Account Details
SteamID64 76561198077795706
SteamID3 [U:1:117529978]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:58764989
Country United States
Signed Up July 16, 2016
Last Posted December 12, 2024 at 2:15 PM
Posts 695 (0.2 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Zowie FK2+
Keyboard some tenkeyless with brown switches
Mousepad really wide one
Headphones some hyper x cloud one
Monitor super cheap acer 144hz (it flashes at me sometimes
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#19 a call for tf2 storytellers in TF2 General Discussion

Was planning on doing a longer video documenting everything relating to starting with geel's poorly received advertisements for the site on 4chan and the classic footrest incident shenanigans and going all the way through the semi-recent joking allegations leading to actual victims coming out against the pedo grooming echochamber the staff had actually been doing as well as the lackluster damage control afterwards. Been putting it off because it was always a funny topic to me, but the recent developments have warranted a much more serious tone and I think I have to reconsider my entire approach to the subject.

posted 1 month ago
#17 american election in Off Topic

RFK will take away my precious seed oils NOooooo NONONO

posted 2 months ago
#11 Invite filled with Chuds in News

posted 4 months ago
#27 felon and his cronies are still out there in TF2 General Discussion

troll feeding in 2024 is crazy

posted 5 months ago
#8 Can we ban the loch n load yet. in TF2 General Discussion

this is interesting because i feel like its been allowed for a long time and people didnt realize how busted it was until recently

posted 5 months ago
#66 worst usernames? in Off Topic

my little sister's username used to be DogCream because she thought it was funny and it made others uncomfortable. weird kid.

posted 5 months ago
#21 Trying to prove to RGL that I'm not an alt account in TF2 General Discussion

is he even good enough for an alt to be sandbagging

posted 5 months ago
#21 Considering a New Pug Site. in TF2 General Discussion

i like mumble a lot more than discord, but a lot of newer players have never heard of mumble and discord is just a lot more commonly used nowadays so i would have to opt for that

posted 5 months ago
#134 TF Competitive 6v6 Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion
TynnyriSeinfeldheavy can be played by an armless toddler
I'll focus on the main part of your reply: You are defending the current arbitrarily constructed meta by pointing out that it has not been constructed arbitrarily at all: Instead, it is intended to maximise skill expression. That is a very interesting idea.

Skill expression in 6v6

I do agree that TF2 classes do not have balanced skill expression: Classes like Demoman, Pyro, Soldier, Scout, and Spy all have deep and unique skill expression in their weapons and movement, while classes like Medic, Heavy, Sniper and Engineer do not have much else than the ability to shoot and basic movement. (Medic and Engineer both even have a form of autoaim)

So then, why would there be an exception for Medic? Medic is the most important class in the game, but far from the most skill expressive. Without medics, lot of stalemates would never even happen. After all, you are less punished from taking damage when you have a medic in your team. Wouldn't that be a source of negative skill expression? Medic makes the game easier, and patches your mistakes.

But that leaves us back in a circle: Even when looked at the lens of skill expression, the ruleset is still arbitrary and seems to exist just to enforce the current meta, even at the cost of some skill expression

Weaknesses as skill expression

You also mentioned that Pyro has weaknesses that Soldier doesn't have, and therefore it makes no sense to switch to Pyro. And that's a perfect explanation for why 6v6 games tend to slow down: As you said, the current arbitrarily chosen meta (2 scouts, 2 soldiers) revolves around the fact that Soldier and Scout have very few weaknesses to exploit.

6v6 has an unique issue of the game slowing the down upon the slightest change. But in retrospect, that might make perfect sense: Allowing 2 extra strong classes with few exploitable weaknesses decreases the importance of individual mistakes across the board: Punishing Soldier's mistakes when he can easily reposition himself is harder compared to punishing Pyro's or Heavy's mistakes, when they can't. Your explanation of weaknesses gives an eloquent explanation to the source of stalemates, giving light to how stalemates might be solved: By weakening team compositions.

Your response has been very enlightening. Class' exploitable weaknesses are a great way to enforce skill expression. Kind of like Highlander, Spy: The weakest class - But that's what makes a good spy player so important, to be able to turn a low kill count into something more.

are you an ai trained off of r/tf2 posts

posted 5 months ago
#32 The Final Thread / 05/01/24 in TF2 General Discussion

we were the schizos all along and brock saw the truth......

posted 8 months ago
#20 I think it’s time for a new league in TF2 General Discussion

i think the goal should be working towards making bans completely unnecessary. good enough anti-cheat and word/name filters would mean we could just unban everyone and have as many competitors as possible. disagree with the political views of your opponent? drop their med.

posted 8 months ago
#10 a new rule for all tf2 servers in TF2 General Discussion

isnt toxic like when something is r really poisonius

can that type of thing relly happen ina videogame chat!?

posted 10 months ago
#4 Best chicken wing recipe in Off Topic

salt and vinegar wings are the best in my opinion, but almost nowhere ive been has them. tried a few recipes online and altered it until i was happy with the result. cant share the recipe though as its kind of a personal vibe yknow? like i make these for my close friends and family.

posted 11 months ago
#27 post good video essays in Off Topic

i think the first video essays i saw were from kaptain kristan. liked his style and i genuinely enjoy the growing popularity of video essays in general.

posted about a year ago
#5 Banned from RGL for being an "Alternate Account" in TF2 General Discussion

I think banning people for cheating should be a higher priority than banning players for smurfing tbh

posted about a year ago
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