing about it on your own. I'd say adapt from 6s a lot, but remove the thought of a definite flank, and you can probably do pretty well. I'm not very good at 6s, so I can't talk specifics on what to do. But look at posts on how to push in 6s, try to look at ones that involve using your scouts on a push (I think someone posted something in a thread around here earlier detailing how to push in 6s, and at least one of the push types involved using a single scout in the push).

Also, if all else fails, run pyro and slow push, reflecting rockets and just being the absolutely biggest jerk you can possibly be. Stupidly good in 4s if your pyro can deal with a scout (which isn't too tough, just make sure he has an overheal). (Oh, small note, he does die to snipers which deep just said)

posted about 10 years ago
#21 Top 10 TF2 plays - December 2013 in Videos

That didn't look like a reflex reflect. That was a "prediction" reflect, obviously.

posted about 10 years ago
#132 Hearthstone in Other Games

Fuck Hearthstone sometimes.

Played arena yesterday. Chose Warlock, though I never had played him. Daily mission and shit. Chose Lord Jaraxxus as one of my cards. I like his ability from what I've seen, pretty sick.

So I play and get Jaraxxus in my hand like 2/3 times I play when I rechoose cards on my first draw. Well, whatever. Let's make it to turn 9 and drop this bad boy.

Died on Turn 8 EVERY TIME I HAD HIM.

Prolly could have played smarter and lived longer but it was just so painful getting to turn 8 and seeing that I was just dead before I could get out Jaraxxus and then just summon infernals for days.

posted about 10 years ago
#123 AGDQ 2014 in Off Topic

The borderlands 2 run was insane. I would have liked to have seen the other 2 players though, but what can ya say.

posted about 10 years ago
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