Shiny Eyed Babies - Bent Knee (Alt/Experimental Rock)
I've been a fan of the guitarist of the band (Ben Levin) for a while now, but only recently listened to this album. I immediately fell in love with how creative and inventive the band is, they're really unpredictable, and I feel they're one of the few that can pull it off.
Acts I-V - The Dear Hunter (Mix of Prog and Alternative Rock)
This is a 5 album overarching concept about a boy and how his life went to shit by his own hands that takes place around 1900. All of them are incredible. I like 2 the most; but I think as an album, 5 is the best. These records really grow on you the more you listen because they all reference each other with motifs and lyrics and its really fucking cool how well its done.
Supersonic Home - Adventures (Punk/Grunge/idk)
I have no idea how I found this band, or why I like them. I think it might be the female vocals, but who knows. Check them out!