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Signed Up March 23, 2013
Last Posted December 6, 2022 at 3:04 AM
Posts 87 (0 per day)
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#14 guitar solos in Off Topic

My favorite would definitely be: Bent Knee - Styrofoam Heart

Honorable Mentions: The Dear Hunter - Dear Ms. Leading Cornbread and Canada - The Final Cut The Mars Volta - Goliath

posted about 7 years ago
#61 More "casual" things/gamemodes you enjoy in TF2? in TF2 General Discussion

Skial 24/7 Badwater LA is my home.

Other than that, shotgun only Heavy in casual mode is stupid fun.

posted about 7 years ago
#12 favourite music video in Music, Movies, TV

Goliath by The Mars Volta

Show Content
My serious answer is Land Animal by Bent Knee
posted about 7 years ago
#10 Songs that have sentimental value to you in Off Topic
  • My Old School by Steely Dan
    Three years ago I went through a massive classic rock phase, and Steely Dan easily became my favorite band from that era (and still are). But, also around that time, I got into my first relationship. For some reason I was listening to this song on repeat around the time me and my first girlfriend started dating, and now whenever I hear it I get immediately transported back to that summer.

  • The Telling Truth by Coheed and Cambria
    When the relationship with my first girlfriend fell apart (we broke up exactly 3 years ago today coincidentally) I was extremely angry and depressed. I got backstabbed by someone who I thought was my friend and felt utterly lost. Coheed had been my favorite band for a while now, but I never really had gotten into this album. But, around this time I got my licence and started driving, which became an escape and I would wander around listening to music. My car is old as fuck, so it can only play CDs, so naturally I wanted to own all of Coheed's discog on CD to play. One day I put GA1 in, and it never left my stereo for like 6 months. Being so incredibly angry, this song really spoke to me, but it also inspired me to play guitar much more seriously than I had been. I learned the song with a couple friends of mine and it became the first song I ever learned all the way through. This drive to learn music has since led me to pursuing a career in music composition, and I plan to go to some music school after getting my AA next year.

  • Freak Machine by Ben Levin Group
    I found this song last year when I was feeling really alone and lost in the world. A lot of my friends were going through a bunch of shit, and I felt even more powerless because I couldn't help them. That's basically what this song is about, the feeling of isolation and loneliness; longing for some sort of human connection. It was also my introduction to Ben Levin and his music.

  • Dead Horse by Bent Knee
    Around late May of this year I started dating my aforementioned ex again. It was great, the three years apart were really good to the both of us. Unfortunately, circumstances would have it that we weren't meant to date at the time. I remember dropping her off at her house after realizing that this great relationship wasn't going to work out and this song came on. I played it on repeat the entire way home, and it still pains me whenever I listen to it.

  • Look Away by The Dear Hunter
    When me and my ex had to go our separate ways, this song really stood out to me and I started playing it on repeat as I left her house. The message of "no matter how hard life sucks I can pick myself back up" was, and still is my mindset moving forward from that relationship. Also, in mid July I went to a musician's summer camp hosted by this band, and it was honestly the most magical experience of my entire life. After a month of dealing with the breakup camp was the first time I felt like myself again, and one of the best friends I made there bonded with me for our love of this song. Basically it just reminds me that shit's gonna be okay :)
posted about 7 years ago
#7 funniest video you have ever seen in Off Topic

The video itself is hilarious, but what's even more funny to me is the fact that this guy has 200+ videos of this. Like what the actual fuck

posted about 7 years ago
#15 Top 3 favorite cartoons in Music, Movies, TV

Steven Universe, BoJack Horseman, and Gravity Falls

posted about 7 years ago
#1608 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV
murkscribeIt sounds like the roaring twenties and fast and like a car scene chase in a movie.

The thing I always really liked about J and K pop is their extensive use of jazz progressions, and this song is no exception. Even if it is just a perpetual I vi ii V

I've been really into this band Bent Knee for 10 months now. I just saw them live for the first time last night and holy shit what a performance. Here's the track that really got me hooked into them:

posted about 7 years ago
#8 irrational fears in Off Topic

Fucking slugs. Just the name sends shivers down my spine. Every time I'm walking around outside and one of these motherfuckers is just on the ground I freeze in fear. No idea why.

I remember this one time in the 5th grade we took a field trip to this reserve called Tiger Mountain and there was this bridge we had to cross on the trail we were taking. The thing is, it was absolutely covered in slugs. I refused to cross it myself and almost started crying. Long story short one of the chaperones literally carried me across lmao.

posted about 7 years ago
#12 album recommendation thread in Music, Movies, TV

Shiny Eyed Babies - Bent Knee (Alt/Experimental Rock)

I've been a fan of the guitarist of the band (Ben Levin) for a while now, but only recently listened to this album. I immediately fell in love with how creative and inventive the band is, they're really unpredictable, and I feel they're one of the few that can pull it off.

Acts I-V - The Dear Hunter (Mix of Prog and Alternative Rock)

This is a 5 album overarching concept about a boy and how his life went to shit by his own hands that takes place around 1900. All of them are incredible. I like 2 the most; but I think as an album, 5 is the best. These records really grow on you the more you listen because they all reference each other with motifs and lyrics and its really fucking cool how well its done.

Supersonic Home - Adventures (Punk/Grunge/idk)

I have no idea how I found this band, or why I like them. I think it might be the female vocals, but who knows. Check them out!

posted about 7 years ago
#33 Game Giveaway in Off Topic

Plants vs Zombies if you still have it :D

posted about 7 years ago
#7 Lf threads in TF2 General Discussion

never forget

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Rewind Open Bracket in TF2 General Discussion

Fucking ninjad by 18 seconds

posted about 8 years ago
#5 Rewind Open Bracket in TF2 General Discussion

Legalize Ranch: bo4r, Ondkaja, Bear, Shiki, Saam, and Marmaloo(?)

The other finals team was: Glider, Xattuu, Blues, Rikachu, Weeble, and some guy named weedmaps420

It's a shame the Open finals weren't casted (at least I don't think they were). The series was a really close 3-2 in favor of Legalize Ranch

posted about 8 years ago
#18 Rewind Snapchats in LAN Discussion


posted about 8 years ago
#5 jerry lft open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Attempted to add, but your friends list is full. Add me back if you're still looking for a team.

posted about 8 years ago
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