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Last Posted September 9, 2024 at 3:19 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 ⋅⋅ 88
#1244 GXL LAN Fall 2014 in News

In case no one saw it in the thread here.



Note: This applies to Saturday.

If you finished top four and haven't received your money / Corsair prizes, message me on Steam. All of you have me added, so this shouldn't take long. Anything CEVO-related for prizes on Friday is totally through CEVO, but if you guys need help with that, you can still message me and I'll try to help.

If you finished in fifth and sixth place (Keywork eSports and Terminal Chillness), you guys received your Zowie gear and are taken care of. You guys are set and don't need to contact me unless you have questions about something.

If you finished anywhere between seventh place and last place (this also includes if you didn't make it out of group stage), I need your captain to add me on Steam, which then I'll give you my email so you can send an email with everyone's Steam email address. I will send you your digital gift to your Steam accounts that way.

I need all participants to please get this done ASAP.



posted about 9 years ago
#58 GXL feedback in LAN Discussion
MR_SLINmight not be the right thread for this but what happened in ro4 elevate vs. 20b on granary?
there were a ton of pauses.

On Friday, some of the players (namely cozen, ninjanick, and I think deadbolt) were crashing a lot on the iBuyPower PCs. It go to the point where instead of figuring out the issues after the second/third time, players swapped out the iBP PCs for their own.

edit: oh, nick said this like 40 minutes ago. my b, bae.

posted about 9 years ago
#54 GXL feedback in LAN Discussion

I agree with lots of feedback here, and I'm glad everyone is giving much input. However, I think I had only one legitimate issue, so I'm gonna keep it very real right now.

If you get incredibly drunk / high as fuck at your hotel, I don't give a shit. That has nothing to do with GXL or me at that point, and we don't care. However, a few of you got absurdly drunk/high while at the venue (regardless if you're inside the venue or outside in the parking lot). You were a disturbance to a handful of people and, to be blunt, outright creeped out some of the people.

I'm not saying that anyone who consumed any kind of alcohol or smoked were totally unacceptable. I had a few beers myself, and I know that most people who did any kind of drinking were responsible and handled themselves well. However, we don't want to start kicking people out from the event because you are a total wreck.

posted about 9 years ago
#17 GXL feedback in LAN Discussion

Yeah, the tables and chairs were pretty bad, but we'll look into ways to improve that aspect.

botmodebo3 for the all bracket matches would've been nice

Actually, some of the feedback I've heard is that some of the guys played too much TF2, lol (which I guess would be a more relevant issue from a team who finished top 8 or so).

It wouldn't have been possible to finish that tournament in one day with bo3, though. Maybe unless it was top 16 bo3 single elimination.

MemphisVonI have an idea, how bout putting the cs nerds that are going to have 50 people standing behind them in a place that will facilitate said people. Maybe put them against the wall or an open area with no gamers behind them. Getting bumped mid-game by csgo fanboys all weekend was a drag.

That definitely won't happen next time. We will have that stuff roped off and in a way where it won't totally obstruct everyone from walking by / sitting in the area.

ChompsMore accurate info about when matches are expected

I deleted the rest of your post in the quote because dr.shdwpuppet and Lange already dismissed that part of it, but I felt like I was pretty right for the most part on when people expected to play their matches. Yeah, there were some delays on Saturday due to making groups / brackets and getting servers ready. However, I think I made it pretty clear to everyone when they would play, and I told anyone what we were waiting on if there was any kind of delay (usually waiting for a few other matches to finish up).

posted about 9 years ago
#1 GXL feedback in LAN Discussion

Hey everyone,

We'd like to get some feedback from you guys about GXL. It can be any kind of things dealing with the venue, tournament, stream, casters, production, and so on. Any kind of feedback is fine, as long as it's relevant and constructive. Tell us the things that you loved and hated the most, or however you want to tell us.

We just wanna know what we should keep doing and what else we should improve on.

All of us will be taking a much needed break from GXL things in just a few days. However, we still want to gather up a bunch of feedback for this before we really start preparing for GXL '15 (announcement usually happens around April, typically).

posted about 9 years ago
#2 TEZC at GXL - Vlog Diary in LAN Discussion

I will be watching many of these. :]

Again, thank you guys so much for coming out.

posted about 9 years ago
#26 Airon GXL Fundraiser in LAN Discussion
AironWell, this worked out nicely.

Everyone was happy with the result, despite the inevitable delays due to game computer issues and stuff that seem to haunt every event like this.

It has been exhausting fun, and the positive comments from all around, the attendees and folks on the net, all of whom we thank very much for their candid notes on our production, confirm that it has been worth the effort. The organizers, the casters, the production crew(me included) and of course the players gave us all the fun and great moments we'd hoped for.

