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1 ⋅⋅ 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 ⋅⋅ 88
#9 CEVO-P placement tournament in TF2 General Discussion
Pubmix^ is returning?

Yes. I've got confirmation from the listed teams that they would like to play this season. I'm sure some of the teams will be going through roster changes.

posted about 10 years ago
#3 CEVO-P placement tournament in TF2 General Discussion
DaStabajCan/will this be casted? Would love to see teams who are either going to be the top of CEVO-Open/ESEA IM as well as give us a teaser of how the teams who will be playing in CEVO-P who we haven't seen before.

Mostly just want to see justin's demoknight though

Yeah, we plan to have it casted.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 CEVO-P placement tournament in TF2 General Discussion

Hey everyone,

CEVO season 6 is approaching quickly. To prepare for the CEVO-P side of things, we are accepting team applications to fill in the remaining CEVO-P spots. This will consist of teams that will compete to try to make it into the remaining available spots of CEVO-P. The current CEVO-P teams for season 6 are:

Classic Mixup
Street Hoops
Ding Dong Daddies

This means we need four more teams to fill in the slots for CEVO-P. Depending on how many applications we get, we'll likely have a quick tournament consisting of eight teams with the top four teams making it into CEVO-P. There's only two things you need to do to be considered:

- Have your roster sign-up and pay for CEVO-Open.
- Send your applications to with your roster and everyone's TF2 competitive history.

The deadline for applications will be Sunday (11/23) at 11 PM EST.

If you have any questions, feel free to post here or e-mail me.

posted about 10 years ago
#14 Creator of multiple 6v6 maps working on new game in Off Topic
fathomHmm, interesting. I'm all about anything that will come close to bringing back the glory days of Unreal Tournament 2004.

let's remake our old UT2004 for this new game, k? :D

posted about 10 years ago

ahem, where am I on this list?

posted about 10 years ago
#41 ESEA Open Grand Finals: MAD LUXURIOUS GOLD vs. sparkle bunnies in Events

Stream will be up in 5 mins, had some issues. Sorry for the delay!

posted about 10 years ago
#13 Fifflaren Leaves NiP in CS2 General Discussion

Fifflaren seems like a chill guy, but he was definitely the weakest link on that team. This should be a good move for NiP.

posted about 10 years ago
#25 Favorite Superhero? in Off Topic

Nova, which I hope he'll be in Guardians of the Galaxy 2.

posted about 10 years ago
#17 CEVO Season 6 Announced in News
SnazReally hoping for more coverage this season. Would be nice if TF.TV would cast regular matches

There will definitely be more CEVO coverage this season.

posted about 10 years ago
#10 CEVO Season 6 Announced in News
KairuOh man, I wonder how many people are going to get angry that their potential deciding playoffs match will be on logjam, Week 9

Logjam is only for CEVO-P, and having it towards the end of the season is likely better than the beginning of the season. It'll give teams more time to get familiar with the map. Plus, blaming a team's LAN-deciding fate on Logjam is really just an excuse to me. Blaming it on the last map is not very rational when your team could have certainly traced back to playing better on other maps earlier in the season.

Moving Logjam to a different week also wouldn't be wise, because then the CEVO-P teams would be on a totally different map rotation than the CEVO-Open teams.

But again, it's only for CEVO-P this season. Depending on the feedback, it's possible that it could make it into the normal map rotation next season.

RigelWhen will the season start exactly? The website says pre-season is from "Nov 13th - Nov 20th" but registration ends Nov 23rd. Or are these dates TBD?

Didn't play CEVO last season but am interested this season and not sure exactly how this goes.

You might have to click on "Regular Season" for the schedule to drop down, but the first regular season game starts on Tuesday, December 2nd.

posted about 10 years ago
#328 cp_sunshine (5CP) in Map Discussion
PhiI haven't been receiving much feedback beyond what's already been said, so I might just spit out RC3 sooner than later. How soon, exactly, is that week from now? I have no idea how far away that is. I'd love to get feedback from the people who played it last season but I have no idea how to aggregate the people who actually have good any feedback

CEVO registration ends on Monday, November 23rd. The first week of matches will start on December 2nd. So, you'll have at least a month to work on things, possibly a bit longer.

posted about 10 years ago
#326 cp_sunshine (5CP) in Map Discussion

rc3 is in the works. Hit up this thread with anything and everything you think is bad/sucks ass/needs to be fixed. Big things, little things, you name it. Anything that'd make the map more enjoyable to play and things that might get in the way of learning the map.

Health placement is crucial to feedback right now. I'm currently trying to figure out the balance between where health should be put - I don't think I should move anything around without the consent and agreement of the community first, though.

Cheers, let's make this map even better.

Sunshine will be week 2 in CEVO. Should I push it to much later in the season to give you ample time to update it?

posted about 10 years ago
#48 CEVO s6 maps in Map Discussion
hookyI assume the poll's closing after the cast? Keeping Granary is currently at 56%.

I was looking for the Granary range to be around 55%-60%, so it looks like we are gonna keep Granary.

• An additional CEVO-P map needs to be added, so I'll add the latest version of cp_logjam (which hyce will be releasing shortly) for CEVO-P because it had the most votes.

• Because Yukon was also close, I'll put Yukon as a preseason map. There's been a lot of discussion over it recently, so I think this will let people really see if they want it for next season.

• Instead of putting up Warmfront so we have two formerly played maps, I'll put in cp_glassworks_rc2 as the other preseason map, as there have been a lot of buzz about that map and how well it might work in 6v6.

posted about 10 years ago
#45 CEVO s6 maps in Map Discussion
JackyLegsdidn't you mention glassworks fragile? how come that map didn't make the poll?TheFragileLucrative also mentioned cp_glassworks_rc2, which looks pretty cool with rc2 coming from b4nny's input.

I looked at the map a little more, then asked the creator of the map (Crash) about his opinions on it being a 6v6 map. Crash basically told me that it's geared towards being more of a highlander/pub map, especially with a lot of the testing. He did mention that there's been a little bit of 6v6 play, though. With that in mind, I didn't want to put it in the poll and risk it being a very unfit map for 6v6 without a ton of knowledge of it definitely being 6v6 worthy.

I think I might throw it in as a preseason map, just to see the flow of 6v6 on it and to gather community input about it.

posted about 10 years ago
#43 CEVO s6 maps in Map Discussion
HyceI'm kind of tickled that someone actually voted for intermodal.

I'll have b11 of logjam done soon- very soon if it get's picked- and I'd rather that be the map for the season rather than b10. B10 has some issues at last from what I'm hearing in ETF2L and I'd like to fix them first.

That's cool. I'll keep in touch with you if logjam wins.

I'll promote the poll during the cast tonight, so we'll get a nice flow of votes before it ends.

posted about 10 years ago
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