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Country Tonga
Signed Up April 19, 2014
Last Posted November 10, 2024 at 5:11 PM
Posts 1566 (0.4 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ⋅⋅ 104
#6 German Thread in Off Topic

posted about 4 years ago
#8 Turkish Thread in Off Topic
StylaxDoner meat and chips please mate.

what sauce?

posted about 4 years ago
#20 Generally not well known films.... in Music, Movies, TV

lots of good movies in your posts already. I would add :
Nightcrawler (2014) : a loner becomes a crime scene cameraman for shock tv news
Moon : 2009 : a dude alone on a mining moon base learns about who he is
Event Horizon (1997): warhammer 40k prequel
Network (1976) : an old out of fashion tv host learns he's fired and goes nuts live on air

Also I noticed some of you were fond of french movies. If that is the case then watch the classics from the 60s:
Fantomas : 3 action/comedic movies making fun of james bond
Les tontons flingueurs : a comedy about french organised crime : it is almost mandatory to speak french to appreciate the dialogue
Les barbouzes : a comedy about cold war era spies fighting over some military IP held by the widow of a deceased rich man : it is almost mandatory to speak french to appreciate the dialogue
La folie des grandeurs : a comedy adapted from the theater piece ruy blas

posted about 4 years ago
#46 Team Comtress 2 in Projects

at this point you should gang up with all the other tf2 community members and make your own game if u gonna do valves job but better

posted about 4 years ago
#9 Thank you to the community! in TF2 General Discussion

Hello, do you mind sharing why you leave?

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also no one quits tf2 =)
posted about 4 years ago
#26 dnb fellas get in here in Music, Movies, TV

posted about 4 years ago
#53 RGL updates match fixing rules after Div-2 incident in News
ether_Twiggywhy else would one not use the correct pronoun? that's the way i read it at least, not like the sentence made much sense in the first place.either u havent been around the community long enough or uve been lucky and stayed in a nice bubble

I've heard some nasty shit as everyone else but never heard someone call a trans "it"

posted about 4 years ago
#12 dnb fellas get in here in Music, Movies, TV

More into jungle than "modern" dnb but still

the whole yt channel is good

Bomberman OST reminds me of ape escape :

posted about 4 years ago
#48 RGL updates match fixing rules after Div-2 incident in News
GritomaTwiggya former friend

well yeah we were teammates a couple years back when he was still in europe but he deleted me on steam several months ago for some reason. you know how it goes, when teammates aren't stuck together to play or hit off really well to become close friends this is not the kind of relationship that lasts too long.
he was like 16 by that time, I remember him as a very good medic, not raging, good comms, focused. He liked to play the obnoxious kid in chat and between games and some teammates were annoyed, but i dont recall hearing him say insulting shit about teammates or opponents (not unlike all the euros spamming the n word in voice chat nowadays) despite being obnoxious in chat. I guess he has not grown up yet despite paying to play the league lol

posted about 4 years ago
#39 RGL updates match fixing rules after Div-2 incident in News

well excuse me if I do not assume every message I read to be malicious, especially coming from a former friend.

posted about 4 years ago
#35 RGL updates match fixing rules after Div-2 incident in News
closest that i saw in the post, would be good to have a more nailed down idea of it in the rules, although it's obviously a degree of case-by-case discretion

the problem with that is that a smart cheater can easily make a deliberate match fix look like a genuine loss, and cbc can make the admins look really bad if there is no obvious evidence to show (look he used uber after purposefully dropping 2 players! look this mid strat is shit and they keep doing it!)

lolguy_TwiggySeekreally cool of you to refer to someone as "it", dannyhe's not a native english speaker, he means "the team". Not cool to bash someone's origins for arent being serious right

why else would one not use the correct pronoun? that's the way i read it at least, not like the sentence made much sense in the first place.

posted about 4 years ago
#28 RGL updates match fixing rules after Div-2 incident in News
Seekreally cool of you to refer to someone as "it", danny

he's not a native english speaker, he means "the team". Not cool to bash someone's origins for upfrags.

dishsoapwhy tf we even allowing this dumbfuck to speak

you clearly do not understand the concept of forums, and call for censorship, nice

kudos to RGL to try and keep a clean league. However the following points are things that I think could be improved :

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RGL rulesThe RGL team considers match-fixing to be more severe than a match throwing incident, as match-fixing is a deliberate act to improperly affect the standings of the teams in a division. So a normal match throwing offense is to throw a match that is inconsequential for who makes playoffs? You do not define the term anywhere afaik.
RGL rulesThis would allow the division administrators to carefully watch the POVs of the players to only penalize the players that took a hand in throwing and violating the [1008.13] - Match Throwing / League Fixing guidelinesSo by only watching the stv you think you can determine who threw? is it not a team decision? How can you judge without any comms? What about a player that tells his teammates to feed? All the things you put in §[1008.13] are easily abuseable and can be worked around by people a bit smarter than those guys.
RGL rulesPurposefully not trying, such as, off-classing to suboptimal team compositions in terms of skill or game situation or suboptimal ringers who are below the division’s team skill level. so, if you do not have friends at your level to ring for you, it's an offense? sounds harsh, maybe the ringer system in RGL is different than the way we do it in etf2l.
if I were to make a team to play thief's style, would I be considered to be throwing all my matches?
RGL reportA summary of the evidence include:
Intentional feeding by players
Intentionally wasting ubers
how do you draw the line between "intentional feeding" and people being bad at the game? I assume that the evidence in this match is VERY obvious but once again this is easily abuseable.

tldr be careful with the wording of your rules to avoid easy abuse or too much "admin discretion". All the evidence you claim to gather is quite soft and not as tangible as what is usually accepted as "proof" (for exemple :
posted about 4 years ago
#248 Formula 1 Megathread in Off Topic

too bad for hulkenberg he reported vibrations

posted about 4 years ago
#31 Who would you clone 5 times to make a team? in TF2 General Discussion

harbleu, or shade for the lols

posted about 4 years ago
#234 Formula 1 Megathread in Off Topic
blankkThis is all part of Lawrence Stroll's master plan to ensure Lance beats Perez this season and so he looks like he is making the correct choice to keep his son in the team.

tbf i am not so sure anymore perez is that much better than stroll. sure he's a spoiled rich kid, but like all the others. He's shown decent improvements lately.

posted about 4 years ago
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