That stone-cold blocking move by Clockwork on Badlands is a good example, one of many.

Now I'll try to sleep just a little more. I have plenty to catch up on.

I seriously cannot thank you enough for coming out and making this event even more exciting with your talent. I hope to see you again next year.

posted about 9 years ago
#11 Let's keep this going. in TF2 General Discussion

I'll always go to FITES as long as a decent amount of TF2 players show. I might go to ETS if people nag at me enough. :p

posted about 9 years ago
#36 Nick 'TheFragile' Leon in TF2 General Discussion
phAZEBeing one of the ~3 people in the tf2 community who lives/works in Delaware, lemme buy you a lunch sometime on behalf of the tftv community.

I actually live in New Jersey and I work in Delaware, but yeah, I wouldn't mind. :3

posted about 9 years ago
#1174 GXL LAN Fall 2014 in News

instead of double posting in two different threads, my reply to everything and thank-yous are here.

posted about 9 years ago
#33 Nick 'TheFragile' Leon in TF2 General Discussion


Note: This applies to Saturday.

If you finished top four and haven't received your money / Corsair prizes, message me on Steam. All of you have me added, so this shouldn't take long. Anything CEVO-related for prizes on Friday is totally through CEVO, but if you guys need help with that, you can still message me and I'll try to help.

If you finished in fifth and sixth place (Keywork eSports and Terminal Chillness), you guys received your Zowie gear and are taken care of. You guys are set and don't need to contact me unless you have questions about something.

If you finished anywhere between seventh place and last place (this also includes if you didn't make it out of group stage), I need your captain to add me on Steam and send me an email with everyone's Steam email address. I will send you your digital gift to your Steam accounts that way.



posted about 9 years ago
#32 Nick 'TheFragile' Leon in TF2 General Discussion

Got home yesterday, collapsed on my bed, and just woke up from a 16 hour nap, haha. I'm sore as fuck, I have a horrible blister on my pinky toe, and I'm unwillingly back at work. I still have GXL prizes to give out (more info on that later in the next post) and other things that need to be done. However, holy fuck, that was amazing.

I've had countless people come up to me and thank me for doing this, but I always replied with "I appreciate that, but thank you for coming out."

There have been multiple times where I went around to everyone, just hugging / shaking hands with people, thanking them for coming out to make this event what it was. All the time, money, and effort I've put in alongside the eXtv crew would be totally irrelevant if it weren't for everyone coming out. We had about 170+ TF2 people come out with a 20 team community tournament. 20 fucking teams. That is so damn incredible.

Unfortunately, I didn't get to hang out with people as much as I had wished, because there was a lot of work to be done. I did hang out with people after each night wrapped up with some great times at Rick's hotel room ($20 COIN TOSS CHAD "HERO" HOLSTEIN, HOLD THAT SHIT). I also had a great time casting with gecks, which was even more awesome to do it in person, considering him and I became an impromptu duo only a month ago.

This event was a lot to handle, and many of us behind the curtains were incredibly stressed. I had a pretty horrible mental breakdown at one point, which then the eXtv guys literally forced me to sit down and take a break. I just sat down and had tons of stressful tears. However, I knew things would come together. After the grand finals finished on Saturday, we played out that awesome outro video the eXtv crew and me watched behind the curtains in the back stage. When it finished, we barraged each others with hugs and lots of tears, knowing we fucking did it. The stress disappeared, and all of the hard work we put in finally paid off.

I really wished we had taken a giant group photo, but I saw tons of people taking many pictures throughout the event, so I'm sure we'll be fine on that end.

Here is what will surely be a horribly incomplete "thank you" list, as I will definitely forget people that I want to thank. So, in no particular order:

dashner - For spending over half of a year talking to me almost every single day for many hours on how we could set everything up and make things better. You spent as much of your own money as I did (maybe even more?), and you really didn't have to do that or even help me with any of this, but thank you.

Lange - For helping with some of the sponsorship stuff and getting A LOT of this stuff off of the ground, especially at the event. There were a lot of times where we were under a ton of stress, but I felt like you were the guy who really reassured everyone that everything was gonna be okay and we were gonna do it.

dr.shdwpuppet - For helping with all of the server stuff. It would have been VERY difficult without you there, and your invaluable talent along with your swift timing to make sure everything happened the moment I needed it to happen was just fantastic.

Airon - You flew out from Berlin to help our production. I think that sentence alone needs no further explanation on how grateful I am for your presence.

Arie - You also flew out from Europe to help with our production and participate in the tournament. I'm really sorry about the miscommunication with PCs, but you could tell how devastated I was. Regardless, things wouldn't have been the same without you and your team.

The eXtv crew as a whole - You guys put on a fucking amazing show. The stream guys, the casters, and everyone who had any kind of role in it. Seriously, what a show.

eXtine - For helping me out with things when I had my breakdown and also helping out a ton with the CEVO rental situation. You made that a hell of a lot less stressful. You also bought me chapstick, and that was basically my #1 request all weekend, rofl.

Corsair Gaming - For being one of the first (maybe THE first?) event you've sponsored. That's so awesome and we appreciate the support so much.

Zowie - For showing your continued support for TF2 time and time again.

ChinGoo, foster, CJ-, Thrasher, Benk, smaka - For donating prizes. I hope I didn't forget anyone here.

TEZC - For flying out from Europe to make this event! Your presence really made this event more exciting, and I can only hope that this is not the last time we see Europe on NA soil. Again, sorry about the PC miscommunication.

Literally anyone who traveled long distances - I don't think this needs much of an explanation, except that it makes me feel awesome that this event was good enough for you to travel such distances. That really makes me feel happy.

mala - For constantly making sure I was okay all weekend and got anything I needed. You also bought me a much needed supply of Monster drinks :3!

CEVO|Pipher and CEVO|Spangler - For your help and PC rentals when they were needed. You guys were probably a little annoyed with me at times but thank you for dealing with me, haha.

Tagg - For taking pictures and bodying me in Smash Bros games. I will never stand a chance. ;_;

flame - For helping out with what you could, when you could. We've had some differences on the forums, but at the end of the day, we just want TF2 to be awesome. You also drive a sick fucking car.

mana and enigma - For promptly helping me with any TFTV things I needed done.

The CEVO teams - For playing a ridiculous amount of TF2 over two days. I know you guys are exhausted and were probably a little fed up with me at times, but you guys put on amazing matches as always. Also, thank you for signing / doing autographs for players. It means so much to them than you can possibly imagine.

To anyone I snapped at - I'm really sorry. There were times where I was really stressed out and did that totally on accident. I don't think I snapped at anyone I didn't know and I don't think there were too many times where it happened, but I apologize. I think the only time I legitimately snapped is when my team wouldn't stop scrimming mix^ when they had to play a match, and I screamed "GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE SERVER BEFORE I RIP OUT YOUR ETHERNET CABLES," rofl.

Everyone else - Seriously, I can't accurately put into words how happy I feel with how the event went. None of this means anything without all of you showing up. Thank you.


For the weeks prior to the event, I was just so done already. My mind was filled with "fuck this, I'm not doing this again next year, wow, much stress, so tired, fml," but now I'm already anticipating planning the next event! The problem is that I really try to do too much on my own. Perhaps I should just do a better job at delegating some of my work to some other people who are ready and willing to help, haha.

All I really gave a shit about is that we put on a good fucking show and everyone had an amazing time, and I think it's safe to say we accomplished both things.

I see a lot of you asking if GXL '15 is gonna happen and if TF2 will be a thing with it.

Yeah, GXL '15 is gonna happen.

Yeah, TF2 will be a thing.

Yeah, I'm running it again.

posted about 9 years ago
#948 GXL LAN Fall 2014 in News

About to pick up tagg, indust, and shrugger, then head over to the venue. #hype

xaloxWill I be able to leave my PC/monitor at the venue Thursday night? Id rather not have to leave it in my car/drag it into the hotel

Yeah. That's something I forgot to tell the CEVO teams when I found out.

my b :<

posted about 9 years ago
#914 GXL LAN Fall 2014 in News


Tonight is the last night I can deal with GXL questions, issues, and whatever else. I cannot help you after tonight, as I will be at the venue setting up.

Please iron out any issues that you might have by tonight.

Please have six paid players on your roster by tonight with your Steam IDs synced to your CEVO accounts (if possible).


posted about 9 years ago
#909 GXL LAN Fall 2014 in News
KBlairTheFragileYes, this is all true, but you can't come in at 9 AM (or at all) unless you have SOME kind of pass. If you have literally no kind of pass, you can't come in.Do we need to print these passes or the confirmation e-mail out? I'm looking around the GXL site and I can't find where to print a pass.


A very common question that I’m asked is if you need to bring anything with you to registration. You can bring the confirmation email but it’s not really necessary. It might speed things up a little but I wouldn’t worry about it.


Also, I wouldn't read too much into the FAQ on the GXL website. It's alright for the most part but a lot of is kinda messy / outdated. Just refer to the FAQ in the first post.

posted about 9 years ago
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